Little fish.....

Barry Kutner w2up at
Mon Oct 28 15:16:08 EST 1996

On 28 Oct 96, AA8U <aa8u at> wrote:

> Every decent "big gun" that truely merits the title would just politely and
> quickly work you and move on. Those that are so RUDE are not really "big
> guns", they only THINK they are! Big difference........there is a lot more
> to being a "big gun" than rate/score. 

I believe most "big guns" truly are gentleman. Many are on this 
reflector, and frequently comment and help with their experience and 
knowledge.  The problem, as I see it, is that the "little pistol" 
operators at the big gun's station develop "Napoleon syndrome." He
feels very powerful now that he can step on people with his 48 hour
big signal and anonymity to his true identity.

Barry Kutner, W2UP                           Internet: w2up at
Newtown, PA                   FRC            alternate: barry at

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay)  Mon Oct 28 20:33:35 1996
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 12:33:35 -0800
Subject: 40M Flagrant Violatons
References: <199610281936.AA07046 at>
Message-ID: <3275189F.4BFC at>

Tell us who it is. He should be disqualified, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Too much of the "I don't have to conform" attitude in the U.S. now.
It ranks right there with spitting in the umpires face.  
de KL7HF

John Brosnahan wrote:
> I have a moral/ethical question about operating on 40M phone.  I don't approve
> of transmitting outside the US band, not even for the common "listen up"
> transmissions that I often hear, so we don't do it.  And we pride ourselves on
> trying to do a contest without ever making a mistake on the wrong VFO
> (although I
> know it can happen by accident).
> But what I kept hearing from a prominent 40M competitor is extended,
> unidentified,
> simplex transmissions below 7100 asking for DX stations to find him mults,
> explaining
> how to do split in contests, etc.  These were 2-way qsos lasting a number of
> minutes
> on many occasions.  The unnamed competitor would then give a US frequency
> and continue his conversations with the DX and properly ID.  It was all very
> clear
> and blatant.
> The operator at my station confronted the party on the air (in the US band) and
> the issues raised did not seem to concern the out-of-band operator.  Other
> stations in the area also heard the many out-of-band operations on numerous
> occasions
> and have commented to me privately on it.
> What does one do in such a case?  It seems like it violates the
> certification that
> one has operated within the rules of his license that is suppossed to be
> sent with an
> entry.  We did not tape record the numerous incidents since my operator was
> out to
> compete (fairly) in a contest and not to spend his time documenting others
> who were
> not interested in competing fairly.
> Thoughts and observations would be appreciated.
> 73  John  W0UN

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Oct 28 20:12:13 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 16:12:13 -0400
Subject: CQWW SSB 96 Score Breakdown I
Message-ID: < at>


Compiled by

Date Posted: 10/28/96

CALL                                        Q'S/Z'S/DX     SCORE
    160         80         40           20           15          10


YB1AQS                                    2433/119/343   3,247,398
   1/ 1/  1    8/ 8/  8   46/20/ 31  435/33/ 96 1224/31/112  719/26/ 95
OH1EH                                     2249/116/419   2,065,100
  95/ 6/ 36  223/14/ 56  414/26/ 92  994/33/107  455/27/100   68/10/ 28
9K2HN                                     1951/ 77/239   1,728,520
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0    1/ 1/  1  563/23/ 75 1216/33/105  171/20/ 58
OI6KZP                                     676/ 66/239     337,940
   2/ 1/  1  185/ 8/ 42   48/ 5/ 24  231/19/ 73  193/26/ 84   17/ 7/ 14

KM9P                                      2110/137/461   3,610,724 
  44/12/ 29  184/23/ 71  155/25/ 73 1017/34/138  563/29/116  147/14/ 34 
N2IC/0                                    1703/130/357   2,304,484
  34/12/ 21  139/22/ 47  303/29/ 74 1023/35/120  182/25/ 82   22/ 7/ 13
W6XR                                      1302/137/347   1,647,555
  28/ 7/ 20   65/13/ 36  126/22/ 64  420/30/105  589/25/101   73/11/ 21
N9ITX/7                                    416/ 72/167     270,787   
  20/ 9/ 13   28/10/ 18   57/17/ 36   59/25/ 71   52/11/ 29    0/ 0/  0
N5CT                                       110/ 54/ 97      43,639
   0/ 0/  0    0/ 0/  0   21/16/ 19   59/23/ 54   30/15/ 24    0/ 0/  0


WA4ZXA                                    1105/111/364   1,447,800
  33/ 9/ 23   61/12/ 39  120/20/ 62  390/33/106  415/27/105   86/10/ 29
WA7BNM                                     810/ 98/202     672,600
   2/ 2/  2   36/14/ 18   85/22/ 39  299/32/ 84  382/25/ 56    6/ 3/  3 


