Large Antenna Wind Loading

K7LXC at K7LXC at
Fri Nov 22 09:35:42 EST 1996

In a message dated 96-11-21 22:49:11 EST, you write:

>I have heard that someone has discovered how to WIND balance this antenna by
>adding plastic sheet to the boom at the appropriate spot.
>Does anyone know how to do this or have the needed information or any other
>ideas on how to solve this problem?
    The father of this technique is Dave Leeson, W6QHS, and it is discussed
in his excellent book, "Physical Design of Yagi Antennas".  The technique is
called "torque compensation" and is well covered in chapter 6 of his book.
 You basically add a dummy element of PVC to balance the wind load.

    BTW, a better place to ask a question like this is TowerTalk, the tower
and HF antenna reflector.  Send a message to towertalk-request at with
subscribe in the message and you'll get signed up.  Lots of interesting
questions and answers available there.

73,  Steve  K7LXC

    TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs

>From jallen at (John D. Allen)  Fri Nov 22 14:43:26 1996
From: jallen at (John D. Allen) (John D. Allen)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 09:43:26 -0500
Subject: Placing Tower Anchors in Sandy Soil
Message-ID: <199611221440.JAA30095 at>

A True story -  many years ago, a professional (CATV?) tower fell over .

The guy anchors were in sand.  The sand became saturated with
water, the concrete literally floated, and with high winds, the
concrete guy anchor moved enough for the tower to fall.

I don't have the details, but the above alledgedly happened.

On the other hand, there are a fair number of broadcast towers
on sand near ocean so there must be a solution.

John, K1AE

> I have been studying all of the Rohn recommendations for tower bases and
> anchors, but every drawing they provide has a caveat which says,
> essentially, that all bets are off if you don't have "normal" soil.  They do
> provide a definition of "normal":  "'Normal' soil is a cohesive type soil
> with a horizontal bearing capacity of 400 pounds per square foot per lineal
> foot of depth.  Rock, non-cohesive soils, or saturated or submerged soils
> are not to be considered as normal."  Nowhere, though, can I find a clue
> what to do if your soil is not "normal".
> My soil, as you can guess, is not normal.  It's sand.  To be more accurate,
> it's a mixture of sand and ground up coral with a lot of coral rocks 4"-8"
> mixed in with it.  More than that, I'll be putting one anchor only about 90'
> from the water line, and during a major storm I have no doubt that this
> point will become "submerged".  Looking at the Rohn diagrams, it looks like
> a hunk of concrete 3'w x 4'l x 1'd, buried 3' in the ground, is all that
> they recommend for anchoring my 80' of Rohn 45 in "normal" soil.  Clearly I
> will need a lot more than that to put up my beachfront tower, but how much?
> Does anybody here have experience, preferably successful experience, in
> anchoring towers in sandy soil?
> Bruce, N6NT/ZF8BS

John D. Allen, jallen at

>From iadiahfd at (Larry Lindblom)  Fri Nov 22 14:42:27 1996
From: iadiahfd at (Larry Lindblom) (Larry Lindblom)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 08:42:27 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Telenet Packet Cluster Access
Message-ID: <199611221442.IAA32077 at>

In response to prefious posts, for a nice summmary Telenet access to DX
packet clusers try the following URL:

The list includes everything you'll need to know.

73 wa0etc

>From ea4ka at (Eugenio Claramunt)  Fri Nov 22 14:47:47 1996
From: ea4ka at (Eugenio Claramunt) (Eugenio Claramunt)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 14:47:47 -0000
Subject: EA4ML M/M
Message-ID: <199611221452.PAA18510 at>

EA4ML will be a M/M entry in CQWW CW.
Good luck to you all and we hope to be in as many logs as possible =A1
73 de Eugenio, EA4KA (one of EA4ML's)

>From broz at (John Brosnahan)  Fri Nov 22 14:07:31 1996
From: broz at (John Brosnahan) (John Brosnahan)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 08:07:31 -0600
Subject: Large Antenna Wind Loading
Message-ID: <199611221506.AA18918 at>

>    The father of this technique is Dave Leeson, W6QHS, and it is discussed
>in his excellent book, "Physical Design of Yagi Antennas".  The technique is
>called "torque compensation" and is well covered in chapter 6 of his book.
> You basically add a dummy element of PVC to balance the wind load.

Actually the technique for boom compensation has been around for many years
before Leeson published his book (look at some of the old Hy-Gain Mil log 
periodics).  Dave did a piece on compensating for the assymetry of the elements
on the boom as you are referencing, but that is generally considered (by
him, even)
to be incorrect in view of the cross flow principle.  The most important
technique is to compensate for the boom assymetry as I discussed, or to
mount the boom in the
middle and do a weight balance compensation.

73  John

John Brosnahan   W0UN
24115 County Road 40
La Salle, CO 80645

INTERNET: The long-awaited solution 
for instantly displaying one's ignorance globally.

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:10:41 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:10:41 -0400
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by
(floydjr at

Date Posted: 11/22/96
********** FINAL POSTING *************

CALL                 HRS     SCORE     QSO'S    PTS   ZONES     DX


ZD8Z                     11,537,592    5650   16577    152     544
P40E                 41  10,710,765    
P40W (W2GD)          40  10,281,978    6200   18134    126     441
4V2A (9A3A)               7,038,452    5950            114     395
FG5BG (KI6FE/JF2DJQ)      5,924,428    4936   12266    101     382 
AH7G                      5,414,850    4844   14325    126     252
7P8/OE2VEL                5,025,600    3786            103     347
S50A                      4,473,130    3056    7333    137     473
3DA0NX                    4,234,155    3281    9645    104     335
ZS6SA                     3,697,628    3003    8846    104     314
VP9ID (N2MZH)             3,500,000    4010             91     302
YB1AQS               34   3,247,398    2433    7029    119     343
YV5AMH               37   3,095,792    2556    7336     99     323
GW4BLE               39   2,987,325    2556    6035    104     391
VO1MP                37   2,836,984    2451    6691     82     342
YB9BV (AA7VB)        36   2,541,715    2191    6245    114     293
OH1EH                     2,065,100    2249    3860    116     419
S59ZA                     1,889,599    1735            124     399
9K2HN                     1,728,520    1951    5470     77     239
7Z5OO                       661,593    1005    2657     60     189
DL6MHW               26     447,392     707    1271     83     269
OH8BQT                      415,808     719    1424     72     220
OI6KZP                      337,940     676    1108     66     239
DL4YAO               15     139,499     387     701        199
YV5AMH               37                2556    7336     99     323

K5ZD                 34   3,968,075    2391    6901    124     451
KM9P                 44   3,610,724    2110            137     461
N6BV                      3,178,100    2155    6100    114     407
K3ZO                 41   3,083,400    2053    5710    129     411
K1IU (W2SC)               2,910,654    2100    5989    109     377
W9RE                      2,553,226    1610    4511    129     437
K1RU                 35   2,527,686    1818    5201    111     375
N2IC                      2,304,484    1703            130     357
KE9A                      2,268,308    1610            116     381
WZ4F                      2,056,131    1625            118     365
N7AVK                     1,823,046    1804            117     249
W1GD                      1,688,500    1206    3377    109     391
W1WEF                27   1,665,760    1312    3590    109     355
W6XR                 30   1,647,555    1302            137     347
K4PQL                     1,362,550    1133    3206    100     325
K5NA                      1,170,190    1030    2555    122     336
KE3GA                36   1,044,340     753    2068    107     398
K3JT                 40     641,892     661             95     264
KB1GW                33     595,161     669    1809     77     252
K9BG                 24     461,692     548             84     224
AA7VY                       334,361     549    1399     82     157
AF7O                        303,830     491    1321     74     156
N9ITX/7              18     270,787     416    1133     72     167
AL7PT/W8             20     188,020     318     790     66     172
W9WI                 10     155,092     295     812     52     139
KC5AK                       131,421     211     617     65     148
N5CT/7                       43,639     110     289     54      97
N7UJJ                 6      35,728     150     393     37      59
WI2E                  2      15,133     169     409     18      19


G4KIV                40   1,255,128    1714    2604    104     378 
VE3KZ                41   1,052,923    1101    2869     87     280
YL8M                        806,316    1433    9186     88     318
XK7CFD                      356,202    1087    1557     60      94  
A35SQ                       345,546     785    2187     68      90
GW0GEI               41     343,360     661    1160     64     232
PA0COE               23      44,183     307     391     25      88

WA4ZXA               43   1,449,225    1105    3051    111     364
K0EJ                 36     839,790     799    2170    102     285
WA7BNM               25     672,600     810             98     202
KJ4WH                       526,729     587    1601     82     247
WA6KUI                      525,200     596    1616     84     241
N9VVV                       519,156     569             92     250
WS1A                        463,854     579    1594     71     220
WN6K                        416,232     688    1927     75     141
AA0SQ                       321,328     459    1208     74     192
AA1EY                30     302,588     438    1196     61     192
KF8UM                       300,312     421             68     190
N9SXT                       232,155     389    1005     65     166
K8QLK                       167,112     303     792     58     153
K3SA                  6     117,952     226     608     57     137
AC5BR                26     110,976     241     578     62     130
KC5RAS               28      57,230     193     485     37      81
KD5PJ/9               4      39,746     126     334     38      81
N7UJJ                 6      37,728     150     393     37      59
WB0OLA                2      10,350      61     150     27      42
AA4LR                 4       2,368      25      64     16      21 


CT3FN (DL4NAC)            8,025,360    4806   14280    116     446 
IR2W (IK2PZC)             2,752,983    1956    4491    138     475
DL3KDV                    1,796,080    1490    3140    119     453
IU2M (IK2SFZ)             1,624,145    1803            105     382
PY1CAS                      611,456     826    2248     79     193
SM0DJZ               20     325,535     600     917     77     278

KE3Q                      3,012,170    1777            130     464
AA1K                      2,938,316    1817            122     447
K3NZ                      2,569,280
K3WW                      2,548,793    1485    4199    133     474
K1KP                      2,430,606    1901    5307     96     362
N3RR                      2,380,424    1416            131     465
K2TW                 40   2,120,912    1322    3734    123     445
W1GD                      1,688,500    1204            109     391
WB2NQT                    1,631,126    1111    3101    111     415
AA3JU                     1,415,025    1108    2979    105     370
AA3B                      1,313,521     989    2777    101     372
KE3GA                     1,044,340     753    2068    107     398
N8ATR                39   1,015,388     751    2068    118     373
WN3K                 33   1,000,000
N9VHW                       841,940     693    1892    108     337
W1NG                 12     725,022     622    1714    101     322
K2WK                 12     645,414     641    1778     91     272
W2UP                  8     512,640     508    1424     91     269
WA1IML               12     504,600     610             69     221
K3IXD                       463,393     500             80     263
N1CC/2               12     460,410     553    1545     78     220
W7OM                 19     393,792     498            100     193
AB5SE                28     325,748     436    1147     85     199
KR4UJ                       319,580     405    1102     80     210
KM0L                 16     314,461     444    1169     76     193
KG5NE           LP          152,646     285     741     62     144
N2BIM           LP    6      87,320     178     472     45     140
WD0E                         75,943     203     571     31     102
AB6FO                 6      75,082     159             47     126
W4/YV5DTA                     7,366      49     127     17      41


VE7CQK                          924      24      42     12      10

N1AFC                       352,764     524             56     183
KA1CZF                      158,148     306     828     48     143

Single Band

IG9/IV3TAN                  452,050    1211             24     101
CG1ZZ (VE3BMV)              102,312     698    1421     14      58
VP2EZ           LP    2       4,000      63              9      21
VE7IN                         3,480     123     232      7       8 
VE6LB                         3,315     115     221      8       7

KB5UL           HP   12       2,146      36      74     10      19 

IG9/I4UFH                   851,763    1820             32     127
LA9VDA                      176,848    1389             22      90 
G3WGN                36     125,580     785    1092     22      93
VP2E/WB5CRG     LP    7      43,000     378             11      43

K1UO                        166,374     556             23      94
AA8U            HP           56,494     337     601     22      72 
AE6H            HP                      111             19      55  

IG9/IT9GSF                1,174,000    2370             33     133
IR4T (I4JMY)                771,490    2127    4310     36     143
S50C (S55OO)    HP          555,582    1816    3193     33     141
ZS6EZ           HP          533,620    1254             33     113
YT7AA           HP   26     313,686    1127             33     124
DA2KI           LP           21,513     271     303     13      58
XE2AC           LP            8,640     107     240     15      21
LA4O                          3,168      84      88      5      31

