Who's doing group ferrite order?

HANKKIER at aol.com HANKKIER at aol.com
Fri Oct 18 00:43:20 EDT 1996

A few days ago someone was putting a group ferrite order together, but I
accidentally erased the message. Please let me know who it was....email
address, so I can get in touch directly with him. Thanks. Hank KF2O

>From garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net (Gary Schwartz)  Fri Oct 18 05:50:25 1996
From: garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net (Gary Schwartz) (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 23:50:25 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: EU Layers
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9610172323.B26012-b100000 at solaria.sol.net>

On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, Gus Samuelson wrote:

> Boy I really feel for you guys ( I'm closer to Europe than I am to most
> places in North America) As a contester it has it's advantages,
>  as a dxer it's just QRM !
> Layers ? What layers ? First there are the guys with beams , then there are
> the guys with dipoles , then there are the QRP guys with Beams , QRP with
> Dipoles , the occasional guy with some wire in his " loft  "   attic  that is.
> The 20m mobiles then the 40 m Mobiles and once in While the 80 m  Eu Mobile!
>  Then finally there are the guys with Coat hangers lashed to the metal
> railing on their apartment bldg balconies.
> Yes I guess there are SOME layers !

I can echo with what Gus is saying.  When I went to Miquelon Is. for CQWW
SSB last fall, Europe was ALWAYS loud!  We worked almost 1,000 QSO's on
80M alone.  Judging from the QSL's rcvd, a pretty large percentage were
running 25-50W to low dipoles.  There weren't many stations that we had to
dig out of the mud either.  I can remember turning on the radio one
afternoon after a walk around the island.  I heard a very loud station
CQ'ing on 160M.  He was 20 over S-9.  It was about 2 or three in the

The station was 4X4NJ......

Gary K9GS 
  /       K9GS       |______________________________
 /   FP/K9GS, TO5M   |Society of Midwest Contesters |____________________
(                    |   garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net   |Secretary/Treasurer/
 \   Gary Schwartz   |   K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM    | Greater Milwaukee/
  \__________________|     PacketCluster: NB9C      |  DX Association (
                   (________________________________|       GMDXA      \
                              KNOW CODE !         (_____________________\

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