40m small quad - help needed

CP2235 at aol.com CP2235 at aol.com
Wed Oct 2 09:38:01 EDT 1996

Hello antenna cracks,

I need your advice in the following project:

years ago I read some article about building a reduced size 2 ele Quad for
I think it was originally designed by a G3 amateur. Sorry  I cannot remember
the call and I do not find the article anymore.

This is the scheme:
The size of the antenna loop is reduced to about 75 percent (each side about
26ft/8m long).
Capacitive linear loading is used to resonate the loop:
Loading wires are connected to the center point of the vertical wires and are
run parallel to the vertical wires at a small distance (2 ft/60cm or so?).
These loading wires are strung between the normal quad spreaders as well and
are nearly as long as the vertical wires themselves.

My questions are:
Does anyone have the correct dimensions for this antenna?
 loop length, loading wire length, spacing distance of loading wire to
 loop length, loading wire length, spacing distance of loading wire to

or any FORMULAS I can start with? I could start with the approximate
dimensions I still have in my head, but I think it will take quite a long
time then.

Reflector resonate frequency should be about 3 percent lower - RIGHT?
I think a gamma match will do nice for feeding - RIGHT?

Any other comments?

Anything will be appreciated. Please mail directly to CP2235 at aol.com
I will collect the answers and provide a sum-up for anybody interested in
this topic.
Thank you very much. With a bit of luck we will meet with this antenna in
both WWDXs this year.

      Con, DF4SA

Cornelius Paul            DF4SA              CP2235 at aol.com

>From jtolbert at gremlan.org (Jamie Tolbert)  Wed Oct  2 14:26:23 1996
From: jtolbert at gremlan.org (Jamie Tolbert) (Jamie Tolbert)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 09:26:23 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9610020922.A10593-0100000 at sprite>

I also configuge Ct as to not see any spots but still allow them to be 
sent...the local ops request all help before the test...I also use the 
command set/nodxannounce to eliminate the cluster sending spots to me and 
eliminate some traffic on the node...however in the Oct 96 Cq mag. pg 17 
states that to "If you are entering the single op not assisted category 
the best thing to do is to unplug your 2 meter rig and TNC during the 
contest. If you do that you will not be tempted to take a look at packet" 
If further states that if you choose the assisted or multi catergories 
you can send and receive... I am curious as to how many other single ops 
connect to their local cluster and send spots but not recieve?? Will it 
still be within the rules to continue this practice? I am also concerned 
that many legit single ops will have qso's removed simply becaused they 
worked the spotted station within "x" number of minutes from being spotted
73..Jamie WW3S

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Alfred J. Frugoli wrote:

> > ctually, a person doesn't have to be CONNECTED to the local packet cluster to
> > "use" it.  One can set their TNC to monitor un-connected packets sent to other
> > stations and get all the DX spots that way and no one would ever be the wiser.
> > It's a problem, no doubt about it.
> > 
> > 73, Bill W7LZP
> > wrt at eskimo.com
> > 
> What about the opposite scenario?  A SO unassisted can make spots to 
> the cluster, just not use them.  If I remember correctly, CT will not 
> allow you to see any of the packet windows in SO mode but it will let 
> you make spots.  So a SO could be connected to the cluster and still 
> be lagitimate.
> -- 
> Al, KE1FO, ex. KE6BER    ke1fo at contesting.com or ke6ber at tiac.net
>                                       http://www.tiac.net/users/ke6ber

>From jayk at bits.fc.hp.com (Jay Kesterson)  Wed Oct  2 15:43:54 1996
From: jayk at bits.fc.hp.com (Jay Kesterson) (Jay Kesterson)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 07:43:54 -0700 (MDT)
Message-ID: <9610021343.AA06860 at bits.fc.hp.com>

This happened to me in the last CQWW CW. I did a single 160 assisted. 
The big gun in the state was doing a single 160 unassisted. Everytime a
good spot shows on the cluster the big gun shows and works the station.
Seems like obvious packet cheating. Finally the second night I ask one
of his friends, who lives near the big gun, what the h*ll is going on.
The answer is the guy is using an IC-781 with the band scope on. Everytime
he sees a pileup of local loud signals he shows up on frequency. OOPS,
guess I'm a little behind in the technology department.