AI7B                        152,640     444             33      87
N4DVW                        64,790     214             29      81
K8UNP                        60,720     199     552     27      83
KF9YT                        51,500     187             26      74
KW4T            LP           39,221     164     431     21      70
WA2BFW                       38,808     161             23      65
KB1HY           HP           22,542     104     289     21      57

OK1RI           HP   38   1,442,688    2909             39     165 
IG9/IK2QEI                1,149,030    2296             37     133
OZ7X                        872,262    2153    5013     38     136
GM6X                        796,188    2044             37     135
VP2E            HP   20     725,000    1796             29     123
LY5W (LY1DR)                682,825    1828    3575     39     152
S56A            HP          571,103    1377    2899     40     157
RN9XA           LP          144,144     445    1232     27      90
VE4COZ                      117,420     510    1140     24      79
8P6CV           LP           36,900     184             20      55

K2SS                      1,017,152    1877             37     147
WT1S (@K1MNS)        28     772,161    1585    4569     36     133
NI8L                 29     709,882    1364    3922     38     143
W7RM (AA7FT)    HP          705,500    1515             37     133
K9JF/7               26     380,000     755    2110     38     142
N3HBX                       339,644     755    2071     33     131
K1VUT           LP   25     188,727     502    1419     27     106
WA7IVZ          HP          145,860     422    1122     33      97
N6CQ            HP          119,800     313             27     106
NZ5O            LP          105,164     311     862     26      96

ZX5J            HP        3,131,170    5154   15274     36     169 
IG9/IT9EQO                  538,302    1256             31     115
S50U            HP          601,896    1305    3236     37     149
OI1AF           HP          342,552    1069    2039     31     137
T77WI           LP          181,578     756    1713     30      76
RN3QO           LP          138,744     605             30     111
SP2QVI          LP           86,058     295             28      98
PY1KN           LP   12      55,762     212             21      77

KC2X/4                      649,600    1322    3712     31     144
N4BP            HP          357,588     871    2322     29     125
WA2QNW          HP          219,780     554             27     108
KE5FI (K5LBU)   HP          214,912     564             31     115
KF8EP           HP          126,451     372             27     110
W5ASP                12     111,750     342             27      98
KJ6HO           LP           90,155     345     949     27      68 

PQ5W (PP5WG)    HP          725,868    1820             28     113
9H0A                        230,115     898             27     118
CT4NH           HP   15     165,633     565    1209     24     113
LW8EXF          HP           94,689     455    1169     22      59
PY1OB           LP           63,121     314     799     22      57
PU1LJB          LP           44,772     259     546     25      57
PY1LI           HP           38,997     228     619     19      44
PY1KS           LP           21,280     155     304     20      50
JH9VSF          LP           21,172     141             23      44

K5X1 (KE5FI)    HP           64,988     331             19      58
W4YV            HP           47,058     319             16      50
AB5LX           LP            9,000      86             10      30


ZX0F                     21,762,636    8660   25276    171     690
HC8N                     18,245,440    8501   24790    157     579
EA8ZS                    12,451,320    5561   16470    150     606
8P9Z                     12,095,388    7183   16893    143     573
4M5X                     11,689,002    5704   16651    143     559
IQ4A                     11,271,000    5103            181     731
FS5PL                     8,787,616    5788   14128    118     504
TM2Y                      8,235,675    4756   11025    152     595
VP5DX                     7,732,224    6111   13424    129     447
SN2B                      7,532,910    4432    9783    156     614
VP5DX                     7,732,224    6111   13424    129     447
WP2AHW                    7,103,383    5153            129     464
ON4UN                     6,713,606    3624    8857    148     610
OI2E                      6,393,266    4181    8186    165     616
RU3A                      5,750,920    4108    7567    155     605
XE2DV                     5,536,095    5643   12385    137     310 
3DA0DX                    4,605,720    3716   10966    102     318
OI7T                      4,052,500    3559    6484    135     490
EA4URE                    3,982,368    3191    6382    127     497
C31LD                     3,874,907    3531    7409    104     419
VS6WO                     3,668,976    4135    8046    125     331
PI4COM                    3,558,632    2949    5777    124     492
RN4W                      3,120,479    2823    4853    144     499
IQ4T                      3,054,870    2421    5222    131     454
K5MR                      2,914,735    1743            148     499
EI7M                      2,904,008    3053    5542    109     415
VA3SK                     2,465,071    2478    5773    102     325
VA6JY (@VE6JY)            2,339,820    2655    5571    114     306
EY2Q                      2,254,276    2015    4922    112     346
VE6SV                     2,229,380    2530    5644    107     288
LY6M                      2,115,232    2161    3724    121     447
9K2RA                     2,004,800    2401    6265     75     245
VE3RM                     1,947,205    2111    5165     86     291
RW9OWD                    1,716,120    2123    4767     87     273
EA1BFZ                    1,112,760    1428    3091     86     274
VE6FI                     1,093,800    1620             95     205
SM7PKK                      800,584    1109    1832     83     354
DK0MM                       709,932    1003    1766     79     323
JW5VK                       679,320    1275    3330     67     137
VE2UCD                      217,958     617             45     121

KF2ET                     5,755,290    2900    8341    143     547
N3RS                      4,718,196    2345            151     560
K1NG                      4,369,275    2284    6473    144     531
K8LX                      2,950,000    1843            125     438  
WA2VUY                    2,913,870    1672            133     482
K1RX                      2,779,348    1712    4859    121     451
W5KFT                     2,700,000    1812            148     477
K0RF                      2,484,638    1620            141     429
KR9U                      2,273,285    1388            137     462
WX0B                      2,257,940    1862            141     439
KB1H                      2,203,449    1421    3999    118     433
K1GW                      1,983,520    1392    3920    110     396
KC7V                      1,883,458    1628    4223    128     318
KV1W                      1,846,467    1390    3871    109     368
NC0P                      1,700,226    1138            133     423
K3MD                      1,662,282    1135            130     428
WA0PUJ                    1,363,688    1225            121     336
NK7U                      1,332,270    1293    3390    108     285
AD4TG                     1,143,240    1085    2722    102     318
AC1O  LP                  1,121,354     911    2537    106     336
K5VT                      1,090,800    1043            119     281
N5HRG                       904,239     728    1953    119     344 
W4ATC                       629,145     798    1845     82     259 
K7UP                        532,413     665    1701    102     211
AC5CT                       164,000     334     786     64     145


PJ9E                     34,314,000   13718   39900    167     693
V26B                     26,928,000   13431   32640    153     672 
TK1A                     18,477,120   11581   20260    167     745
M6T                      14,000,000    9192            163     732
VB9DH                    13,334,192    8055            133     544
J3A                      12,643,674    8273            138     509
JH5ZJS                    9,970,000    5299            171     509
GM6V                      6,884,829    6194            130     591
HS1AZ                     5,658,598    5492    9706    154     429

KC1XX                    11,017,212    5415   14271    151     621
N2RM                     10,943,290    4990   13645    160     642
K3LR                     10,581,242    5119   13531    157     625
W3LPL                    10,379,586    4873   13007    159     639
K1KI                      7,258,166    3627    9902    150     583
KY3N                      6,995,142    3628            145     548
W1FJ                      6,733,585    3376    9592    144     558
N4ZC                      6,443,528    3335            147     542
AA1AS                     6,243,224    3511    9022    147     545
W4MYA                     5,618,521    3097    8131    144     547
KS9K                      4,817,949    2811    7311    144     515
NQ4I                      4,541,284    2901    7118    145     493
N6AW                      3,947,928    2621    7284    145     397
W4IY                      3,779,790    2430            133     482
K3ANS                     3,294,720    2093            132     453
K3II                      2,119,649    1389    3833    118     435
KG6LF                       688,564     810    2179     97     219
K7FR                        489,552     637    1736     89     193



CALL                 OPERATORS          


W4ATC           KS4XG,KT4LD,N3QYE
K8LX            K8LX,WA8ZDT    
KF2ET           AA2DU,KE2NL,WR2I,K2UU
3DA0DX          ZS6WPX,ZS6BRZ,WJ2O
K3MD            K3MD,N3PUR,KD3SF,AA3AZ
K1GW            K1GW,K1LL,W6PH
K41W            KV1W,W1CSM,N6RFM
K1RX            K1RX,KF1V,K1EPJ
LY6M            LY1DS,LY1FW
WX0B            WX0B,W5GN,WA5YOM
EY2Q            EY8MM,EY8CQ,EY8XX,EY8RR(AA3DK)
N5HRG           N5HRG,K9MK
N3RS            N3RD,KY2T,N3RS
AC5CT           AC5CT,KC5WEG
NK7U            NK7U,W7ZRC,AB7CZ,N7BZ,AA7TF
C31LD           C31LD,C31LJ,EA3NY
HC8N            HC1OT,WX3N,VE3EJ,WN4KKN
K1NG            KI1G,K1NG,KD1NG,K1VR,WF1B
K7UP            K7UP,AA8FE,KN5H
FS5PL           WX9E,N0BSH,FS5PL
WA2VUY          WA2VUY,NO2R
ZX0F            PY5EG,PY5CC,N5FA,PY0FF,PY5GU
JW5VK           LA1BJA,LA5VK
VS6WO           9V1YC,VR2GO,VR2NR,VS6WO
KR9U            K9UWA,KC9LA,K9LA,KR9U
9K2RA           9K2RR,9K2NM,9K2LL
K5MR            K5MR,K5RX,KI5JC,N5KM
8P9Z            W2NA,K3KG,K4FJ,KI6IM,WA9L


KG6LF           KG6LF,WA6QQF
K7FR            K7FR,KI7YO,W7WMO,N7AUV
                WB5M,W5VWN,KB9MS, K2SD
K3II            K3II,WB3ESS,N3BDA



73 Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:11:15 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:11:15 -0400
Message-ID: < at>

Of course I will be doing the CW scores this weekend. Please submit in the
following format or by your CT, NA, or TR Summary Sheet:

CAll          HRS       SCORE     QSO'S      PTS      ZONES     DX


DO NOT SEND SCORES TO THIS REFLECTOR!! Either to me direct or the 3830 

Please in the subject line put your call and contest you are submitting
for. Remember I am doing several contests at one time. Example:

Subject: WA4ZXA CQWW CW Scores

Also PLEASE make sure YOUR COMPLETE CLASS is on them!!!!!!!! If I get just
Single Op it will go in Unassisted Class. Do not assume I know who you are.

Wish everyone luck this weekend!!!

73 Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:11:11 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:11:11 -0400
Subject: ARRL SS SSB 96 Scores IV
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by
(floydjr at

Date Posted: 11/22/96

CALL              OP/SECT    SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS    HRS


W7YAQ                OR    104,720     680        77     24
K5ED                WTX     85,500     570        75     18
K7MM                EWA     62,928     437        72     23
K5IID                       56,672     368        77
K5OT                NTX     55,328     364        76     20
AA7VY                       52,052     338        77     24
KD2TT               NLI     50,100     334        75     16
KX9X                 IN     48,708     343        71     20
K7RAT                       34,272     252        68
W2CE                SNJ     32,412     219        74     11
WZ2T                NNY     25,172     203        62     15
KG5U                STX     23,660     182        65      7
W2EOS               MDC     20,904     156        67     12
KX9X                         6,106      43        71
K9BG                 IL      2,480      40        31      3


