HC1OT cancelled (CQWW)

Laenger at rwth-aachen.de Laenger at rwth-aachen.de
Wed Nov 20 23:20:57 EST 1996

I had to cancel my  previously announced CQWW-activity from HC1OT's
QTH due to severe weather conditions (snow) here in the area which
made it impossible to get to Frankfurt airport neither by train nor
by car. Any other flights scheduled for later this week will arrive in
Quito too late. See you fm DL (?).
Bernd  DL1VJ   e-mail: laenger at rwth-aachen.de

>From dwood at cisco.com (Dean Wood)  Wed Nov 20 21:40:50 1996
From: dwood at cisco.com (Dean Wood) (Dean Wood)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 13:40:50 -0800
Subject: SS incidents
Message-ID: <32937AE2.69D8BD19 at cisco.com>

Luckily we didn't have any SSTV people jamming us, but
we did have someone try the classic trick of taking over
our run frequency.

We were on 20m at the time, and I was with the club's
YL contester while she was calling CQ.  She was doing
pretty well and some guy called us.  We didn't get the
guy's full callsign on the first try, so gave him a
partial and he then proceeded to give us his full
call and the exchange.  We then gave him our exchange.

He came back and said:
"Thanks, CQ contest CQ contest, callsign, contest."

But, this guy picked on the wrong YL!  She has been in
contests before, and immediately told him in a punishing tone:
"Frequency in use, thank you very much, CQ contest 
CQ contest, W6BHZ, contest."

The guy obviously got the message and left the frequency.
Meanwhile I just about died laughing.  Some people will
try anything to get a few more Qs in a contest.

-Dean - N6DE
Member, Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club - W6BHZ

>From adnixon at akorn.net (Dan Nixon)  Wed Nov 20 21:42:01 1996
From: adnixon at akorn.net (Dan Nixon) (Dan Nixon)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 16:42:01 -0500
Subject: AEA Going out of Business!
Message-ID: <32937B29.7F5B at akorn.net>

For those out there like myself who have AEA equipment, just tried to
call them and got a pre-recorded message that stated the business is up
for sale, they are going out of business. The message indicated to
contact the ARRL in about a month for updates as AEA would keep the ARRL
desk informed.

Dan, W4EA

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