73, Jay  K0GU  DN70mq          jayk at fc.hp.com

>From robrk at fyi.net (Robert Morris)  Wed Oct  2 18:08:09 1996
From: robrk at fyi.net (Robert Morris) (Robert Morris)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 10:08:09 -0700
Subject: 40m small quad - help needed
References: <961002083800_116343381 at emout02.mail.aol.com>
Message-ID: <3252A179.7996 at fyi.net>

CP2235 at aol.com wrote:
> Hello antenna cracks,
> I need your advice in the following project:
> years ago I read some article about building a reduced size 2 ele Quad for
> 40m.
> I think it was originally designed by a G3 amateur. Sorry  I cannot remember
> the call and I do not find the article anymore.
> This is the scheme:
> The size of the antenna loop is reduced to about 75 percent (each side about
> 26ft/8m long).
> Capacitive linear loading is used to resonate the loop:
> Loading wires are connected to the center point of the vertical wires and are
> run parallel to the vertical wires at a small distance (2 ft/60cm or so?).
> These loading wires are strung between the normal quad spreaders as well and
> are nearly as long as the vertical wires themselves.
> My questions are:
> Does anyone have the correct dimensions for this antenna?
>  loop length, loading wire length, spacing distance of loading wire to
> element)
>  loop length, loading wire length, spacing distance of loading wire to
> element)
> or any FORMULAS I can start with? I could start with the approximate
> dimensions I still have in my head, but I think it will take quite a long
> time then.
> Reflector resonate frequency should be about 3 percent lower - RIGHT?
> I think a gamma match will do nice for feeding - RIGHT?
> Any other comments?
> Anything will be appreciated. Please mail directly to CP2235 at aol.com
> I will collect the answers and provide a sum-up for anybody interested in
> this topic.
> Thank you very much. With a bit of luck we will meet with this antenna in
> both WWDXs this year.
> 73,
>       Con, DF4SA
> Cornelius Paul            DF4SA              CP2235 at aol.comBill Orr's book, "Quad Antenna Handbook" had a page or two on
such an antenna. My copy is deep in the pile, far from the computer.
I'll dig if you don't have access to a copy.
Bob - K2RK

>From MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin)  Wed Oct  2 15:20:23 1996
From: MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin) (Vitaly Markhasin)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 10:20:23 -0400
Subject: Sable Is. .....When??? -Reply
Message-ID: <s252426b.013 at SNC-LAVALIN.COM>

>>> Trey Garlough <trey at cisco.com> 10/02/96 01:07am
> When is this dx expedition going there?

>Please, this traffic belongs on the DX mailing list, not the
>mailing.  Please, please cooperate, and please, please
>*think* before
>you post traffic to the cq-contest mailing list.

--Trey, WN4KKN

Hi Trey,
This is an important subject as they can be in one of the
Oct-Nov. contests.
But where have you been when the all World was flooded
with "Vanity calls ..." traffic? Are they related to contesting?
A good operator will remain a good op. even if he changes
his call sign.
I like your Net but sometimes there is so much rubbish
73! Will see you in contests.
Vitaly (VE6JO)

>From n6bfm at avana.net (Bob Furzer)  Wed Oct  2 15:26:41 1996
From: n6bfm at avana.net (Bob Furzer) (Bob Furzer)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 10:26:41 -0400
Subject: Packet cheating.
Message-ID: < at tiger.avana.net>

Here, in the South East, the concept of cheating by monitoring Packet Radio,
of no concern.

The local (so called) DXCluster is limited to Italy and Mexico announcements
on 20M SSB.  The more skilled and adept would probably find then without the
assistance of Packet Radio.  The primary intent (and usage) of the DXCluster
is for the announcement (with the ANNO/FULL command) of QSL cards received
(on a daily basis by all connected)

Consequently, there is no threat (or disadvantage) to those who do not
monitor Packet Radio.

Oh well, BackToNetOverOver,

>From k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller)  Wed Oct  2 15:54:38 1996
From: k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller) (Lee Buller)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 09:54:38 -0500
Subject: SB-220 on 10 mtrs
Message-ID: < at southwind.net>

                At 06:42 PM 10/1/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I've just acquired my first amp in 40 years of contesting, an SB-220.  It
>shows excellent power out on 80-15 meters -- ca. 1200 W -- but only about
>700 on 10.  Is this to be expected?  I remember reading somewhere that the
>Measures parasitic suppressors with the nichrome wire could have this effect
>on 10.  Possible?
>73, Pete Smith N4ZR
>n4zr at contesting.com 
>... and not changing!