VE4GV                      231,770    1505        78
K7FR                EWA    225,888    1448        78     24
K7QQ                       225,264    1444        78
W7ZRC                ID    215,748    1383        78     24
N0AT                       213,096    1366        78
N5DX                 AR    207,792    1332        78
WA4ZXA               NC    191,568    1228        78     22
W8MJ                 MI    190,632    1222        78     24
WA0X                       181,272    1162        78
K8JZ                       175,968    1128        78     24
K1RA                MDC    174,096    1116        78     24
KZ1M                       171,444    1099        78
K6RO                LAX    170,352    1092        78     24
K7CF                       168,636    1081        78
VE5SF                      163,176    1046        78 
AB5SE                AR    144,760     940        77     24
WN6K                SDG    142,450     925        77     23
K0MX                 MN    136,032     872        78     24
K0OB                 MN    135,096     866        78     24
WO4O                 TN    123,864     794        78     24
N5OKR/3             MDC    120,900     775        78     24
K5KA                       116,578     757        77
VE7IN                BC    113,100     754        75     18
KD3GC                GA    112,650     751        75     19
K9JF                WWA    110,136     706        78     12
WA3SES              WPA    109,032     708        77     23
KN4T                SFL    105,144     674        78     18
K9MY                 IL    104,988     674        78     21
WB5M                WTX    101,384     667        76     16
NZ5O                 LA    100,562     653        77     18
NY5B                NTX     96,720     620        78     20
KK7A                 ID     87,600     584        75      9
W6KC                LAX     85,932     558        77     20
KK5GT                AR     85,176     546        78     22
WA7BNM              LAX     82,368     528        78     13
KS4XG                NC     77,816     548        71     24
W9RM                NNY     77,000     500        77      8
K6UM                 SF     76,152     501        76     16
KW9KW                       69,632     512        68
K7BG                        65,100     434        75
AA4LR                GA     61,716     417        74     16
N5QDE                MS     56,092     379        74
WD4AHZ              SFL     55,500     370        75     18
K7ZO                 ID     54,908     371        74     15
WA8YRS               OH     53,818     379        71     12
K1VSJ                       50,388     323        78
K8GT                 MI     49,536     344        72     19
W7II                 ID     47,286     333        71     24
K8GVK                       40,200     300        67
N5MTS               NTX     36,400     260        70     12
AE4MH               SFL     34,320     264        65     19
NJ1V                STX     30,096     209        72     10
K7MK                 ID     27,280     220        62      8
W4PA                 TN     26,634     193        69      5
KB0UPC               MN     25,984     203        64     18
KR7Z                 OR     25,216     197        64     16
N2RMZ                       20,096     157        64
W3CP                MDC     16,008     138        58     10
W9SZ                 IL     15,660     135        58      5
W6MVW               SDG     13,920     120        58      6
KG5NE                       13,130     101        65     10
K0RX                 NE     12,800     128        50      2
K2DB                WNY     12,168      78        78      8
N6RT                ORG      6,900      75        46      4
VA3WTO                       3,420      57        30      2


N7TR                 NV    354,276    2271        78
N2IC                       352,092    2257        78
K6LL                 AZ    338,364    2169        78     24
N5JA                       330,720    2120        78
VE7SZ (VE7NTT)             325,260    2085        78
W0SD (WD0T)          SD    321,048    2058        78
K5TR                       319,858    2077        77
N5KA (@N3BB)        STX    306,228    1963        78     24
K4VX (K9PG)                297,000    1907        78
WC6H                       295,932    1897        78
WE9V (KS9K)                292,344    1874        78
W7RM (K7ST)                291,564    1869        78
K7UP (W5FX)          NM    283,206    1839        77     24
K4AB                 AL    282,828    1813        78
WB2K                NNJ    280,332    1797        78     
K4VUD                      274,092    1757        78
K8CC (K9TM)                273,936    1756        78
K0KE                       268,008    1718        78
N4UK                 SC    265,696    1748        76     24
K6LA                LAX    262,080    1680        78
K4ZA (@N4ZC)         NC    259,428    1663        78     24
N6NT                       258,960    1660        78     24
KG6LF                SV    257,444    1649        78     24
WB5AAR (N5RZ)       WTX    257,244    1649        78     17
K3MM                MDC    256,308    1643        78     
WB1GQR               VT    250,224    1604        78     24
AA8U                       247,572    1587        78     24
N9ITX/7              MT    241,800    1550        78     20
N4AF                 NC    234,156    1501        78
AB2E                       226,200    1450        78
K4MA (@AA4NC)        NC    221,988    1423        78
K0HB                 MN    212,316    1361        78     23
KO7X (KI7WX/6)       UT    210,756    1361        78
N4BP                SFL    202,800    1300        78     19
AA1AA (@K1VR)       EMA    199,524    1279        78
W5ASP                      195,156    1251        78     20
W7WM                 CO    187,980    1205        78     20
KM0L                 MO    176,124    1129        78     24
K1AM                 RI    171,288    1098        78
K3ZO                       171,094    1111        77     13
K3JT                 WV    148,356     951        78     16
AA8R                       140,244     899        78     18
K6PU                 SV    136,032     872        78     12
N3ADL                      134,472     862        78     18
W7WW                       121,296     799        76
W3HR                       117,000     750        78
KD4GC                      112,650     751        75
WS7W                 WY    103,950     693        75     14
AC5CT               NTX    102,054     699        73
W3KN                       100,100     650        77
K4IQ                 VA     93,900     626        75     11
N0LNO                       90,168     578        78
N1CC                ENY     82,680     530        78     10
K4RG                        77,924     506        77
K3AR                EPA     72,852     467        78     14
AE0M                 MS     63,024     407        78     18
K1TH                        59,736     393        76
WB0O                 ND     58,624     458        64
KB4GID               GA     54,756     351        78     12
KB5ZUD               OK     41,400     301        69     12
W4ZYT                       30,284     226        67      6
KF7QZ                       28,200     188        75
K9EY                 IN     23,808     189        64      6
W8PT                        22,294     157        71     12
K2ONP               ENY     17,100     150        57      3
N2BIM               NNJ     12,168      78        78     12
VE9AA               MAR     11,858      77        77
N9GG                 DE     10,622     113        47
NS0B                 MO      5,642      91        31
K7DBV                        5,538      71        39      2
K7RAT                                  252        68


K9RS                 NM    359,268    2303        78     24
KW8N                       336,180    2155        78
W5WMU                      327,444    2099        78
K6RCC                SV    323,388    2073        78     24
W3GH                       319,176    2046        78
W4WA                 GA    303,108    1943        78     24
N4ZZ                 TN    292,344    1874        78     24
W7GG                 OR    282,828    1813        78
K0TQ                 KS    278,148    1783        78     24
N6KI                SDG    265,512    1702        78     24
K3CR                WPA    261,612    1677        78
W6UE                LAX    245,856    1576        78     23
K5DU                STX    242,112    1552        78
K1NG                       240,396    1541        78
N4CM                       238,524    1529        78
K1RQ                       230,880    1480        78
VA6JY (@VE6JY)       AB    214,812    1377        78     24
AE5T                       210,444    1349        78
W8JJ                 MI    200,460    1285        78     24
KF4AGR                     189,852    1217        78
K3MD                       178,932    1147        78
W4CN                       145,080     930        78
AB5EA               STX    138,216     886        78     24
KF8UM                WV    135,564     869        78     18
N5FG                 MS    131,976     846        78     24
K4OJ                SFL    125,424     804        78
W4ATC                NC    113,036     
KC7KFF               AZ    104,636     707        74     24
KB2HUN              ENY     96,408     624        78     14
KJ5BX               WTX     93,940     610        77     24
W4NF                 VA     84,084     546        77     14
AJ2U                        84,084     360        78
AC4ZO                NC     65,208     429        76
AA3JU                       49,126     319        77      8
K3WW                        39,936     256        78      7
N5YY                NTX     39,312     273        72     12
N2CFD                       39,156     251        78
N1RR                        27,604     206        67
WT1O                EMA     22,032     204        54
K9NW                         5,400      75        36



N5YY         N5NJ,KC5BWU
W3GH         W3GH,W9XR
N4ZZ         N4ZZ,K0EJ
K9RS         AA5B,K5TA,AI9X,K9RS
W4WA         W4WA,AA4GA,N9HZQ
W8JJ         W8JJ,K8MM,NA8G
K5DU         K5DU,K5NA,WB2Q
K6RCC        N6IG,NB6G,AA6WJ
W7GG         W7GG,KH8AL,N2WEW
K3MD         K3MD,N3PUR
N4CM         KQ4HC,N4CM
K0TQ         K0TQ,K0WA,AB0S,W0CEM
N5FG         WQ5L,KR4QQ,N5FG



73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:10:57 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:10:57 -0400
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by
(floydjr at

Date Posted: 11/22/96

K1IU        K1AM    Jeff Bouvier          k1iu at
WA1G        K1AJ    Bruce Marshall        bruce at
AC1O        KN4T    Walt Deemer           ac1o at
K1ZX        K4OJ    Jim White             k4oj at
K1YRP       W1EQ    Robert C. Garceau     bobgar at
WA1IML      K1SM    William A. Hassan     dxer at
K1CGJ       K1RC    John C. Marchand      k1rc at
W1IHN    1  N4CW    Bert Michaud          W1IHN at GNN.COM
KJ1N        N0HF    Daniel C. Norman      dnorman at
KD1NG       K1SD    James M. Setzler, Jr. setzler_james_m at fs811.npt
K1MNS       K1CA    Larry Blouin at
K1FWF    1  K1AE    John D. Allen         jallen at
WA1N        W1AO    Joseph M. Kozak
K1LL        K1ART   Arthur K. Hambleton
AA1LI       W1AZ    George B. Gardner
K1JKS       N1BB    William Bithell Jr.
WA1PEL      K1BD    William A. Dodge
W1BWS       W1CU    Jonathan A. Cunitz
AG1C        W1EG    Edward W. Goodhue III
N1OCS       W1EK    Joe Rich
KT1O        W1ES    Stephen E. Wedge
KD2EU       K1EU    Michael J. Russo
WO1P        K1GE    Glenn C. Edson
WA1KSY      K1HQ    Robert P. Olsen
N1ACU       K1IA    Raymond T. Trinque
WB1ELA      W1IA    Brent R. Desautel
WU1I        W1JO    Richard J. Rainville
KD1GG       AE1M    Robert A. Levine
N1OPZ       N1MD    Michael L. Therrien
WT1S        W1MD    Martin I. Durham
K1HMO       K1MO    David C. Mania
KA1YQ       K1MS    Ivan G. Pagacik
WA1VAR      W1NR    Michael A. McCarthy
WA2CJT      K1OA    Scott A. Ginsburg
WA1TTE      W1OHM   William H. Ohm
K1YXV       K1OW    George R. Rickley
KA1FMR      K1OZ    James A. Spear
KG1CS       W1PA    William P. Acito Jr.
NZ1U        W1RE    Robert A. Edry
AA1KY       W1RH    Robert P. Hess
AD1G        N1RJ    Roger D. Johnson
WZ1R        N1RR    Charles Morrison
KM1Y        K1RV    Harold L. Pugh Jr.
WA1EQU      W1RV    Richard P. Vitello
NO1J        K1TH    Thomas W. Hurley
NX1H        K1TI    Paul D. Terwilliger
WA1TET      W1TQ    David W. Foner
N1HEO       N1TT    Stanely A. White
KY1H        K1TTT   David R. Robbins
KB1AXF      K1WD    William H. Davis
KD1TM       W1XF    James A. Frier Jr.
WA1TZV      K0TV    Jeremy L. Muller
WB1HBB      K4VP    Warren L. Rothberg
N1EE        W6CT    Scott A. Lieberman
NY1I        AE7G    Robert C. Koerner
KA1MH       K1JN
N1MJC       W1FYB
KD1EG       W1CN
AA1AK       AJ1X
AI1N        K1MZ
K1CMI       W1MI
K1GBU       W1SM
K1HMO       K1MO
KA1BQ       W1NA
KB1BPE      K1ZL
KC1SJ       W1UK
NI1Y        N1WL
NO1U        W1WZ
W1HIC       W3BW
WA1AYS      K1SG
WA1EKV      K1KW
WS1H        N1ET
WS1J        W1CNY
WZ1R        N1RR
WA1TFH      K1OR    John C. Swiniarski    swinar at
KA1GD    1  K1RA    Andy R. Zwirko        andyz at
WB1L     1  K1TJ    Tom Alessi            Tom at

AB2BO       K3BU    Yuri Blanarovich      K3BU at AOL.COM
WM2C        K2KW    Kenny Silverman       ken.silverman at
WP2S        W4MK    Michael J. Kloc       w4mk at
AA2UA       K2DE    James Demos           k2de at
KF2ET       N2TX    Mike Anderson         N2TX at LI.NET
WT2G        W2ED    Ed Bailey             ebailey at
KB2NY       N2JT    Jack Trampler         n2jt at
WB2DIN      W2CE    Robert Reed           HWDX09A at PRODIGY.COM
WB2DND      N1DG    Don Greenbaum         DON at AURUMTEL.COM
KR2J        N5NJ    Robert Naumann        KR2J at
KU2Q        K5DU    Susan M. King         ku2q at
WA2SRQ      K2SQ    Ed Gilbert            eyg at
AA2DU       W2XX    J.P. Kleinhaus        w2xx at
KE2PF       WH2Z    David Mueller         WH2Z at JUNO.COM
N2MZH       AJ2U    Jeff Janock           jj at
KB2SE       K2FR    Fredrick R. Gern      K2FR at
WA2STM      W2EQ    John S. Lash          John.Lash at Yale.EDU
KF2FB       K1PI    Sergei M. Gordienko
AA2Z        K1RO    Mark J. Wilson
KB2FD       W1SU    John J. Cuneo Jr.
WB2KMY      K2AD    Douglas A. Sharp
WB2YLR      W2GDJ   George D. Jones
K2SHL       W2LK    Leslie P. Kalmus
KF2ET       N2TX    Michael T. Anderson
N2AIF       K2XF    Seymour Miller
W2CRS       W0AH                          goforit at
WA2AGO      W7KW
N2GYY       K2DJQ
WB2AMM      K3HN
AA2UV   12  W2WG    Robert L. Carroll     rlc at
K2PBP       K2BF
K2POF       W2WC
KA2DFO      KA2D
KC2QF       K2ZZ
KD2EU       K1EU
KD2L        W2KD
KE2N        K1NY
KW2P        W2SF
KZ2S        N2NC
NI2C        K2WE
NN2G        N2TU
WA2CJT      K1OA
WA2WYR   1  W2YR    John P. Gagen         W2YR at AOL.COM

