CT help
Robert Stolberg
ks9w at mc.net
Tue Oct 22 23:24:45 EDT 1996
I'm getting ready to use CT Ver. 9 for the first time and am looking for
help with controlling Radio 1&2 and Rotor 1&2? I don't see any-
thing in the manual or Help menu.
Please reply direct to me at ks9w at mc.net
Thanks, Bob
>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) Tue Oct 22 22:19:51 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 18:19:51 -0300
Subject: Submitting Scores Part II
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>
Well I knew I would forget somethings and someone would remind me which
I appreciate very much.
First someone asked if the Z meant zones and the DX is countries. This
basically follows CT summary sheet without the point per qso thing. I
will type this out clearer in the actual posting.
Next thing is very important.
This is as per the people who are in charge of this reflector, so if you
have any questions you need to address them to them and not me.
Post your scores on the 3830 Reflector or to me direct or both. I would
rather get your scores twice than not at all. Forgive me for I have lost
how to sign onto the 3830 Reflector but Bill, KM9P will be glad to post
it here I am sure.
As I said I wrote that little FAQ thing fairly fast and I missed the two
above things. I do want things to be pointed out to me and I will always
do my best to correct them. My apoligies to both Jim, AD1C and Bill,
KM9P for this mistake. Feel free to repost or use anything I put on here
as long as my call and name stays with it. That is all I ask.
Ok now if there are any more questions feel free to ask them. Once I
start doing the scores it will be hard to change much.
73's Jim
>From morpheus%moc.kw at TGV.COM (morpheus at moc.kw) Wed Oct 23 06:16:17 1996
From: morpheus%moc.kw at TGV.COM (morpheus at moc.kw) (morpheus at moc.kw)
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 96 02:16:17 -0300
Subject: 9K2HN in CQ WW DX SSB
Message-ID: <199610230516.CAA13914 at ncc.moc.kw>
I will be joining CQ WW DX SSB in the next week end, I hope we will have
good prop in this contest.
good luck for all
thank you
de 9k2hn
9K2HN | E-Mail: morpheus at moc.kw |
Hamad Al-Nusif | http://www.gate.net/~morpheus/hamad/9k2hn.html |
P.O.Box:29174 | Phone: (965) 2562561 between 0900 to 2000 UTC |
13152, Safat | Mobile:(965) 9685111 If I'm not home!! |
Kuwait | Fax: (965) 2570014 24 hours a day!! |
| Packet: 9K2HN @ 9K2HN.KWT.AS |
Old Tom was the single cracked bronze bell in the University bell tower.
The clapper dropped out shortly after it was cast, but the bell still
tolled out some tremendously sonorous silences every hour.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P) Wed Oct 23 00:43:30 1996
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P) (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 19:43:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 3830 Score Postings Info
Message-ID: <199610222343.TAA28232 at paris.akorn.net>
This is to follow up Jim's message about posting scores.
After the contest please post your scores & comments at 3830 at contesting.com.
You only need to be subscribed if you want to review the scores in your
mailbox. I believe most people are reviewing the scores on the WWW. To do
so, point your browser to http://www.contesting.com/_3830/ Then you will
be able to view all of the score postings via your browser.
Please include detail about your effort in the subject of the message.
Example: KM9P CQWW SSB SOAB HP Unassisted
The 3830 at contesting.com FAQ is at
http://www.contesting.com/km9p/3830faq.html. You can get all the
particulars there.
To subscribe: 3830-request at contesting.com 'subscribe' in the body of the
To unsubscribe: 3830-request at contesting.com 'unsubscribe' in the body of
the message.
To post: 3830 at contesting.com
Problems & Questions: AD1C at contesting.com
Bill, KM9P
| Contesting Online... The ultimate |
| source of ham radio contest information |
| http://www.contesting.com |
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