The SB220 is a fine amplifier and you will enjoy it greatly.  I would not do
anything with the parasitic suppressors.  The only thing I would do would be
to take the grid circutry out and ground the grids directly to the chasis
using heavy gauge copper wire or flat wire.  The modifications you are
looking concern arcing in the unit.  SB220s have a tendency to arc in the
pi-network circutry.  There has been a lot of discussion about that here on
the reflector, about what causes the arc.  The pararsitic kit claims to stop
the arc.  There are a lot of hard feelings over the whole issue and I don't
want to start another war here.  I found that the arc can be stopped by
removing the grid circutry and grounding the grids directly to the
chassis...and...loading the the amplifier properly.  The arcing is usually
caused by light loading and just a tweak of loading to the heavy side stops
the arcing.

Now, for your question.  The issue of lower power output in 10 meters is due
to the tubes.  They might be a little soft up on ten meters.  I've had that
experience too and most 220s do not get full rated output power on 10
meters.  I would say that 700 watts output is typical of the genre of amps.

Pound for pound...dollar for dollar...bolt for bolt...nut for nut...the
SB220 is probably the best ever designed and produced.  It is an engineering
marvel...a credit to Heath and the engineers that designed it.

Hope this helps.

k0wa at southwind.net
 (...I am not changing either...)

>From hugh at diac.com (Hugh Phillips - KR7Y)  Wed Oct  2 16:10:10 1996
From: hugh at diac.com (Hugh Phillips - KR7Y) (Hugh Phillips - KR7Y)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 09:10:10 -0600
Subject: Kenwood sales policy
Message-ID: <325285D2.56B4 at diac.com>

Paul, due to the recent changes in Kenwoods attempt to market their
products at Truckstops, CB shops etc. I will no longer consider your
products for my use. I presently have 5 Kenwoods. I plan on getting rid
of each and everyone and replacing them with your competitors equipment.
I have always purchased kenwood products since becoming a Amateur radio
operator in the middle 70's.

Hugh S. Phillips

ps, I have retired once already and am now a truckdriver, only because
I'm too young to set on my behind and do nothing. So I'll be checking
the Truck stops etc...

>From bob at waterw.com (Bob Applegate)  Wed Oct  2 16:52:20 1996
From: bob at waterw.com (Bob Applegate) (Bob Applegate)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 11:52:20 -0400
Subject: Kenwood sales policy
Message-ID: <9610021552.AA06338 at water.waterw.com>

>Paul, due to the recent changes in Kenwoods attempt to market their
>products at Truckstops, CB shops etc. I will no longer consider your
>products for my use. I presently have 5 Kenwoods. I plan on getting rid
>of each and everyone and replacing them with your competitors equipment.
>I have always purchased kenwood products since becoming a Amateur radio
>operator in the middle 70's.

I realize this is a CONTEST list, and I don't want to turn this into a
Kenwood discussion group, but let's all sit back and take a minute or
two to relax and think about the situation before sending off tons of
flames to some poor guy at Kenwood.

If you worked for ANY company that got a letter like the one above, how
would you react?  How many of these would it take before you finally
said something like "after all these years of producing good equipment,
and while trying out ideas to increase our sales, this is what we get
in return?  Maybe it IS time to screw the hams if this is their attitude!"

A couple guys selling off their Kenwoods isn't going to convince a big
company to change their tactics.  In fact, if they really feel that hams
are against them, they'll probably try to determine if the loss of ham
sales will be made up at truck stops... like it or not, they are in
business to make money.  If we turn our backs on them rather than trying
to convince them to re-think their strategy, they might very well turn
their backs on us.

Before sending any more pointless flames to Kenwood, maybe someone here
can think of some suggestions to help them meet their goals: more sales.
Any frsutrated person can just sell off their gear, but it takes some
good ideas and some saavy to convince Kenwood to drop the truck-stop

Please THINK before you write!

Bob - WA2ZZX

FWIW, I *did* send Kenwood an idea for possibly increasing sales among
the new hams without resorting to sales to non-hams.

Bob Applegate                  Water Wheel Systems
bob at waterw.com                 35A East Main Street, Suite 10
President                      Marlton, NJ  08053

>From broz at csn.net (John Brosnahan)  Wed Oct  2 16:59:25 1996
From: broz at csn.net (John Brosnahan) (John Brosnahan)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 09:59:25 -0600
Subject: I'm Baaaack
Message-ID: < at teal.csn.net>

Had a computer crash and lost a lot of messages from the contest
reflector as well as all other personal ones.  If you emailed me
something in the past 10 days and I didn't respond please try again.

To the W7 in Denver who wanted to operate my station for a contest
or for a test drive--I lost your message/call, please try again.
(Might have been a 2x1 7-land call).

73 John  W0UN

John Brosnahan
La Salle Research Corp.
24115 County Road 40
La Salle, CO 80645  USA

phone 970.284.6602
fax   970.284.0979
email broz at csn.net

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