KE3GA       K3AR    Beryl D. Simonson     k3ar at
KY3N        W3EA    Wayne Kline           W3EA at AOL.COM
KI3V        N7TR    Richard Hallman       ki3v at
WR3E        W3UR    Bernie McClenny       bernie.mcclenny at
WR3O        K4RO    Kirk Pickering        K4RO at
WB3ESS      K3CT    John Bednar           jkbe at
K3ZNV       W8ZA    Robert J. Biss        BISS at EPG.NIST.GOV
NZ3I        K3TD    Tad Danley            tad.danley at
N3BDA       K3PP    Glenn D. O'Donnell    gdo at
WR3G        N3RA    Scott Jones           sjones at
KF3P        K3MM    Tyler Stewart         kf3p at
W3CPB       W3CP    James M. Headrick     headrick at
WA3TXR      W1TE    Charles R. Schwartz
N3AHF       W2KV    David McGee           david_mcgee at
K3YGU       K3KY
KV3J        W3KB
N3QYA       W3KN  
NY3G        K3SV
W3GOI       W4AU
WA3WJD      N3OC
WA3WQP      N3HR
WN3K     1  N9GG    Bob Penneys            radio at
WZ3Q        K4ZA    Don Daso              wz3q at
KX3Y        N3EN    Art McDonald          amcdonal at
WX3N        KW9KW   Dave Patton           KW9KW at

WZ4F        K4AB    Larry A. Crim         wz4f at
AD4TU       K4MW    Pete Wildman          ad4tu at
WB4IUX      W4IU    Tom Skelton, Jr.      tskelto at
W4RIM       K6RIM   Albert C. Burnham     w4rim at
AD4Y        N4NM    Charles M. Lewis      clewis at
KJ4VH       N4GN    Tim Totten            kj4vh at
N4YOS       N4YO    Tom Thompson          tom at
KI4HN    1  K4MA    Jim Stevens           ki4hn at
WN4KNN   1  N5KO    Trey Garlough         trey at
KC4ZV       K4NO    Gregory F. Richard    kc4zv at
N4PYD       W4WW    Scotty Neustadter     scotty at
N4DVW       W4EA    Dan Nixon             adnixon at
KI4M        W4RJ    Ted Pounders          tpound at
WB4NFS      W4NF    John Francis 0'Mara   wb4nfs at
AA4FC       K4PX    George Fundis         k4px at
KF4BU       K4BU    H.J. Huddleston       huddlehd at
N4DVW    2  W4EA    Dan Nixon             adnixon at
KJ4KB       N1KB    John C. Hennessee
KX4V        N1RL    Eric R. Lindquist
K4HWG       W4AD    Jack Omara            tury at
K4CPK       W8DC                          BillCombs at
WA4VCC   1  W4VHF   Ted F. Goldthorpe     TGOLDTHROPE at SunBelt.Net
AC4VA       ND4Q
AE4PC       WY4Y
N4EA        ND6A    W. Don McDoniel
KR4DL       K4WA    Steven R. Schmidt     k4wa at
WB4MAI      W4OX    Doug McDuff           dmcduff at
AB4PY       W4EP    Foy E. Privette       edpriv at
WB4VKW      K4NA    Thomas L. Bickley     tbic at
AC4VA       ND4Q    Bernard Blair
WB4FLB      K4UU    Gary Hext             K4UU at
KR4UJ       K4UJ    Paul Pescitelli       k4uj at
AD4VH   12  W4EF    Michael Tope          mtope at
K4IUV       W4TO                          W4TO at

KP4XS       N4UK    Ken Ramirez           ramirezk at

W5HUQ    8  W4UE    John R. Moore         w5huq at
KB5UL    2  N5UL    Charles W. Shaw       shawcorj at
AA5RB    4  N5KA                          russ at
KK5EP       N5ZX    Michael Causey        kk5ep at
AB5KD       K5DJ    Ron Stailey           ron-stailey at
KJ5IR       K5TH    Tim Hayes             k5th at
KD5PJ       N9CO    Charlie Ocker         ocker at
KC5RAS      K5WO    Bob Kmak              bkmak at
WV5S        K5TT    Jim Hood              wv5s at
N5CT     1  W7CT    Jim Lawrence          n5ct at
AA5BL       N5JA    Jon A. Barclay        aa5bl at
AC5BR       KK5GT
KA5Q     3  K6KT    Ken Seals             k6kt at
W5VSZ       W5FI    Gary E. Jones         gejones at

AB6FO       K6LA    Ken Widelitz          KWIDELITZ at
N6UR        W6TG    Terry Gaiser          w6tg at
K6XO        KO7X    Alan A. Brubaker      alan at
W6EMS       K6AW    Stephen Merchant      merchant at
KC6CEX      N6ED    Craig Gullickson      cgullick at
N6YRU       W2NA    John Downing          jdowning at
WA6AUE   4  W6EU    Jim Duffy             wa6aue at
WA6GDS      W6KC    Jim Stockwell         74503.53 at Compuserver.Com
KK6XN       W6KY    Art Wallace           W6KY at CONTESTING.COM
N6AZE       N6NC    Henry L. Serra Jr.    hlserra at
NF6H     2  N6RT    Doug Brandon          dab at
AB6YL       K6GT    George T. Daughters   gdauth6 at
AC6XO       N6DE    Dean Wood             dwood at
N6DLU       N7UE    David B. Ritchie      dbr at
KI6VY       AK6I    Darrel J. Van Buer    darrel at
NV6O        K6GV    Eric D. Woods         edwoods at
WA6IET      N6WS    Bill Shell            shell at
KJ6HO    5  K6RO    Larry Shapiro         K6RO at
N6IP     4  K6XX    Bob Wolbert           k6xx at
N6NU        W6RW    Michael S. Mitchell   w6rw at
AA6MC       K6KR    Richard Dievendorff   dieven at
WB6JMS   6  W6YJ    James Arther Jr.      jlarther at
WA6GVC      W4XP
AA6KX       N6NT    Bruce Sawyer          N6NT at
WA6BXH      W7BX    Sandy Lynch           slay at
KE6LT       K5GS    Gene Spinelli         k5gs at

WR6R        AH7G    Al Crespo             pitts at
AH6NB    3  KH7M    Jim Reid              jreid at

AA7FT    6  K7ST    Adam Kerner           pacarch at
AA7NX       K7NT    Michael R. Conotore   aa7nx at
AA7BG       K7BG    Matt Trott            aa7bg at
AA7NH       K7ZL    Thomas Trent          ttrent at
W7LZP    1  W7TI    Bill Turner           wrt at
AA7VB       K7BV    Dennis Motschenbacker k7vb at
KD7EY       K9EY    Casey Conway          caconway at
KC7EM       K7EM    Steve Kelly           srkelly at
NS7Z        K5UO    Mike Bragassa         bragassa at
WA7FOE      W7NN                          W7NN at AOL.COM
AB7CZ       K7MK    Jim Cullum            jcullum at
KR7Y        K7XM    Hugh Phillips         hugh at
WA7UVJ      N7WA    Michael Dinkelman     mwdink at
W7KJJ       K7JJ    Dave Earnest          k7jj at
KI7YO    1  KR7X    Hank Lonbert          hlonberg at
AA7TF    4  K7ZO    Scott Tuthill         k7zo at
KG7TE       K7CO                          jon at
WA7NIN      W7TO    Pat Bacon             w7to at

AL7PT       W8PT    Rich Kennedy          rdk1 at
AL7H        K0AV
NL7J        KL7J    Lee Buchholz          buchholz at

AA8GL       W8EB    Wm. E. Blick          W8EB at
WA8SWM      W7WM    Steve Boone           boone at
N8ATR       N8TR    Pete Michaelis        n8atr at
KC8MK       K8MK    Jim Hurt              jhurt at
K8BRL       N1RT    Ron Toller            k8brl at
AA8FE       W5FX    Mike Bruening         aa8fe at
AA8OT       K3AO    Serge Kulyov          ipua3ap at
K8HVT       W1NN    Hal Offutt            woffutt at
WA8YVR      N9RV    Patrick M. Barkey     pbarkey at
WD8IXE   3  N8SM    Steve Miller          millersg at
K8JLF       K1HT    David C. Hoaglin      dave_hoaglin at
K8QLK       K8GT    Gerry Treas           ah672 at
AD8V        W1ZZ    Edward H. Stratton
WA8SMF   1  W8MM    Mike Valentine        #wa8msf at
KU8U        W8KX    John Lane             lane at
KU8P        K8RS   
WB8OGM      K8TJ
WA8LLY   1  K6UM    Steve Lund            wa8lly at
W8YA        W4AG
WB8VPA   1  N8RF    John Udvari           wb8vpa at
K8MBH    2  WA8WV   Dave Ellis            WA8WV at
AB8Y        W8RR    Gary Kaser            ab8y at
AA8SM       K8SM    Scott Long            long at
WD8AUB      K4LT    Douglas L. Klein      WD8AUB at IX.NETCOM.COM

AA9AX       N9FD    Steve Sample          aa9ax at
WX9E        K9PG    Paul Gentry           PGentry at
W9NQ     5  K6ZZ    Bob Selbrede          w9nq at
WN9JAT      K9MY    Jerry Douglas         wn9jat at
KF9PL    1  KX9X    Sean E Kutzko         kf9pl at
N9CKC       N9CK    Steven Franzen        n9ckc at
KK9W        K0RX    David R. Anderson     k0rx at
WB9MSV      N9LR                          LarDX at
WA9KNP      W9FX    Brad Pioveson         nogap at
K9HCX       W9OZ
KE9A        K4ZW

AA0OB       K0OB    Greg Fields           aa0ob at
NI0E     4  W0MU    Mike Fatchett         fatchett.mike at
AA0XZ       K0GN    Greg Nunn             gnunn at
NG0X        N6NZ    David B. Curtis       david_b_curtis at
AA0WO       W7II    William Frede         bfrede at
NZ0V        K0ZZ    Robert Emerson        nz0v at ix,
AA0SQ       K0MX    Jeff Fischer
AA0VQ       N0KK    Kirk Pengelly
K0IJL       N0IJ    John Baumgarten       JBaumgarten at
WA0VQR      W0DC    John Lockhart         jlockj at
N0DH     9  N7EX    Dave Henderson        n0dh at
NQ0I     1  N7DR    Doc Evans             AL019 at
AA0NV       N5BC    Felix J. Riess        n5bc at
WY0J        KK0T    Jim Brown             jbrown at
KC0O        W0LD    Lauren Libby          75151.2442 at
AB0CN       N0UK    Chris Cox             chrisc at Chris.Org
WA0QOA      NA2U    Fred W. Hoffert       cwman at
K0WWG    1  W6DX    Barrie Britton        bbritton at
N0BSH    2  K9NW    Mike Tessmer  


KB2ZTN      N2EE    Nicola TESLA Radio Club
KB2UGI      W2BC    Chain Lakes ARA
KB3BIJ   1  W3TT    N.E.R.D.S.
KB3BLJ   1  W2JJ    Hi-Tech Rednecks  
W3FRY       W3FRC   Frankford Radio Club
KF6AYQ      K6AO    Mother Lode DX/Contest Club
KE6URB      K6RCC   River City Contesters
KE6URI      K6CPU   Intel Emergency Amateur Radio Service
KE6TXM      K6RE    Alps Amateur Radio Club
KE6SWZ      N6UI    Cops Contest Club
KC7KMC      K7RAT   Boring Amateur Radio Club
KB9NLG      KX9ZZ   Cook County Contesters
KM9P        K4AAA   Dahlonega Contest Club

WP2AHW      WP2Z    Island Villa Contest Club


The calls were put by there old call and in that call area. Also you will
notice a number next to the old call. That is the number of the choice 
they receieved. The calls are in the order they were receieved by me.

