[Fwd: Re: Kenwood sales practices]

Dan Keefe KS6Z at Sprynet.com
Wed Oct 2 10:02:37 EDT 1996

Message-ID: <3252910E.529E at Sprynet.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 08:58:06 -0700
From: Dan Keefe <KS6Z at Sprynet.com>
Reply-To: KS6Z at Sprynet.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win16; I)
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To: "Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu>
Subject: Re: Kenwood sales practices
References: <Pine.SOL.3.93.961002010810.18158G-100000 at pegasus>
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Given the number of postings on this subject and the explosive nature of
the subject I would hope that Kenwood marketing people would find a way
to respond on this reflector without delay.  This kind of activity can
do nothing but injure them if true.  

If the comments are without merit Kenwood has an affirmative obligation
to put a definitive statement to that effect on this reflector ASAP.

Dan Keefe  KS6Z

Charles H. Harpole wrote:
> Kenwood, if they do pursue wide sales of ham rigs to unlicensed, will ruin
> contesting (and, of course, also ham radio).  It will also be dangerous
> for all HF and VHF range radio communications of all kind--air-to-ground,
> police, fire, other emergency comm., and non-freq. switching government
> communications.  This is very explosive.  Kenwood must be brought into the
> league of evolved companies (small as it is) by ham pressure.  de K4VUD

>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths)  Wed Oct  2 19:19:26 1996
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 11:19:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: N6AA's note
Message-ID: <199610021819.LAA18000 at desiree.teleport.com>

>Dick - I'm confused. I've read many notes here on the reflector, and 
>heard K3WW's presentation at Dayton showing that "single op 
>distracted" scores are lower than single-op without packet, most of 
>the time.
>So, how is using packet an unfair advantage? It SHOULD hurt the 
>scores of the single op, shouldn't it? 
>As has been said already, if someone's gonna cheat they're gonna 
>cheat. Whether it is running power, or using packet. Or, having the 
>host at a guest op station help with equipment problems, or even 
>relieve the guest op for a little while here and there...
>Since a WRTC judge-style setup is not practical, the honor system is 
>the only way to continue...
>73 Barry
>Barry Kutner, W2UP                           Internet: w2up at voicenet.com
>Newtown, PA                   FRC            alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

Hi Barry,

Isn't it just possible that the very best operators operate without the use
of packet and the advantage that packet offers isn't quite enough to
overcome the differences in operating skill, therefore, packet users STILL
usually have lower scores than single op unassisted types?

I believe this is truly the case and it would be very interesting, indeed,
if all the best single op unassisted stations could be convinced to use
packet once to see what the result would be.  (I am sure the longterm result
would be a little different since it takes practice to use packet in a
contest, just as it takes practice to properly shoot fish in a barrel.)  I
also believe that if you removed the disticnction of packet vs non-packet,
you would force all single ops to use packet, since I doubt that anyone
would deny that, all else being equal, you can achieve a higher score using
packet assitance than you can without it.  I am quite sure the results would
show the same single op winners that you see now.  The difference would be
that the guys who usually win the assisted category just wouldn't win
anything anymore.

Stan  w7ni at teleport.com

>From cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick)  Wed Oct  2 20:58:33 1996
From: cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick) (Chris E Penick)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 14:58:33 EST
Subject: IRC's
Message-ID: <19961002.145846.4455.0.cpenick at juno.com>

Does anyone have 20-25 IRC's I can buy? Pse send me a msg & let me know
the cost. Need to send some needed QSL's out direct. TKS!!

73, Chris N4YGY
cpenick at juno.com

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Wed Oct  2 19:59:59 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 15:59:59 -0300
Subject: CQWW RTTY 96 Scores II
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by
<floydjr at interpath.com>

Date Posted: 10/02/96

CLASS            HRS     SCORE     QSO'S     PTS    QTH      DX      Z


S56A                  1,585,639    1244     3067        402        105
TM7XX                   979,506    1076     2619     85     219     70
SM3KOR            28    583,110     862     2046     52     173     60
OH2GI             25    455,535     575     1719     45     157     63
A92GD                   234,669     453     1311      1     125     53

N1RCT             35    464,508     812     1518    125     127     54
KB4GID            30    321,051     570     1039    117     124     68
N9CKC                   309,848     587     1006    134     116     58
W7LZP                   255,960     555      948    126      91     53
WB5B                    182,118     405      727     97     103     54
W7RSJ                   143,715     430      715     93      69     39
W2UP                    138,567     521      969     50      67     26
NA2M                     83,569     237      433     70      78     45
N3KVF                    79,692     205      458     60      74     40
W2JGR/0                  68,376     270      407     75      54     39
AK0A                     65,604     281      426     68      54     32
NB9C                     37,346     158      263     65      47     30
N2HOS                    36,322     137      254     53      55     35 
VA3WRM                   34,968     131      282     62      36     26
KI7RW/0                  25,288     171      218     79      20     17   


YL8M (YL2KL>            863,583    1041     2419     52     230     75
EA3AII                  203,320     378      920     44     129     48
UR5IBG            27    152,934     333      718     15     149     49
JE2UFF                  146,835     272      753     29     107     59
G3YJQ                   127,716     326      757     44      94     30
XE2DV                    87,024     277      592     91      27     29

