CQWW CW DXpedition Summary?

KWIDELITZ at delphi.com KWIDELITZ at delphi.com
Wed Nov 20 01:32:27 EST 1996

Is anyone putting together a listing of DXpeditions for CQWW CW? There was
such a post before CQWW Phone and I was hoping to see one for CW.

73. Ken, K6LA - Ken Six Los Angeles, KWIDELITZ at DELPHI.COM

>From gsmith at michiana.org (Gary V. Smith)  Wed Nov 20 08:25:55 1996
From: gsmith at michiana.org (Gary V. Smith) (Gary V. Smith)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 03:25:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Too Early?
Message-ID: <199611200825.DAA05051 at freenet.michiana.org>

Is it too early to start talking about hints and tips for the ARRL January
VHF SS?  Or is VHF contesting even discussed here?  I've been lurking in
this reflector for about two months and have yet to see any reference to VHF
contesting.  I've participated in a few VHF contests in the last few years.
I placed fourth in CA in my first ever contest in '93.  Disappointing
results since then, but I want to keep developing my skills and techniques.
The last few contests I've run 2m & 6m FM and SSB and 70cm FM.  I do not
have a world-class station by any stretch of the imagination, but each
contest I improve it a little more.  What I need mostly to improve are my
operating techniques.

I've been disappointed with the participation level in VHF contests,
especially since I moved back to IN.  I thought CA was bad.  Anyway, I've
already started my game plan and tweaking and tuning the station.  Any
constructive input to my efforts?

Ttul, tnx es 73 de
Gary - KD6RXT   
South Bend, IN
gsmith at michiana.org
kd6rxt at juno.com

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