Also Scott, KA9FOX has all the vanity call info on his home page with a 
complete listing if anyone is interested. 

I am sorry if this format laps some of the email addresses around. They
are just to long to get all on one line. I did put the new email addresses 
people gave me on here so if the mail bounces you will know why. 

73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:11:05 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:11:05 -0400
Subject: ARRL SS CW 96 Scores VIII
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by
(floydjr at

Date Posted: 11/22/96
************** NEXT POSTING WILL BE FINAL POSTING *************

CALL              OP/SECT    SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS    HRS


K1TR (@N6BV/1)       NH    112,050     747        75     24
N0AX                WWA    107,464     707        76     24
K7MM                EWA    102,960     660        78     24 
K0EJ                 TN    100,950     673        75     20
W7YAQ                OR     91,322     593        77     24
WB9HRO               WI     86,700     578        75     21
WA0RPI                      85,824     596        72     24
KG5U                STX     85,644     549        78     20
WB9HRO                      85,500     570        75
WA1GUV               VT     77,550     517        75     24
KB2R (@K1VR)        EMA     75,313     523        72     24
KB4GID               GA     74,936     493        76     23
WB8RUQ               MI     71,188     481        74     22
K5SL                 LA     66,600     450        74     23
K5ED                WTX     63,640     430        74     17 
K1CGJ               EMA     58,904     398        74     16
KF9PL                IN     55,522     391        71     20
WA0RJY                      52,500     350        75
KC5RAS              NTX     52,114     367        71     24 
WE9V                        51,832     341        76 
KU7Y                 NV     49,248     342        72     
KA1CZF                      49,128     356        69
WZ2T                NNY     40,800     300        68     24
AD4ZE                       38,350     295        65     20
KC4WQ                KY     33,500     250        67     11
AB5OU                NM     32,234     227        71     
AE4IC                       24,282     213        57
AE0Q                 CO     19,440     162        60
KR0U                        13,500     125        54
VE6SH/8             NWT      9,588     102        47     14
N1AFC                        8,080     101        40      8
KB9IUA               IL      3,960      60        33
WB2VUO              WNY      3,904      61        32     12
AC5II                        3,366      51        33
AB7OA                AZ        680      20        17     10
N6PDX                                  228        66


KR0Y/5                     211,380    1355        78
K8HVT/KP2                  202,972    1318        77
KP4TK                PR    201,240    1290        78     
N4ZZ                       189,072    1212        78
AA7BG                      174,040    1145        76
W4WA (AA4GA)         GA    169,260    1085        78     24
NM5M                       167,200    1100        76
AC1O/4                     162,084    1039        78
W7ZRC                ID    161,854    1052        77     24
KO9Y                       158,808    1018        78
W5XX                 MS    156,000    1000        78     24
KK9W                       154,908     993        78
KC6CNV              ORG    152,614     991        77     24 
N5FG (WQ5L)                152,000    1000        76
AB4RX                KY    148,980     955        78
AA8AV                MI    148,824     954        78
K4HHG                      148,668     953        78     23
N0AT (AA0VQ)               147,288     969        76
VE6EX                      143,250     955        75
N4OGW/5              NM    140,752     926        76     23
W9WI                 TN    139,776     896        78
WA6KUI               TN    138,016     908        76     24
N9CKC                WI    136,344     874        78     24
KZ8E                       134,550     897        75
VE4GV                MB    130,746     849        77     16
AA0OB                MN    129,132     874        74     24
N4YOS                AL    129,012     827        78     
WD8IJP                     128,700     825        78
K1JKS               EMA    128,590     835        77
N9XX                 WI    127,296     816        78     24
WT1O                EMA    124,024     838        74     24 
WA2STM                     121,656     822        74     15
KB0IHM               MN    121,034     829        73     24
K8NZ                       120,890     785        77     19
K3SA                 MD    119,042     773        77     20
N9JF                       118,248     758        78     24
NW1S                       114,884     746        77     
KB5UL                NM    115,192     748        77     22
WA0X                 MO    113,664     768        74     24
N4YDU                      113,616     789        72     23
KI4HN                NC    112,500     750        75
K3CR (KB3AFT)       WPA    112,200     748        75     24
K8JLF               EMA    111,112     731        76     24 
AA0SQ                MN    106,400     700        76     22
AC4ZO                NC    103,896     702        74     24
WA6GDS              LAX    100,928     664        76     21
VE6KRR               AB     99,864     684        73     23
KX4V                 VT     96,096     624        77     19
K1VUT               EMA     93,832     634        74     19
KK7A                 ID     92,720     610        76     18
AA9JY                       92,112     606        76
KM0B                        91,960     605        76     12
K1YRP                CT     91,464     618        74     22
NJ1V                STX     85,176     546        78     16 
NS0B                        82,800     552        75     11
K2WK                        80,542     523        77     11
AB5SE                AR     80,104     527        76     21
AA9BJ                       78,144     528        74     20
K7DBV                OR     77,824     512        76     19
WX9E                        76,000     500        76     16
WA0QOA                      75,192     482        78     23
WA8YRS               OH     75,168     522        72     20
K3MQH                       75,150     501        75     12
WD4MUR                      74,250     495        75     19
WC4E                NFL     73,292     502        73     14
W5HUQ               NFL     68,640     440        78     23
AC5BR                AR     68,400     450        76     18
AA0XZ                MO     64,972     439        74     24
KJ1N                 CO     64,116     411        78      7
AB5LX               NTX     63,332     446        71
AE2T                WNY     61,568     416        74     12
WA5JWU               LA     53,352     342        78     19
WB0OLA               IN     52,716     382        69     13
KA8OKH               KY     50,978     359        71
K8QLK                MI     49,728     336        74
VE1GN                       42,884     302        71
K8GVK                MI     42,704     314        68     13
K0VBU                KS     37,888     256        74      8
W1HIJ/6             ORG     34,716     263        66     18
KF8HN                MI     32,500     250        65     19
N1PBT                VT     31,122     247        63     18
KR2J                NTX     27,264     213        64      5
NS8O                 OH     22,806     181        63     10 
KB9NMU               IN     20,048     179        56     18
N2LSK               NLI     16,954     173        49      6
NF6H                ORG     15,688     106        74
WD4AHZ              SFL     14,178     139        51      3
AE4MH               SFL     13,452     118        57      6
WA1IML                      12,750     125        51      3
WA7BNM              LAX      9,384     102        46      3
W9SZ                 IL      5,328      72        37      2
K4OGG/M              TN      3,186      59        27
AA4LR                GA      3,000      50        30      3
AD4VH                                  670        76
N0AXL                                  605        76
WN6K                                   591        75
AB5SE                                  527        76
NC7K                                   239        65


W0SD (WD0T)          SD    224,994    1461        77
W5WMU (N6TR)               224,952    1442        78
N5RZ                WTX    223,236    1431        78
K4VX/0 (WX3N)              217,620    1395        78
W6GO (N6IG)                213,096    1366        78
W5KFT (N5KO)               212,520    1380        77
N0IJ                 MN    209,594    1361        77     24
W7RM (AA7NX)        WWA    207,012    1327        78
K7UP (KN5H)          NM    206,388    1323        78     24
K0RF                       206,206    1339        77
WB0O                 ND    206,206    1339        77
KM9P (K7GM)                205,296    1316        78
K6LL                       205,140    1315        78
KY7M                       203,580    1305        78
N7DD                       203,112    1302        78
K0KR                       202,332    1297        78
AI7B                       199,680    1280        78
AB6FO               LAX    198,744    1274        78
K5MR                NTX    197,736    1284        77
K5GO                       196,092    1257        78
KE3Q                       195,734    1271        77
VE3EJ (NJ2L)               195,312    1252        78
KC7V                 AZ    194,844    1249        78     24
W2PV (@K2TR)(WZ1R)         194,688    1248        78     24
KS9K (N0BSH)         WI    194,376    1246        78
W3GH (K3UA)         WPA    193,732    1258        77 
K1IU                 RI    191,412    1227        78
NA5Q                       191,100    1225        78
N6RO                       190,498    1237        77
K5ZD                       189,540    1215        78
K5NA                       189,112    1228        77
K8CC                       188,916    1211        78     24
W9RE                       188,760    1210        78
N6FU                STX    188,650    1225        77
W6OAT                SV    187,824    1204        78     24
N4BP                SFL    187,200    1200        78     22
K4PQL                NC    186,340    1210        77
KF3P                       186,108    1193        78
N6TV                SCV    183,300    1175        78     24
K3ZO                       183,144    1174        78
KT3Y                       181,258    1177        77
K7FR                EWA    176,748    1133        78     24 
WA6AUE               SV    174,252    1119        78     24
NN7L (NL7GP)               173,784    1114        78
W5ASP                      172,848    1112        78     22
W2VJN                OR    170,664    1094        78
K0IJL                MN    168,014    1091        77     24
N4ZR                 WV    166,452    1067        78     24
K0WA                       166,440    1095        76
KM0L                 MO    166,140    1065        78     24
KY2P                 TN    163,956    1051        78     24
K9BG                 IL    159,544    1078        74     24
N8RR                       158,184    1014        78     19
K0DEQ                MO    156,936    1006        78     20
WR3O                 TN    156,408    1029        76
W1XT                 AZ    156,408    1029        76     24
WX0B                NTX    156,000    1000        78     23 
K9WIE                      155,344    1022        76
NI6T                SCV    151,788     973        78     24
K0AD                 MN    146,919     954        77     24
W6QHS                      145,860     935        78
AA3B                       145,650     970        75     24
K0HB                 MN    143,336     943        76
K3JT                 WV    142,576     938        76     24
WA6CTA               SF    133,848     858        78
K6PU                 SV    132,240     870        76     18
AA0OB                MN    129,352     874        74     24
AA8U                       125,112     802        78     22
W5GN                NTX    120,450     803        76     20
WB4NFS                     119,850     799        75     24
W6XR/2                     110,760     710        78     15
AA0SQ                MN    106,400     700        76     22
W6MVW               SDG    102,718     667        77     23
WB5B                NTX     94,050     627        75     14
N6MZ                        73,632     472        78
N1CC                ENY     68,400     450        76     10
K9MA                        61,568     416        74
AA8UH                       58,400     400        73     17
WF3T                        48,750     375        65      8
KJ4VH                       44,250     295        75      4
K2ONP               ENY     42,344     316        67      6
W3CPB                MD     41,040     285        72     15
K8KFJ                WV     32,256     252        64
AL7PT                WV     31,600     220        72     16
W0LK                        15,960     140        57     11
AA7QY                AZ     11,200     102        55     10
N6UR (KR6X)                           1278        78
NJ8M                                   962        78
KO4EW                                  761        78
WB4RMJ                                 759        74
W1IHN                NC                740        78     18
W5NN (KB5YVT)                          713        75     11
VY1JA                                  520        77
WB4RDV                                 459        72
N2KJM                                  414        76
NO1J                                   300        76
W7KJJ/6             SCV     43,400     310        70


K1ZX                       225,420    1445        78 
AA5B                 NM    216,216    1404        77
KS9W                 IL    193,752    1242        78
KY1H                       186,420    1195        78
N6KI                SDG    176,748    1133        78     24
K6XO/7                     175,500    1125        78
K0WA                 KS    166,440    1095        76
K6GV                 SV    165,672    1062        78     24
NJ4F                 VA    163,800    1050        78     24
K9UWA                IN    162,240                78     24
NJ8M                       149,136     956        78
K8JM                       148,980     995        78
WA2UKP              ENY    142,272     912        78	    24
W6BIP                      138,776     910        76
KE2VB               WNY    135,720     870        78     23
W6UE                LAX    118,872     762        78     17
KO4EW                TN    118,716     761        78
K3WW                       109,200     700        78     14
W5EHM                      103,800     692        75
KB2UGM              NNY     94,848     624        76     20
N2BIM               NNJ     86,112     552        78 
N2MZH                       36,696     278        66


AA4NC        S0/HP   NC               1000        77     19
KF4APW       QRP     NC                165        56      4

1-W9OCF              OH     40,820     313        65      5
2-K8MR               OH     49,104     341        72      5
3-N8XPL              OH     33,356     262        64      4
4-AC8E               OH     38,364     278        69      4
5-N8ATR              OH     42,568     313        68      4
TOTAL                      204,392    1507        76     22



K1ZX          K1ZX,WC4E,K1TO
K6GV          AA6WJ,KM6AS,K6GV
KS9W          KD5PJ,AA9LX,KS9W
K0WA          WA0SXR,W0CEM,K0WA
K6XO/7        K6XO,AB7GM,N5CT
W6BIP         AE0M,N1EE,W6BIP
NJ8M          NJ8M,AB0S,KC0GC
NJ4F          NJ4F,N4GUS,K4GMH,K7SV
AA5B          AA5B,K5TA,K9RS,AI9X



This is the first posting and since I got scores off internet and also
off 3830 itself a score may be on here twice. Just let me know if yours
is and I will take the incorrect one off.

