Incomplete Exchange

Zack Widup w9sz at
Tue Nov 19 00:01:51 EST 1996

  >If this is the law.  Then  I think all we will get out of the call part   
  >is the op saying the call as fast as possible, probably so fast that you   
  >could not understand it anyway.  What would be the point?  If either   
  >party fail to get the callsign correct the Q is no good anyway.
  >Sorry I missed you all in SS :(
  I can only recall one station omitting his call from the full exchange. 
  What was more common was a station sending to me "W9? 1234 B W6*** 72 SF" 
  (fictitious call). Then after I send his exchange all I get is a "QSL TU" 
  and I have no idea if he got my call correct. This happened maybe 10 
  times out of my measly 135 QSO's (I only had time to work the big guns 
  mostly; at least I had some fun!)
  See ya in CQWW.
  Zack W9SZ


>From k3est at (bob cox)  Tue Nov 19 06:36:29 1996
From: k3est at (bob cox) (bob cox)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:36:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: CQWW internet submission
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9611182247.A2675-0100000 at netcom20>

Dear Fellow Contesters, 
The CQWW committee has recently made arrangements with JZAP.COM to 
receive Internet e-mail logs.  If you haven't yet sent your 1996
SSB log via mail, consider sending it instead via e-mail. 
REQUIRED CONTENT.  Two files should be included in your message: 
1.  A plain-text ASCII summary sheet MUST be included. 
2.  Your log should be included in one of two ways:  An           
    encoded binary file is preferred, but plain-text ASCII is also 
    Acceptable binary formats include: 
-- If you used CT, we want yourcall.BIN 
-- If you used NA, we want yourcall.QDF 
-- We can read OH2BQS files. 
-- Data-base files differ greatly.  Some we can process, 
   some we cannot.  Try sending yourcall.DBF 

    Acceptable ASCII formats include: 
-- If you used TR, we want yourcall.DAT 
-- If you used CT, we will accept yourcall.ALL 
-- Other fixed-column ASCII formats are acceptable. 

    When in doubt about what we want, just send the ASCII summary 
    sheet PLUS whatever you have always submitted on disk before. 
If you send a binary file, it will have to be encoded for
transmission via e-mail.  All popular encoding schemes are
acceptable, including UUencode, Base64, and BinHex.  Many mail
programs will automatically encode a binary file using one of these
schemes if you "attach" the file to your message. 

If you must send the files in separate messages, be sure to put the
MODE and the station CALLSIGN in the Subject: line of each message.

When you send your log it should automatically be acknowledged by
the server.  If we eventually have trouble with reading your file,
we may ask you to send a disk. 
The purpose of delaying the Internet submission of logs until now
was work load and ability to check logs.  We did NOT want to
increase the work at all.  We now are to the point where we think
that nothing will be compromised in the log-checking procedure by
accepting Internet logs. 

We know that there will be unexpected problems, but we have to get
our feet wet sometime. 

A reminder for the SUMMARY sheet: 
1. Do not forget to list ops if mult-op. 
2. If you want your log to count for a club, please do not forget 
   to list your club. 
3. If you have some QRM that you wish to pass along, please do so. 
4. USA stations:  Do not forget to list your call as / if in      
   another call area than indicated by your call.  Example:       
5. USA stations: Please indicate your ZONE on coversheet universal
   exchange. Example:(for K3EST/6) All reports are 59(9)03 unless 
   otherwise indicated.

We hope this makes life easier, especially for non-W's. 

Submit CQWW SSB logs to <ssb at> 
Submit CQWW CW logs to <cw at> 
Bob, K3EST 
CQWW Director 

>From n4bp at (Bob Patten)  Tue Nov 19 07:26:54 1996
From: n4bp at (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 02:26:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Incomplete Exchange
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961119022215.19896B-100000 at hyper>

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Rich Hallman N7TR wrote:

> >  >There were a very few people "in" the contest who weren't repeating 
> >  >their call as part of the exchange.  But it was clear to me that they 
> >  >were neophytes and did not have decent scores going for themselves.
> >  
I worked many who did not give their calls as part of the exchange the 
majority (but not all) being neophytes.  I logged every one where I was 
sure of the call and made a quick comment: "The call is part of the 
exchange".  Whether it got the point across to any of them, I have no way 
of knowing, but seemed to be the best way to handle it...

Bob Patten, N4BP

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