WU1F / TACO address change

WU1F at aol.com WU1F at aol.com
Tue May 28 20:20:44 EDT 1996

Leaving AOL for TIAC ......

Please find me at     jmagid at tiac.net 

CU Later 

>From gdanaher at tenet.edu (Gary M Danaher)  Wed May 29 00:33:36 1996
From: gdanaher at tenet.edu (Gary M Danaher) (Gary M Danaher)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 18:33:36 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: What country is 1E6???
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.960528183253.16885B-100000 at beall.tenet.edu>

Could it be JN6?

On Tue, 28 May 1996, John R. Moore wrote:

> Harri M. Mantila OH6YF-OH0MYF wrote:
> > 
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I worked 1E6-station in the CQ WPX Contest, but what is his DXCC country?
> > 
> > 73's de Harry OH6YF-OH0MYF
> > Contest is...
> > hmantila at kauhajoki.fi
> > http://www.teuva.fi/yritykset/mantila/oh6yf.html
> I was wondering the same thing Where is 1E6KYA I copied him twice once on 15 and once on 20
> .
> John W5HUQ

>From AD1C at tiac.net (Jim Reisert AD1C)  Wed May 29 01:24:48 1996
From: AD1C at tiac.net (Jim Reisert AD1C) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Tue, 28 May 96 20:24:48 -0400
Subject: CT country prefixes in WPX 96 CW
Message-ID: <199605290034.UAA17421 at mailserver2.tiac.net>

Just a few things I know about...

1.  KC6 calls stopped working in CT 9.27.  They *all* count as Palau.  I
think they were OK before that.  I left a message for K1EA.  I have heard
that KC6X was on, just type KC6X=K into your callsign field in CT and you
should be all set.

2.  MX0ADJ is properly recognized by CT 9.27 as England.  Those "M"
prefixes have been in CT for a year or two.  If you are still having
problems, please contact me directly.

3.  I saw a spot for R3F/9 - was that a good callsign?  You need to add
this call to the country file if you want it to count for Asia.

4.  I saw a spot for TO2T - was that station really on, and what was the
QTH (no speculation, please).

5.  I know about VK9GA being Christmas I.

Anything I missed?  I'll put out an update next week with any needed

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C at tiac.net>                    http://www.tiac.net/users/ad1c/

>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Wed May 29 01:30:52 1996
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 17:30:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: testing Q&A
Message-ID: <199605290030.RAA25075 at desiree.teleport.com>

>In a message dated 96-05-25 17:24:16 EDT, you write:
>>Gee...when I took my GENERAL (1966) and ADVANCED test exams, I used the ARRL
>>license manual which had ALL THE QUESTIONS and ALL THE ANSWERS.  Hmmmm.....
>>de Doug  KR2Q at worldnet.att.net
>In 1966 the study guides contained the general overview of the questions, and
>a complete technical explaination of the answer. There is a large difference
>between that and having actual Q's and A's published.
>If I'm not mistaken, you also copied one minute solid out of five, and had to
>pass a sending test.
>Now even the CW test is multiple guess.
>This says nothing about the exemptions given by doctors for CW, and help
>given by instructors. We are either becoming a pretty unhealthy society, or
>people are cheating and lying to get out of the CW exam. Look at the nuber of
>exemptions then and now!
>73 Tom

I think a little review of history will show that the reason the ARRL
changed to the type of question pool we have now which shows actual
questions and answers is that the historic "Bash Books" forced the issue.  A
KL7 named Dick Bash wrote a series of books (one for each class of license)
call the "Final Exam" in which he asked people who took tests to remember
just one question and the answers for it from they tests they took.  He
eventually had the exact wording of every question and all the multiple
choice answers for virtually every question the FCC used.  His reasoning was
that the FAA published a Q & A  book for private pilots that gave actual
questions and answers so why isn't this system good enough for the FCC?
There is a major difference, of course, and that is that to get a private
pilot's license you actually have to demonstrate that you can fly a plane.
There is at least 8 hours of one-on-one time with an instructor during which
time he simulates emergencies and asks you to prove you can navigate and
recover from stalls.  It might be a very different world on our bands if
each new ham had to spend at least 8 hours under the close supervision of a
qualified instructor operating a working station.  If the instructor did not
think the would-be ham was using good sense, he would not allow him to take
the final test and become licensed.

If the license tests are too simple, I believe the answer is in expanding
the question pool so you have to do a LOT more memorizing, expanding the
number of questions on the test, raising the number of correct answers
required for a passing grade, and making correct answers to certain key
questions mandatory for a passing grade.

Stan w7ni at teleport.com

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