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Fri Nov 22 15:10:51 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:10:51 -0400
Subject: CQWW SSB 96 Scores Breakdown FINAL POSTING
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by

Date Posted: 11/22/96
************ FINAL POSTING ************

CALL                                        Q'S/Z'S/DX     SCORE
    160         80         40           20           15          10


ZD8Z                                      5650/152/544  11,537,592
  19/11/ 16  188/23/ 53  625/25/ 75 1156/35/138 2335/31/138 1327/27/124
P40E                                                    10,710,765
 169/ 9/ 25  436/18/ 57 1011/23/ 87 1422/31/117 2440/28/110  749/23/ 57
P40W                                      6200/126/441  10,281,978
 131/10/ 30  474/19/ 77  873/23/ 80 1411/25/ 94 2304/26/102 1007/23/ 58
4V2A                                      5950/114/395   7,038,452
   4/ 3/  4  349/14/ 54 1114/23/ 84 1978/33/120 2226/25/102  279/16/ 31
FG5BG                                     4936/101/382   5,924,428
  86/ 6/ 20  475/13/ 61 1035/19/ 68 1389/26/100 1344/20/ 80  607/17/ 53 
AH7G                                      4844/126/252   5,414,850
 150/12/ 13  188/16/ 23 1126/26/ 57 1610/31/ 82 1219/25/ 53  551/16/ 24
7P8/OE2VEL                                3786/103/347   5,025,600
   2/ 1/  2    9/ 6/  8  193/17/ 45  761/31/ 97 2259/29/113  562/19/ 82 
S50A                                      3056/137/473   4,473,130
  76/ 7/ 39  164/13/ 64  556/32/101 1281/35/112  908/33/115   71/17/ 42
3DA0NX                                    3281/104/335   4,234,155
   3/ 2/  2    7/ 4/  7  179/19/ 43 1006/29/ 91 1416/28/104  670/22/ 87 
ZS6SA                                     3003/104/314   3,697,628
   0/ 0/  0    1/ 1/  1  262/21/ 36  799/30/ 86 1478/31/114  463/21/ 77
VP9ID                                     4010/ 91/302   3,500,000
 283/ 4/ 18  523/15/ 37  658/19/ 67 1475/25/ 86  951/20/ 81  120/ 8/ 13 
YB1AQS                                    2433/119/343   3,247,398
   1/ 1/  1    8/ 8/  8   46/20/ 31  435/33/ 96 1224/31/112  719/26/ 95
YV5AMH                                    2556/ 99/323   3,095,792
   0/ 0/  0  246/14/ 50  417/21/ 82  887/24/ 80  677/23/ 82  329/17/ 29
YB9BV                                     2191/114/293   2,541,715
   0/ 0/  0   37/14/ 20  122/21/ 42  559/31/ 79 1116/28/ 83  357/20/ 69
OH1EH                                     2249/116/419   2,065,100
  95/ 6/ 36  223/14/ 56  414/26/ 92  994/33/107  455/27/100   68/10/ 28
9K2HN                                     1951/ 77/239   1,728,520
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0    1/ 1/  1  563/23/ 75 1216/33/105  171/20/ 58
7Z5OO                                     1005/ 60/189     661,593
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0  317/17/ 66  567/24/ 78  121/19/ 45
PY1CAS                                     826/ 79/193     611,456
   0/ 0/  0    6/ 3/  3   86/14/ 32  333/22/ 68  337/23/ 62   64/17/ 28
OH8BQT                                     719/ 72/220     415,808
   9/ 3/  8   60/ 7/ 31   58/ 6/ 25  383/28/ 73  158/23/ 67   51/ 5/ 16
OI6KZP                                     676/ 66/239     337,940
   2/ 1/  1  185/ 8/ 42   48/ 5/ 24  231/19/ 73  193/26/ 84   17/ 7/ 14

K5ZD                                      2391/124/451   3,968,075
  46/11/ 29  237/16/ 74  312/27/ 86  994/34/125  728/27/110   74/ 9/ 27
KM9P                                      2110/137/461   3,610,724 
  44/12/ 29  184/23/ 71  155/25/ 73 1017/34/138  563/29/116  147/14/ 34 
N6DV                                      2155/114/407   3,178,100
  35/ 7/ 24  158/17/ 56  148/23/ 69  910/32/122  828/24/115   76/11/ 21
K3ZO                                      2053/129/411   3,083,400
  34/10/ 24  219/22/ 63  293/28/ 83  994/36/123  463/25/100   50/ 8/ 18
K1IU                                      2100/109/377   2,910,654
  24/ 5/ 15  138/17/ 58  284/24/ 81  722/29/104  862/24/ 95   70/10/ 24
VO1MP                                     2451/ 82/342   2,836,984
  23/ 6/ 14  316/13/ 62  201/15/ 63  906/25/101 1003/21/100    2/ 2/  2 
W9RE                                      1610/129/437   2,553,226
  45/10/ 27  115/21/ 60  172/26/ 76  605/34/125  578/27/114   95/11/ 35
K1RU                                      1818/111/375   2,527,686
  25/ 4/ 13  118/14/ 56  176/25/ 71  685/34/107  748/24/105   66/10/ 23
N2IC/0                                    1703/130/357   2,304,484
  34/12/ 21  139/22/ 47  303/29/ 74 1023/35/120  182/25/ 82   22/ 7/ 13
KE9A                                      1610/116/381   2,268,308
  30/ 9/ 20  104/16/ 56  131/24/ 70  761/32/112  522/26/102   62/ 9/ 21
WZ4F                                      1625/118/365   2,056,131
  30/10/ 20   80/14/ 44  153/22/ 68  725/33/ 99  563/27/104   74/12/ 30
N7AVK                                     1804/117/249   1,823,046
  20/10/ 11  166/21/ 35  371/27/ 58  764/35/ 99  482/23/ 45    1/ 1/  1 
W6XR                                      1302/137/347   1,647,555
  28/ 7/ 20   65/13/ 36  126/22/ 64  420/30/105  589/25/101   73/11/ 21
K4PQL                                     1133/100/325   1,362,550
   0/ 0/  0   71/14/ 47  111/22/ 56  443/29/103  449/28/103   62/ 7/ 16
K5NA                                      1030/122/336   1,170,190
  27/10/ 18   80/20/ 48  146/23/ 69  356/28/ 86  304/27/ 85  117/14/ 30
K3JT                                       661/ 95/264     641,892
  15/ 7/  7   75/15/ 38  104/21/ 52  227/24/ 82  190/21/ 68   50/ 7/ 17
KB1GW                                      669/ 77/252     595,161
  27/ 4/ 11   34/ 9/ 18  114/19/ 57  229/22/ 80  231/18/ 75   34/ 5/ 11
K9BG                                       548/ 84/224     461,692
  26/ 9/ 17   25/ 8/ 17   30/12/ 21  249/25/ 86  168/22/ 58   50/ 8/ 25
AF7O                                       491/ 74/156     303,830
   6/ 3/  3   33/12/ 16   69/20/ 34  357/30/ 89   26/ 9/ 14    0/ 0/  0 
N9ITX/7                                    416/ 72/167     270,787   
  20/ 9/ 13   28/10/ 18   57/17/ 36   59/25/ 71   52/11/ 29    0/ 0/  0
W9WI                                       295/ 52/139     155,092 
   1/ 1/  1    6/ 4/  4    0/ 0/  0  114/21/ 54  134/20/ 65   40/ 6/ 15  
N5CT                                       110/ 54/ 97      43,639
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0   21/16/ 19   59/23/ 54   30/15/ 24    0/ 0/  0


G4KIV                                     1714/104/378   1,255,128
  81/ 4/ 28  337/13/ 59  207/21/ 67  690/28/ 94  355/28/ 99   44/10/ 31
VE3KZ                                     1101/ 87/280   1,052,923
  90/ 5/  6  121/ 9/ 23   60/13/ 38  317/25/ 90  415/23/ 92   98/12/ 31
YL8M                                      1433/ 88/318     806,316
 141/ 5/ 37  350/12/ 57  294/20/ 72  355/18/ 64  263/25/ 72   30/ 8/ 16
DK0MM                                     1003/ 79/323     709,932
  97/ 5/ 42  245/ 8/ 59   78/10/ 41  310/23/ 83  264/30/ 89    9/ 3/  9

WA4ZXA                                    1105/111/364   1,449,225
  33/ 9/ 23   61/12/ 39  120/20/ 62  390/33/106  415/27/105   86/10/ 29
K0EJ                                       799/102/285     839,790
  24/ 9/ 15   44/10/ 23   71/19/ 45  324/27/ 94  229/25/ 75  107/12/ 33
WA7BNM                                     810/ 98/202     672,600
   2/ 2/  2   36/14/ 18   85/22/ 39  299/32/ 84  382/25/ 56    6/ 3/  3 
KJ4WH                                      587/ 82/247     526,729
  18/ 6/ 14   35/10/ 22   73/15/ 45  150/17/ 63  228/24/ 81   83/10/ 22
WA6KUI                                     596/ 84/241     525,200
  10/ 4/  5   35/ 8/ 20   46/15/ 34  225/24/ 74  185/21/ 79   95/12/ 29 
N9VVV                                      569/ 92/250     519,156
  16/ 7/  6   48/ 9/ 28   50/16/ 34  226/30/ 83  196/23/ 77   33/ 7/ 22
WS1A                                       579/ 71/220     463,854
   4/ 2/  2   30/ 9/ 17   56/14/ 38  226/19/ 76  230/20/ 75   33/71/ 12
WN6K                                       688/ 75/141     416,232
   2/ 2/  2    9/ 5/  4  104/20/ 33  175/22/ 50  374/23/ 46   24/ 3/  6
XK7CFD                                    1087/ 60/ 94     356.202 
  44/ 4/  4   19/ 3/  3  220/13/ 14  705/22/ 40   87/15/ 29   12/ 3/ 94 
AB5SE                                      436/ 85/199     325,748
   6/ 3/  3   15/ 9/  8   37/16/ 30  174/25/ 69  151/23/ 65   53/ 9/ 24 
N9SXT                                      389/ 65/166     232,155
  11/ 4/  3   20/ 7/ 10    5/ 2/  2  193/22/ 74  131/22/ 59   29/ 8/ 18 
K8QLK                                      303/ 58/153     167,112
   0/ 0/  0   17/ 7/ 12   34/13/ 25  119/19/ 53  123/15/ 54   10/ 4/  9
AC5BR                                      241/ 62/130     110,976
   1/ 1/  1   25/ 7/ 13   33/10/ 20   83/16/ 35   75/19/ 44   24/ 9/ 17


CT3FN                                     4806/116/446   8,025,360
 101/ 8/ 32  497/18/ 72  892/25/ 90 1059/24/ 86 1874/26/106  383/15/ 60
DL3KDV                                    1490/119/453   1,796,080
 142/ 8/ 51  319/17/ 72  153/23/ 87  386/29/ 97  472/35/131   18/ 7/ 15 