AA5AU                   637,855     897     1537    160     172     83
WA4ZXA            44    467,852     641     1372    124     146     71
KE1FO                   445,851     637     1323    115     153     69
VE6KRR                  300,042     592     1266    116      75     46
KA2CYN                  194,928     365      744    100     108     54
VO1HP                   141,600     276      708     59      98     43
N1AFC (QRP)              99,302     246      574     57      79     37
KR4DA                    93,070     230      454     73      81     51
VE1BZV                   90,902     265      602     67      60     24
K0BX                     74,448     228      396     77      67     44
K4FPF                    73,530     182      430     45      87     39
KF2OG                    72,240     218      430     58      72     38
N7UUJ                    67,887     298      397     94      41     36
KI4MI                    66,240     186              67      73     40
N3BDA                    37,990     132      290     38      56     37
K0RC               6     37,845     190      261     84      34     27
AB5SE              9     14,345     116      151         95


OH2LU                   179,118     372      837     34     135     45

Single Band


US9AQ                     9,620      86      185     0       36     16

SM4DHF                   43,656     172      408     22      61     24     

K1IU                    372,724     958     2167     51      90     31

ZS6EZ                   205,720     471     1390     45      75     28
W2UP                    138,567     521      969     50      67     26 




KG4GC                 1,414,089    1500     3343    185     163     75 
VE6RAJ                  232,848     530     1078    120      59     37
VE5RI                   226,302     516     1088     98      68     42       
K8DO                    203,280     390      880     68     109     54  




STAION          OPERATORS                                


KG4GC          KG4GC,KG4QD,KG4AU




73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From wfeidt at cpcug.org (Bill Feidt)  Wed Oct  2 21:30:13 1996
From: wfeidt at cpcug.org (Bill Feidt) (Bill Feidt)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 16:30:13 -0400
Subject: N6YRU/V31DX Telnet Access to DX Packets Clusters List
Message-ID: < at cpcug.org>

John Downing's Telnet Access to DX Packets Clusters list is now
available, in HTML table format, on the NG3K Amateur Radio 
Contest/DX Web Page.  The URL is:


Best wishes,

wfeidt at cpcug.org


>From cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick)  Wed Oct  2 22:06:03 1996
From: cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick) (Chris E Penick)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 16:06:03 EST
Subject: IRC's Found!!
Message-ID: <19961002.160946.4455.4.cpenick at juno.com>

Tks all for the help, just bought the 25 I needed. 

73, Chris N4YGY

>From cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick)  Wed Oct  2 22:09:37 1996
From: cpenick at juno.com (Chris E Penick) (Chris E Penick)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 16:09:37 EST
Subject: ForSale/Trade/Swap Reflectors?????
Message-ID: <19961002.160946.4455.5.cpenick at juno.com>

Anyone know of a reflector or site that has ham equipment for sale/trade
etc.??? Am looking for a few items for the shack. Any help is

Chris N4YGY

>From PGENTRY at sbbs.net (PGENTRY)  Wed Oct  2 21:37:28 1996
From: PGENTRY at sbbs.net (PGENTRY) (PGENTRY)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 15:37:28 -0500
Subject: CQ Contest station registry/KH6 info
Message-ID: <00002CAE.3115 at sbbs.net>

     As some of you know, I have compiled a list of contesters/stations 
     willing to open their doors to new hams/contesters, letting them 
     operate various contests, teaching them the tricks of the trade.....  
     I have about 110 stations as of now, most of which are in the US.  I'd 
     like to see more DX stations on the list.  If you are not on the list 
     of available stations and would like to help out a newbie, drop me a 
     line and I will add you to the list that is published monthly in CQ 
     Contest.  I just need your name/call, email address, QTH and phone 
     number if you want to include that, and what contests you are 
     available for.
     Also, on a somewhat related note,  I am probably going to be in Hawaii 
     during the time of ARRL DX SSB.  Are there any KH6 hams who wouldn't 
     mind having a guest op for that weekend?  I require very meger 
     accommodations and don't need a fancy station.  If someone can help me 
     out, lead me in the right direction...  any help would be appreciated.
     PLEASE REPLY DIRECT, I am not logged on the reflector at this time.  
     Paul  WX9E  (not for much longer hopefully)
     PGentry at sbbs.net    (work address - days)   
     WX9E at aol.com        (home address - nights)    

>From nt5c at easy.com (John Warren)  Wed Oct  2 22:15:22 1996
From: nt5c at easy.com (John Warren) (John Warren)
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 16:15:22 -0500
Subject: SO vs. SOA
Message-ID: <1367849531-77079345 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

Logically, you might expect SO to have more QSOs (they don't get distracted
from runs by potential goodies elsewhere), and conversely SOA to have
better multipliers. If the quality of the operators in both classes were
the same, it would be interesting to see if that worked out to be true
across a reasonable spectrum of locations.

But then, since typical contest scoring gives too much weight to QSO runs
(brute force, QTH advantage) and too little to multipliers (skill,
knowledge), SO would still come out ahead anyway.

(Asbestos suit on).

John, NT5C.

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