Some advice?

K3BU at K3BU at
Sat Nov 9 13:40:29 EST 1996

Re: selecting laptop for contesting.
I use IBM Thinkpad 500, it's not the latest thing, but has some advantages
important for contesting: it's small for portable/expedition operation, has
monochrome LCD screen that you CAN SEE in the daylight (most get washed out),
excellent RF shielding, 486 - 50MHz, RAM 4Mb up to 12 Mb, HD 180 Mb, PCMCIA
slot,  excellent reliability, small enough to fit next to rig. I run win 3.1,
TR log and GEOWIN for grey line, love it. It could use another serial port
(has 1 COM1 and LPT 1), just getting to configure it for running two rigs. 
73, Yuri K3BU, VE3BMV, P40A

>From 0006509309 at (Wayne Mills)  Sat Nov  9 18:56:00 1996
From: 0006509309 at (Wayne Mills) (Wayne Mills)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 96 13:56 EST
Subject: oh-oh an OO!
Message-ID: <74961109185647/0006509309DC6EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Hi Guys,

In discussing the bandwidth occupied by a single sideband signal, several
people have mentioned the single sideband generator filter bandwidth as
though it is selectable.  Perhaps I have misread this, and if so, please go
on to the next message.  It is possible to change the type of filter(s) used
in the sideband generator, but I think it may be a misconception to think
that the filter used for transmitting is the same one which has been
selected for receiving.  I am not sure I would want to use a 1.8 kHz filter
to generate SSB while using a Heil #4 mic element.

In looking at the FT1000D block diagram, for example, I see (maybe) two
filters that are used in the transmit chain *and* the receive chain.  It
doesn't appear that these are the selectable filters.  The selectable
filters appear to be used only on receive.  Before you assume that your RF
bandwidth is determined by the filters you select for receiving, check the
configuration of your radio.  What is important in determining the transmit
bandwidth (aside from higher order distortion products) is the overall
bandwidth of the transmit filters.

73,  Wayne, N7NG
     n7ng at

>From aibes at (Alexsandr I. Bespalchik)  Sat Nov  9 19:50:09 1996
From: aibes at (Alexsandr I. Bespalchik) (Alexsandr I. Bespalchik)
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 96 22:50:09 +0300
Subject: Need QSL-info
Message-ID: <AA4PRQX0pst at>

 Hello OMs, I need QSL-info for A41LZ. Is anybody able to help me?
Tnx in advanse,- de Alex, UA4RO...                                                                                         

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