KE3Q                                      1777/130/464   3,012,170
  46/11/ 32  147/19/ 69  188/27/ 86  527/34/119  741/27/125  127/12/ 33
AA1K                                      1817/122/447   2,938,316
  52/11/ 34   88/17/ 60  135/23/ 72  714/34/128  755/27/124   73/10/ 29
K3WW                                      1485/133/474   2,548,793
  49/12/ 33  131/23/ 77  153/27/ 85  511/30/121  545/27/121   96/14/ 37
K1KP                                      1901/ 96/362   2,430,606
  13/ 4/  9  123/13/ 56  124/20/ 70 1011/31/118  619/23/ 99   11/ 5/ 10 
N3RR                                      1416/131/465   2,380,424
  51/11/ 31  133/18/ 65  166/27/ 79  432/32/121  475/27/120  159/16/ 49
K2TW                                      1322/123/445   2,120,912
  33/10/ 26  101/19/ 61  147/27/ 82  601/31/126  339/24/118  101/12/ 32
W1GD                                      1204/109/391   1,688,500
  31/ 9/ 21  101/14/ 52  105/21/ 64  407/29/110  455/25/112  105/11/ 32
AA3JU                                     1108/105/370   1,415,025
  16/ 4/ 10   98/16/ 53   90/18/ 59  333/29/105  444/25/105  127/13/ 38
AA3B                                       989/101/372   1,313,521
  19/ 6/ 15   79/12/ 49  137/30/ 71  316/26/103  334/24/ 98  104/13/ 36
KE3GA                                      753/107/398   1,044,340
  25/ 6/ 22   63/13/ 47  104/22/ 72  244/31/119  244/24/107   73/11/ 31
N8ATR                                      751/118/373   1,015,388
  26/ 9/ 23   83/19/ 56  118/25/ 74  214/34/ 99  262/23/ 94   48/ 8/ 27
N9VHW                                      693/108/337     841,940
  18/ 9/ 12   52/13/ 38   88/19/ 53  270/33/110  213/23/ 94   52/11/ 30
K2WK                                       641/ 91/272     645,414
  18/ 6/ 16   59/15/ 44   82/23/ 56  276/28/ 90  203/17/ 64    3/ 2/  2
W2UP                                       508/ 91/269     512,640
   5/ 3/  4   28/ 9/ 24   89/21/ 55  242/29/ 99  109/22/ 72   35/ 7/ 15
N1CC/2                                     553/ 78/220     460,410
   4/ 2/  2   22/ 7/ 16   26/11/ 23  340/28/ 93  138/25/ 78   23/ 5/  8
KR4UJ                                      405/ 80/210     319,580
   4/ 4/  4   44/12/ 32   11/ 4/  9  171/26/ 74  130/23/ 69   45/11/ 23
KM0L                                       444/ 76/193     314,461
   2/ 2/  2   31/ 9/ 16   67/21/ 36  224/25/ 78  116/17/ 57    4/ 2/  4
KG5NE                                      285/ 62/144     152,646
   0/ 0/  0   10/ 6/  8    8/ 7/  8  117/22/ 53   95/19/ 52   55/ 8/ 23 
K3SA                                       226/ 57/137     117,952
   3/ 3/  3    6/ 4/  6    9/ 6/  8  108/25/ 70   69/15/ 38   31/ 5/ 13
N2BIM                                      178/ 45/140      87,320
   0/ 0/  0   34/10/ 28   25/10/ 28   51/ 8/ 39   66/17/ 50    2/ 2/  2


ZX0F                                      8660/171/690  21,762,636
  28/ 9/ 28  259/26/ 86 1856/32/121 1645/38/160 3794/36/160 1078/30/135 
HC8N                                      8501/157/579  18,245,440
 275/12/ 29  504/24/ 84 1527/30/108 2272/34/143 3166/34/143  757/23/ 72
EA8ZS                                     5561/150/606  12,451,320
  40/ 6/ 33  458/22/ 87 1228/31/115 1487/35/132 2140/33/141  208/23/ 98
8P9Z                                      7183/143/573  12,095,388
 271/10/ 31  435/19/ 84 1626/28/112 1783/32/139 2143/31/125  925/23/ 82
4M5X                                      5704/143/559  11,689,002
 137/11/ 31  343/20/ 83 1383/29/110 1572/31/134 1841/30/134  428/22/ 67
IQ4A                                      5103/181/731  11,271,000
  91/12/ 69  319/31/115 1076/35/142 1903/39/156 1529/38/155  185/26/ 98
FS5PL                                     5788/118/504   8,787,616
  62/ 6/ 23  558/15/ 73  683/23/ 82 1346/27/112 2926/28/136  325/19/ 78 
TM2Y                                      4756/152/595   8,235,675
 138/ 9/ 58  691/23/ 99  954/30/116 1735/37/140 1187/35/134   51/18/ 48 
VP5DX                                     6111/129/447   7,732,224
 107/ 8/ 19 1018/21/ 81 1222/26/ 84 1938/28/102 1755/31/124   71/15/ 37
ON4UN                                     3624/148/610   6,713,606
 165/10/ 61  519/20/ 91  807/31/124 1328/37/141  751/34/144   54/16/ 49
OI2E                                      4181/165/616   6,393,266
 256/10/ 56  501/27/ 99  918/35/123 1507/39/136  924/34/138   75/20/ 64
RU3A                                      4108/155/605   5,750,920
 151/ 9/ 52  549/26/ 93  691/30/111 1515/37/147 1121/33/148   81/20/ 54
3DA0DX                                    3716/102/318   4,605,720
   1/ 1/  1   13/ 4/  6  212/18/ 36  841/31/ 92 2018/29/107  631/19/ 76 
OI7B                                      3559/135/490   4,052,500
 118/ 5/ 39  264/17/ 58  480/26/ 87 1687/35/121  946/32/126   64/20/ 59
EA4URE                                    3191/127/497   3,982,368
  59/ 4/ 37  400/15/ 81  658/28/101 1133/34/110  897/29/124   44/17/ 44
C31LD                                     3531/104/419   3,874,907
 158/ 5/ 42  945/18/ 94  655/26/102 1381/26/103  382/22/ 68   10/ 7/ 10
VS6WO                                     4135/125/331   3,668,976
   0/ 0/  0   97/17/ 26  449/25/ 62  822/30/ 75 2005/31/102  762/22/ 66 
PI4COM                                    2949/124/492   3,558,632
 261/ 7/ 50  453/12/ 66  620/24/ 91 1030/33/126  531/32/118   54/16/ 41 
RN4W                                      2823/144/499   3,120,479
 113/ 9/ 40  420/24/ 74  444/28/ 95  768/33/116  872/29/121  206/21/ 53 
EI7M                                      3053/109/415   2,904,008
 117/ 4/ 33  358/17/ 75  435/18/ 73 1061/29/ 98 1057/32/111   25/ 9/ 25
VA3SK                                     2478/102/325   2,465,071
 233/ 8/ 15  523/12/ 26  465/21/ 69  792/32/106  447/24/ 91   18/ 5/ 18
VA6JY                                     2770/114/306   2,339,820
 133/ 9/  9  249/17/ 38  445/28/ 66 1752/33/112  162/25/ 79    2/ 2/  2 
EY2Q                                      2015/112/346   2,254,276
  19/ 7/ 15  114/12/ 40  695/32/113  403/24/ 76  763/27/ 88   21/10/ 14
VE6SV                                     2530/107/288   2,229,380
  43/ 5/  4  418/17/ 34  435/28/ 70 1480/34/121  153/22/ 58    1/ 1/  1 
9K2RA                                     2401/ 75/245   2,004,800
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0  284/11/ 51  644/24/ 76 1241/22/ 74  232/18/ 44
VE3RM                                     2111/ 86/291   1,947,205
 212/ 7/ 13  301/11/ 37  128/14/ 45  959/27/102  487/22/ 84   24/ 5/ 10
RW9OWD                                    2123/ 87/273   1,716,120 
  33/ 7/ 18  167/16/ 43  159/14/ 49  460/26/ 79 1302/22/ 82    2/ 2/  2
VE6FI                                     1620/ 95/205   1,093,800
  87/ 7/  6  228/15/ 25  240/23/ 42 1001/29/ 89   63/20/ 42    1/ 1/  1
JW5VK                                     1275/ 67/137     679,320 
   2/ 2/  2   15/ 6/ 10   54/16/ 29 1062/30/ 74  142/13/ 22    0/ 0/  0
VE2UCD                                     617/ 45/121     217,958
   1/ 1/  1  288/10/ 22   48/12/ 30  259/16/ 56   20/ 5/ 11    1/ 1/  1

KF2ET                                     2900/143/547   5,755,290
  31/10/ 29  284/22/ 84  370/30/ 99 1301/37/144  826/27/138   88/17/ 53 
N3RS                                      2345/151/560   4,718,196
  39/12/ 35  300/27/ 88  199/29/ 87  857/37/155  884/27/142   66/19/ 53
K1NG                                      2284/144/531   4,369,275
  40/12/ 35  180/24/ 81  388/28/ 96  796/36/141  783/28/134   97/16/ 44
K8LX                                      1843/125/438   2,950,000 
  28/ 9/ 22   74/18/ 48  172/29/ 83  914/36/146  619/26/113   37/ 7/ 26
WA2VUY                                    1672/133/482   2,913,870
  29/ 7/ 21  126/22/ 72  201/27/ 82  745/35/135  503/27/128   68/15/ 44
K1RX                                      1712/121/451   2,779,348
  21/ 5/ 15   84/20/ 62  121/20/ 77  602/37/131  849/26/131   35/13/ 35
W5KFT                                     1812/148/477   2,700,000
  46/13/ 26  105/25/ 67  493/32/ 96  453/32/122  579/29/116  136/17/ 50 
WX0B                                      1862/141/439   2,257,940
  30/11/ 22  129/23/ 58  172/30/ 80 1208/36/125  254/28/121   95/13/ 33 
KB1H                                      1421/118/433   2,203,449
  17/ 5/ 16  140/19/ 64  152/23/ 78  541/32/117  511/25/125   60/14/ 33
K1GW                                      1392/110/396   1,983,520
  24/ 6/ 17   76/15/ 46  160/24/ 79  623/29/113  424/24/113   85/12/ 28
KC7V                                      1628/128/318   1,883,458
  13/10/ 11   26/14/ 19  310/31/ 71  527/34/120  713/28/ 80   39/11/ 17
KV1W                                      1390/109/368   1,846,467
  13/ 6/  9  139/19/ 65  153/25/ 72  519/29/104  540/24/109   26/ 6/  9 
NC0P                                      1138/133/423   1,700,226
  34/11/ 28   91/21/ 58  199/30/ 84  451/34/126  317/26/ 94   46/11/ 32
WA0PUJ                                    1225/121/336   1,363,688
  50/10/ 17   86/18/ 45  124/29/ 76  790/37/119  164/21/ 72    9/ 6/  7
NK7U                                      1293/108/285   1,332,270 
  57/11/ 15  123/19/ 45  178/26/ 59  842/34/119   93/18/ 47    0/ 0/  0 
AD4TG                                     1085/102/318   1,143,2240
  31/ 9/ 20  103/13/ 51  105/21/ 53  490/24/ 88  263/26/ 85   93/ 9/ 21
AC1O                                       911/106/336   1,121,354
  32/ 7/ 23   78/14/ 41  142/22/ 63  241/24/ 81  326/28/106   92/11/ 22
K5VT                                      1043/119/281   1,090,800
  20/ 6/  8   56/16/ 24  195/29/ 56  356/32/100  347/24/ 72   69/12/ 21 
N5HRG                                      728/119/344     904,239
  27/ 9/ 21   52/16/ 37  127/28/ 72  251/28/ 95  190/27/ 83   81/11/ 36
W4ATC                                      798/ 82/259     629,145
   0/ 0/  0   49/11/ 29   83/18/ 50  460/26/103  189/22/ 69   17/ 5/  8
AC5CT                                      334/ 64/145     164,000
   1/ 1/  1   23/ 9/ 12   13/ 9/  9  161/20/ 62  108/16/ 42   28/ 9/ 19


V26B                                     13431/153/672  26,928,000 
 646/15/ 56 1317/19/ 89 2426/28/ 89 4026/36/162 3640/32/153 1376/23/ 97 
M6T                                       9192/163/732  14,000,000
 969/ 9/ 66 1751/26/108 1839/31/131 2651/40/175 1658/35/172  324/22/ 80
VB9DH                                     8055/133/544  13,334,192
 491/12/ 33 1070/24/102 1636/27/105 2978/33/145 1665/25/126  215/12/ 33
J3A                                       8273/138/509  12,643,674
 346/12/ 38  509/19/ 69 1260/23/ 90 2610/34/128 2423/29/118 1125/21/ 66  
JH5ZJS                                    5299/171/509   9,970,000
  0/  0/  0  298/32/ 77 1025/36/101 1971/40/141 1713/35/131  292/28/ 59
GM6V                                      6194/130/591   6,884,829
 421/ 7/ 53  682/18/ 77 1559/26/106 2294/37/161  938/31/134  255/11/ 60
HS1AZ                                     5492/154/429   5,658,598
   7/ 6/ 19  173/23/ 42  620/32/ 90 1724/37/127 2184/32/114  784/24/ 50 

