
PEMS_ST_DK at noeca.ohio.gov PEMS_ST_DK at noeca.ohio.gov
Tue May 28 10:24:53 EDT 1996

I think we need a little perspective here.  I am not rich but choose to 
spend discretionary money on amateur equipment.  I could own a boat (I
live on Lake Erie-the perch and Walleye capital of the world) but it would
cost thousands more plus the upkeep alone is around 1K per year plus storage
and insurance and GAS. I could be a sailor-nuff said.  I could race cars
or snowmobiles or-you get the picture. 
So, I buy a radio for 3000 and use it 5 years at a yearly investment of $600
. I spend more per year on other 'junk'. My last radio-an 830- has lasted
since 1981 with no down time and much contest use. It still has the original
finals. Let's see, 850 in 1981 dollars divided by-never mind!

Yes, they all have bells and whistles because it is easy with the micro
processing available today. Look at cars, computers, VCRs (now THERE is a waste)
I like my bells and whistles even if I dont use them all. I like my hobby and
think that I'm worth spending all that money on! (Luckily my wife agrees!)

And as for quality-my FT1000mp does have good audio and is the most quiet
receiver I have ever heard and -YES, it is the best radio ever in the whole
wide world. (Well, ok, I still listen on the HQ-170 when I fire up the 

Contest, contest, contest-look for me in ARRL vhf, IARU ,SS, 160 tests
using all my overpriced but functional radios because it's my hobby!

Have a nice day

>From jrmoore at jaxnet.com (John R. Moore)  Tue May 28 14:28:54 1996
From: jrmoore at jaxnet.com (John R. Moore) (John R. Moore)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:28:54 -0400
Subject: What country is 1E6???
References: <Pine.A32.3.93.960528001640.22684A-100000 at kauha.kauhajoki.fi>
Message-ID: <31AAFF96.5119 at pop.jaxnet.com>

Harri M. Mantila OH6YF-OH0MYF wrote:
> Hello!
> I worked 1E6-station in the CQ WPX Contest, but what is his DXCC country?
> 73's de Harry OH6YF-OH0MYF
> Contest is...
> hmantila at kauhajoki.fi
> http://www.teuva.fi/yritykset/mantila/oh6yf.html

I was wondering the same thing Where is 1E6KYA I copied him twice once on 15 and once on 20
John W5HUQ

>From k4pql at nando.net (k4pql)  Tue May 28 14:54:01 1996
From: k4pql at nando.net (k4pql) (k4pql)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:54:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Master.dta
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960528094721.24460A-100000 at bessel.nando.net>

regretably, there are two conficting forces:

1) It is only logical to have a central collection point

2) Yeah, but I want the data for CW/SSB only or high band/low
   band only.

Since I already have the software in place, I could handle
the CW end of master- but I do not track SSB calls.

I'd like to get K2MM's thoughts on this, but k2mm at maspar.com
email bounces ???

73, K4PQL

>From fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher)  Tue May 28 14:58:02 1996
From: fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com (Tony Brock-Fisher) (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 09:58:02 -0400
Subject: 40-2CD model
Message-ID: <9605281358.AA26474 at hp-and2.an.hp.com>

Anybody have an antenna modelling file for a 40-2CD?

-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com

>From ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer)  Tue May 28 16:31:42 1996
From: ac1o at gate.net (Walter Deemer) (Walter Deemer)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 11:31:42 -0400
Subject: Some Good News From The WPX Contest
Message-ID: <199605281531.LAA54524 at osceola.gate.net>

In case you did not take part in last weekend's WPX contest, I would like to
report what, in my humble opinion, is some VERY encouraging news.

I heard no less than five Cuban stations active in the contest, and managed
to make at least one Cuban contact on every band from 80 through 15.  (And
these were real contest QSO's, not "manufactured" ones.)

This is much more contest activity from Cuba than I have heard for a long,
long time, and I certainly hope it is a sign that Cuban stations may be much
more active in contests in the future than they have been recently.  (I also
hope it may indicate that more than amateur radio activity is on the upswing
there as well.)

(And, no; this is in no way a comment, pro or con, on the political and/or
human rights situation in Cuba or anywhere else.  Back in the days of the
Cold War, there was a saying that "Amateur Radio Is International
Friendship", and I very strongly believe that people-to-communications --
like the ones in amateur radio contests -- have gone, and will continue to
go, a long way towards making this tired old planet of ours a better, more
peaceful one on which to live...)

73, Walt, AC1O

>From PITMANZ at westel900.hu (PITMANZ.W9)  Tue May 28 17:35:43 1996
From: PITMANZ at westel900.hu (PITMANZ.W9) (PITMANZ.W9)
Date: 28 May 96 18:35:43 +0200
Subject: Missing menue items on FT1000MP
Message-ID: <9605281636.AA07650 at iroda1.westel900.hu>

Hi friends, 
Just finished reading through all the papers, service manual materials and the 
testing the functions on my 1000MP. 
However, I couldn't find the "Bug" keying mode under the "keyer mode" menue 
item. (Only Iambic1 and Iambic2 modes offered.) Is there something 
misconfigured here or is it a software fault? 
Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks and 73s de Zoli HA1AG 

	HACWG # 17	HSC # 1512	VHSC # 295 

>From rissanen at ntcsal01da.ntc.nokia.com (Rissanen Olli)  Tue May 28 23:26:00 1996
From: rissanen at ntcsal01da.ntc.nokia.com (Rissanen Olli) (Rissanen Olli)
Date: Tue, 28 May 96 15:26:00 PDT
Subject: QSL info for 8R30K CQ WPX CW 1996
Message-ID: <31AB57A3 at ntcsal01da.ntc.nokia.com>

Hi guys,

thank you for the QSOs with 8R30K, we had great fun!  8R30K QSLs via:

Olli Rissanen, OH0XX
Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, U.S.A.



Attached you will find the CQ WPX CW summary of 8R30K

[[ 8R30K.SUM : 4431 in 8R30K.SUM ]]

           CQ WPX CW 1996 SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-May-96, 26-May-96

    Callsign Used : 8R30K
           Country: Guyana, South America
         Operators: Raj 8R1RPN, Marko OH6DO, Olli OH0XX

             Name : Olli Rissanen
          Address : Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail
   City/State/Zip : Deerfield Beach, FL33442
          Country : U.S.A.

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   80CW        4           4         12        3 
   40CW     1304        1274       7576      469 
   20CW     1418        1404       4178      219 
   15CW      949         938       2762      146 
   10CW       63          63        187        3 

 Totals     3738        3683      14715      840 

    Final Score = 12.360.600 points.

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter 
 within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules 
 and regulations of the contest.

 Date: May 27, 1996  Signed: Olli Rissanen, OH0XX  Call: 8R30K

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