June QST out

HENRYPOL at aol.com HENRYPOL at aol.com
Mon May 13 15:03:39 EDT 1996

Front cover photo of AA9D's June 95 QSO Party antennas at sunset.  Some
details and more photos inside in Up Front In QST.

On to the CONTESTING-related items: Another letter about Too Many Contests in
Correspondence; Transfer Relays - Overlooked Bargains; Review of the Azden
HS-03 Headset; Hints & Kinks - step start for the SB1000 amp, and FT1000D
better filter switching, extra switches, & stereo audio options; Technical
Correspondence - poor mans DVR; and Results of 96 ARRL January VHF

Other interesting items: North Country (AK) Island-Hopping (IOTA); The Radio
Sky - how much sky noise to expect at your station; Electrical Safety Basics;
A Surface-Mount Amplifier (audio); Low-Power Transceiver Kits You Can Build;
Simple LED SWR/Power Meter; Accessing the FCC Amateur Database via Internet;
Mailbox Matching Box; Review of Ten Tec's 6 Meter Transverter Kit and RF
Applications P-1500 Digital RF Power/VSWR indicator; Lab Notes -
troubleshooting electrical noise; and more....

This is the last week of my daily treks to the PO box.  I will be moving my
office to another location about 20 miles from the downtown Raleigh area.
 Have not yet decided whether to change PO boxes or just make less frequent
trips to the downtown area.  Thus, future posting may not as timely as they
were before the move.

73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at aol.com

>From jlgiasi at umassmed.ummed.edu (JL Luigi Giasi)  Mon May 13 19:15:26 1996
From: jlgiasi at umassmed.ummed.edu (JL Luigi Giasi) (JL Luigi Giasi)
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 14:15:26 -0400
Subject: Dayton Stouffers Roomate Needed
Message-ID: <199605131815.OAA05100 at ummed.edu>

	Due to a change of plans, my roomate is not going to Dayton.
I would really rather not pay the "discount" Stouffers price solo. Therefore,
I am looking for a roomate or two. I have requested a "low floor" so as not 
to have to wait for the elevator (those on 1 and 2 can wander from the 
contesting super-suite, pizza eating, contest dinner easily)

	This is for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. May 16,17,18, 1996

	Drop me a line if you are interested. If you know someone who 
is looking drop me a line too.

-Luigi, AA1AA
John L. Luigi Giasi, AA1AA                                 John.Giasi at ummed.edu
System Programmer/Administrator                                 aa1aa at ummed.edu
Information Resources Division        
Univ. of Mass. Medical Center				         (508) 856-UNIX
Worcester, MA 01655                                         FAX: (508) 856-2440
   "Canter & Seigel have wasted more human and computer resources than rtm."

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