KC1XX                                     5415/151/621  11,017,212 
 215/13/ 41  793/24/102  672/32/113 1840/38/165 1590/28/154  305/16/ 46
N2RM                                      4990/160/642  10,943,290
 214/14/ 49  670/27/106  660/33/110 1581/38/168 1594/28/150  271/20/ 59
K3LR                                      5119/157/625  10,581,242
 165/14/ 41  881/26/ 95  713/34/119 2071/39/180 1074/29/146  215/15/ 44
W3LPL                                     4874/159/639  10,379,586
 299/16/ 51  580/26/ 99  674/30/107 1959/39/172 1045/28/145  317/20/ 65
K1KI                                      3627/150/583   7,258,166
 108/12/ 43  473/23/ 88  477/31/105 1207/39/156 1147/28/141  215/17/ 50
KY3N                                      3628/145/548   6,995,142
 110/13/ 32  336/23/ 81  276/30/ 89 1806/38/173  925/27/135  175/14/ 38
W1FJ                                      3376/144/558   6,733,584
  89/12/ 42  562/25/ 97  300/25/ 92 1349/39/146  910/28/137  166/15/ 44 
N4ZC                                      3331/147/542   6,443,528
  59/10/ 30  318/24/ 82  348/31/ 95 1405/39/158 1002/30/139  199/13/ 38
AA1AS                                     3511/147/545   6,243,224
 109/13/ 37  346/23/ 84  300/29/ 93 1644/37/146  865/26/131  247/19/ 54
W4MYA                                     3097/144/547   5,618,521
 191/13/ 39  283/22/ 85  334/26/ 92 1213/38/149  886/29/133  190/16/ 43
KS9K                                      2811/144/515   4,817,949
  80/10/ 31  211/24/ 65  299/33/ 93 1371/38/166  783/30/132   67/ 9/ 28
NQ4I                                      2901/145/493   4,451,284
 150/11/ 32  123/22/ 61  213/29/ 85 1414/36/139  813/32/132  188/15/ 44   
N6AW                                      2621/145/397   3,947,928
  51/11/ 19  189/23/ 51  642/32/ 84  903/37/138  763/30/ 89   73/12/ 16
W4IY                                      2430/133/482   3,779,790
  88/11/ 30  340/20/ 71  390/28/ 87  902/33/131  511/26/121  199/15/ 42  
K3ANS                                     2093/132/453   3,294,720
  78/11/ 30  302/19/ 45  191/28/ 95  703/35/114  656/27/115  163/12/ 34
K3II                                      1389/118/435   2,119,649
  34/ 7/ 22  110/17/ 58  218/27/ 86  568/30/124  325/24/106  134/13/ 39
K7FR                                       637/ 89/193     489,552
   7/ 5/  4   35/11/ 14   73/21/ 36  387/33/ 95  133/18/ 43    2/ 1/  1


73's Jim 
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From aa8u at (AA8U)  Fri Nov 22 15:29:54 1996
From: aa8u at (AA8U) (AA8U)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:29:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Telenet Packet Cluster Access
Message-ID: < at>

Many have asked for a summary. This URL is better than that! Enjoy....

>From: iadiahfd at (Larry Lindblom)
>Reply-To: iadiahfd at (Larry Lindblom)
>Subject: Telenet Packet Cluster Access
>In response to prefious posts, for a nice summmary Telenet access to DX
>packet clusers try the following URL:
>The list includes everything you'll need to know.
>73 wa0etc

>From wb4iuy at (Dave Hockaday)  Fri Nov 22 15:32:06 1996
From: wb4iuy at (Dave Hockaday) (Dave Hockaday)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:32:06 -0500 (EST)
Subject: tower falls...
Message-ID: <199611221532.KAA13685 at>

>A True story -  many years ago, a professional (CATV?) tower fell over .
>The guy anchors were in sand.  The sand became saturated with
>water, the concrete literally floated, and with high winds, the
>concrete guy anchor moved enough for the tower to fall.
>John, K1AE

This also happened recently at WETC 540, an AM broadcast station near
Raleigh NC. Hurricane Fran brought much rain...days of it...then the winds
came. One of the HUGE concrete anchor points floated to the top, and one of
the 400 ft (!!) towers that was part of a 4 el driven array fell over.
Trashed it. 

Incedentally, this is the secone time this happened back in the
80's to one of the other towers. This isn't sandy soil, but it is near a marsh.

73 de Dave Hockaday WB4IUY
Youngsville, NC
wb4iuy at  

>From n6bfm at (Bob Furzer)  Fri Nov 22 16:03:30 1996
From: n6bfm at (Bob Furzer) (Bob Furzer)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:03:30 -0500
Subject: tower falls...
Message-ID: < at>

Many people wrote .. blah blah ..

the concrete literally floated ...

One of the HUGE concrete anchor points floated to the top ...

This is probably tower-talk stuff, but many contesters have big wet towers
too.  I find this an interesting concept - Huge solid blocks of concrete
rising to the surface, and floating in wet sand.

Two thoughts come to mind:

a)  Could Uncle Luigi have been wrong all there years - He should have made
his boots from sand and not cement?

b) Rather than have the police drag the rivers for Jimmy Hoffa, they should
have poured sand in the water, and he would have floated to the top.  As a
logical progression, doing this under windy conditions would have caused him
to fall down after he had floated to the top.

Talk about gullible amateurs.

>From masiii at InfoChan.COM (JE3MAS)  Fri Nov 22 17:27:25 1996
From: masiii at InfoChan.COM (JE3MAS) (JE3MAS)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 17:27:25 0
Subject: 6Y6A QRV
Message-ID: <9611221727.AA00296 at>

I will QRV on this CW weekend with the callsign "6Y6A".
This is to avoid any confusion expected by using 6Y5XX which was once declared 
as a pirate.
6Y5XX was not really a pirate. It was of course a totally legal operation.
But I will not use the 6Y5XX again .

QSL Route is the same as before.
   MasIII H.Kozu
   Box 8202 C.S.O. Kingston Jamaica

I hope to see you on the air.

MasIII H.Kozu  
JE3MAS/ WH6X/6Y5 / 6Y6A / ex 6Y5XX

>From wa2syn at (Jeff Singer)  Fri Nov 22 17:34:54 1996
From: wa2syn at (Jeff Singer) (Jeff Singer)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 12:34:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: K2KV & 2-apps
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.961122122435.18164D-100000 at linet01>

I normally wouldn't carry on a thread like this here, but I received so
many responses to my last posting that I thought it appropriate.

To all who questioned my future, I have called the FCC and they assure me
that when they see the NEW 610-V (electronic) they will question my
intentions and write me to confirm. I was also advised to fax a letter
stopping the new app, which they will cheerily do.

Although this is contrary to all information I have gleaned from a great
many earlier discussions, it does, after all, make sense.

That's the scary part.

Tks to all for your advice.

73 de Jeff K2KV
wa2syn at

>From oo7 at (Derek Wills)  Fri Nov 22 17:49:47 1996
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:49:47 -0600
Subject: Humorous SS incidents-from WB2JSJ

	>p.s. my shoes are made by Bass.
	>A fish made your shoes?

I say I say I say - wait for it - "No, only the soles".  Ta-da!!

exits left,

>From kc2x at (Steve Sacco KC2X)  Fri Nov 22 18:37:26 1996
From: kc2x at (Steve Sacco KC2X) (Steve Sacco KC2X)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 96 13:37:26 -0500
Subject: What Rig?
Message-ID: <199611221849.NAA29358 at>

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------
> Subject: Re: What Rig?
> Graham Crosby wrote:
> > 
> > I have not kept up with the new HF rigs on the market. What would be a
> > one for someone who would like to get started in contesting?
> The Icom 775dsp is the best rig currently on the market.
> Chuck, KE5FI
-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

In your opinion; I have seen no lab data which supports your statement.

Steve KC2X

<< kc2x at | >>

>From thompson at (David L. Thompson)  Fri Nov 22 19:07:39 1996
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 14:07:39 -0500
Subject: 160 and 80 BC images/filters?
Message-ID: <199611221854.SAA44228 at>

Normally I don't listen to 160 and 80 during the day, but I was tracking
down line noise on 160
(its always S6) and noticed images all over 160 and even some on 80.  I live
about 4 miles from
WCNN ( 8 towers in a vertical array) and about 14 miles from WSB (stacked
verticals) and both are 50KW .    WCNN revised their system about 1 month
ago so now this intermod.  At night they (WCNN) beam away from me and it
goes away.    Its on all the antennas including the shielded receiving loop
so its not images from my antennas. but real harmonics.

Which commercial filters work best on this junk?   I especially need one for
1.8 to 2.0 Mhz because WCNN has always put a spike on 1832 and 1840.  I am
looking for a filter that gets rid of BCI altho if it works for MO or FD
intermod that would be a plus.   I have an old Drake RP4 but it does not
seem to work (think its 3 to 30Mhz anyway).  Please E-mail me and I'll


Dave K4JRB
thompson at

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR)  Fri Nov 22 21:43:06 1996
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR) (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 96 17:43:06 -0400
Subject: SO 2 radio backlash?
Message-ID: <961022174034.RAB28308 at>

>From:        De Syam, syam at
>Some of us who don't use two radios, like myself, still have the
>occasional need to make a pit stop.  I don't use the computer to key my
>rig, but I do use the "repeat" function on my MFJ Grandmaster keyer to
>hold my run frequency while I am away from the rig briefly (never more
>than 2 or 3 minutes).

Fred, normally I respect comments from your august experience. While 
calling "empty" CQs when occupied with another radio might be considered 
slightly discourteous, this practice of repeating empty CQs while on a 
potty break is downright rude, if not unethical. Other contesters will 
waste their valuable time trying to contact you when you are not there.

Certainly, someone with your setup and experience could find another 
calling frequency should you happen to lose one over a pit stop.

Of course, there is the 55 gallon drum alternative....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys)  Fri Nov 22 23:13:26 1996
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 18:13:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Go Vanity Calls!
Message-ID: <199611222313.SAA07381 at>

Let's give these flamers something to think about! A contest within a 
contest! The rules escape me at the moment.

Greetings from snowy abode of wonderful W6XR. CU tonite!

Bob N9GG

>From jbmitch at (John Mitchell)  Fri Nov 22 21:02:09 1996
From: jbmitch at (John Mitchell) (John Mitchell)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 16:02:09 -0500
Subject: What Rig? (my $.02)
Message-ID: <199611222102.QAA18716 at>

Well, the 775 is a fine rig, when it's working.  Many of my friends have had
to send them back multiple times.

I've tried the Yaesu 1000mp also, and for my money, the Kenwood 870 is by
far the best value.

The SPAC DSP provides an honest 4-6db usable boost in S/N on CW copy.


>From zlau at (Lau, Zack,  W1VT)  Fri Nov 22 20:55:00 1996
From: zlau at (Lau, Zack,  W1VT) (Lau, Zack,  W1VT)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 15:55:00 -0500
Subject: Crediting the Station Owner
Message-ID: <m0vR2gI-000f6IC at>

Why can't the station owner get credit?

KF9PL (at N09Z)
KB2R (at K1VR)

Seem to be two examples in the last SS results.

Zack W1VT

>From Charlie_Deel at (Charlie Deel)  Fri Nov 22 23:31:07 1996
From: Charlie_Deel at (Charlie Deel) (Charlie Deel)
Date: 22 Nov 1996 19:31:07 -0400
Subject: tower falls...
Message-ID: <n1363431022.72046 at>

        Reply to:   RE>>tower falls...


you are correct in your assessment... uncle luigi was right...

Saturated soils, and in particular, sandy soils lose their cohesive strength
due to an increase in pore pressure.  This is, in the extreme case, a
quickening condition (ergo..quick sand) which results in the concrete being
pulled from the soil due to the tension in the cables, instead of sinking out
of site as it would if not attached to a guy and tower.  Concrete, with a
density of approximately 150lbs/cu.ft., will not "float" in a material with a
lesser density (e.g. water at 62 lbs/cu.ft or soil at 100lbs/cu.ft).  

Which reminds me of all the ho-hah I've been reading about wind loads on
beams... perhaps another time...


W4CE (Whisky 4 Civil Engineers)

Date: 11/22/96 11:14 
To: Deel, Charlie
From: Bob Furzer

Many people wrote .. blah blah ..

the concrete literally floated ...

One of the HUGE concrete anchor points floated to the top ...

This is probably tower-talk stuff, but many contesters have big wet towers
too.  I find this an interesting concept - Huge solid blocks of concrete
rising to the surface, and floating in wet sand.

Two thoughts come to mind:

a)  Could Uncle Luigi have been wrong all there years - He should have made
his boots from sand and not cement?

b) Rather than have the police drag the rivers for Jimmy Hoffa, they should
have poured sand in the water, and he would have floated to the top.  As a
logical progression, doing this under windy conditions would have caused him
to fall down after he had floated to the top.

Talk about gullible amateurs.

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