pp5jr at pp5jr.ampr.org pp5jr at pp5jr.ampr.org
Tue Nov 26 09:35:05 EST 1996

Hello all,
my score was:
qso      zone     countries

228      17         25

score: 27510


                 AMPRNET - pp5jr at pp5uf-gw-2.ampr.org
                 MAILBOX - pp5jr at pp5jr.ampr.org

>From kb2hun at wizvax.net (William R Liporace)  Tue Nov 26 11:28:41 1996
From: kb2hun at wizvax.net (William R Liporace) (William R Liporace)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 06:28:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CMOS Super Keyer III
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.961126062449.31553C-100000 at wizvax.wizvax.net>

 I have just gotten the new keyer built.  I have checked, rechecked, and 
 even had someone else check the keyer out.  I can not get the keyer to
initialize.  All of the voltage and resistance checks are good.  I 
checked for shorted pins and burnt/broken traces, all is fine.
Does anyone have a phone # for Idiom Press?? How about KC0Q or N0II??
I gave my CMOS Super Keyer II to a new ham, all I want to do is make this 
one work.  I want to get back to CW and work on my extra.  
Any and all help is needed.  TNX CUL Will

William Liporace KB2HUN          kb2hun at wizvax.net
763 Huntingdon Drive             KB2HUN @ K2TR (yccc packet cluster)
Niskayuna, NY 12309              KB2HUN @ WA2PVV (NEDA)
518-346-3804 home                518-471-2837 work

>From jtolbert at gremlan.org (Jamie Tolbert)  Tue Nov 26 12:04:58 1996
From: jtolbert at gremlan.org (Jamie Tolbert) (Jamie Tolbert)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 07:04:58 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CQWW notes
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9611251912.A27260-0100000-0100000-0100000-0100000-0100000 at sprite>

a few more notes about this weekend...Tnx to K4YA, W3LPL and N7DD for 
working me for zone 3,4,5...thumbs down though to all the other guys that 
would not. I can understand if they were running stations but many were 
just calling with no answer. Where was zone 11/PY on 40m?? I noticed in RM's
score they didnt work many South Americans. Anyone else with similiar 
results? Also wish I knew before hand to edit the f4 key to put a space 
in before my call to help the vox trip...got many MW3S replies. Is the 
vox keying the way to go or is there a way to use ptt in CT? I know NA 
ver 10 has ptt keying . How abt ver 9? 73 Jamie WW3S (not MW3S or NW3Sor 

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