The answer is... (10m question)

ramirezk at ramirezk at
Thu Oct 24 08:56:34 EDT 1996

    I finally received a response from someone with the sense to 
not throw his testicles around on the reflector for all to see.
    It appears that the ARRL has asked that 28.300-28.350 NOT be 
used during ARRL sponsored contests including the 10m contest in 
December. See how easy it was to give a simple answer to a 
simple question? It CAN be done without proving to everyone on 
here that you have a bigger set of nads.  
     It DOES matter since 300-400 LU novices can be worked 
during a contest. If the novice LU band was expanded to include 
these freqs then all is OK. If the old novice freqs have been 
replaced by these new frequencies then some new strategies will 
be needed for future ARRL contests.The WARC bands are a contest 
free zone? The last time I checked, U.S. Novices and Techs did 
not have WARC band privileges. Nuff said.
    73 Ken KP4XS

>From MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin)  Thu Oct 24 15:07:02 1996
From: MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin) (Vitaly Markhasin)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:07:02 -0400
Subject: QSL info required
Message-ID: <s26f4046.075 at SNC-LAVALIN.COM>

Hello All,
I do realize that this in not CONTEST-type request but with VE7TCP
down and no reply from 425dxqsl....I have no other choice... Sorry
I am looking for QSL info for the following stations:
PY0FF QSO on 12/25/95
ZK1BWQ QSO on 10/03/96
J38FR QSO on 10/06/96
VP2V/K6WI QSO on 10/05/96 (if via K6WI - address please.)
Thank you for help.
Please reply direct ASAP.
Vitaly (VE6JO, will use VA6JO in the contest)

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Thu Oct 24 15:36:27 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 07:36:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: LU Novice Allocations
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.961024073411.24721D-100000 at>

Just for the record - these were sent to me by LU7DW:

10-meter LU Novice privileges

10 Mtrs: 28030-28190 CW
         28300-28350 SSB ONLY for DX & contest
	 28900-29300 SSB & FM

So you can work the Novii in either the 300-350 segment (why not stay up
around 345 somewhere) or the far-upper segment.  Not that 10 is going to
be so incredibly hot that it's going to matter much.

73, Ward N0AX

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