AA3JU                                     1108/105/370   1,415,025
  16/ 4/ 10   98/16/ 53   90/18/ 59  333/29/105  444/25/105  127/13/ 38
AA3B                                       989/101/372   1,313,521
  19/ 6/ 15   79/12/ 49  137/30/ 71  316/26/103  334/24/ 98  104/13/ 36
N9VHW                                      693/108/337     841,940
  18/ 9/ 12   52/13/ 38   88/19/ 53  270/33/110  213/23/ 94   52/11/ 30
N1CC/2                                     553/ 78/220     460,410
   4/ 2/  2   22/ 7/ 16   26/11/ 23  340/28/ 93  138/25/ 78   23/ 5/  8
KR4UJ                                      405/ 80/210     319,580
   4/ 4/  4   44/12/ 32   11/ 4/  9  171/26/ 74  130/23/ 69   45/11/ 23
KM0L                                       444/ 76/193     314,461
   2/ 2/  2   31/ 9/ 16   67/21/ 36  224/25/ 78  116/17/ 57    4/ 2/  4


3DA0DX                                    3716/102/318   4,605,720
   1/ 1/  1   13/ 4/  6  212/18/ 36  841/31/ 92 2018/29/107  631/19/ 76 

KF2ET                                     2900/143/547   5,755,290
  31/10/ 29  284/22/ 84  370/30/ 99 1301/37/144  826/27/138   88/17/ 53 
K8LX                                      1843/125/438   2,950,000 
  28/ 9/ 22   74/18/ 48  172/29/ 83  914/36/146  619/26/113   37/ 7/ 26
K1GW                                      1392/110/396   1,983,520
  24/ 6/ 17   76/15/ 46  160/24/ 79  623/29/113  424/24/113   85/12/ 28
NC0P                                      1138/133/423   1,700,226
  34/11/ 28   91/21/ 58  199/30/ 84  451/34/126  317/26/ 94   46/11/ 32
WA0PUJ                                    1225/121/336   1,363,688
  50/10/ 17   86/18/ 45  124/29/ 76  790/37/119  164/21/ 72    9/ 6/  7
VE6FI                                     1620/ 95/205   1,093,800
  87/ 7/  6  228/15/ 25  240/23/ 42 1001/29/ 89   63/20/ 42    1/ 1/  1


W1FJ                                      3376/144/558   6,733,584
  89/12/ 42  562/25/ 97  300/25/ 92 1349/39/146  910/28/137  166/15/ 44 
KS9K                                      2811/144/515   4,817,949
  80/10/ 11  211/24/ 65  299/33/ 93 1371/38/166  783/30/132   67/ 9/ 28
NQ4I                                      2901/145/493   4,451,284
 150/11/ 32  123/22/ 61  213/29/ 85 1414/36/139  813/32/132  188/15/ 44   


73's Jim 
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher KM9P)  Mon Oct 28 20:56:34 1996
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher KM9P) (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 15:56:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 40M Flagrant Violatons
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.961028155153.18884A-100000 at>

I heard the same thing on 75M on many occasions.  I couldn't believe some
of the callsigns I heard just working a guy transceive on 3743Khz.  I
assumed it was a mental lapse...  I guess after you hear the first guy do
it you assume your transceiver is wrong and go with the flow?  I had to
wait to work the guy the next night when he was listening up.  Oh well.


Bill, KM9P

>From nt5c at (John Warren)  Tue Oct 29 02:06:35 1996
From: nt5c at (John Warren) (John Warren)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 21:06:35 -0500
Subject: K3ZO report on CQWW/SSB
Message-ID: <1365607317-212174949 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

Always enjoy Fred's wonderful narrative on a contest. Captures the fun and
excitement of it all.

Just a quick comment on some interesting 40M propagation from Texas. The
dawn long path to our southwest was better than I can ever previously
recall. Between 1225Z and 1425Z I heard and/or worked EM, EY, FR, RA4, RU6,
RN and ZS6, not to mention FT5W the day before the contest. Chris ZS6EZ was
S6 two hours after our sunrise and two before his sunset. Maybe nothing
much if you're on the left coast, but very interesting from Texas.
Unfortunately, I missed the one I really wanted: JT1FBT - was Mike on the

John, NT5C.

>From nt5c at (John Warren)  Tue Oct 29 02:06:31 1996
From: nt5c at (John Warren) (John Warren)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 21:06:31 -0500
Subject: CQWW & 7 MHz - A Suggestion
Message-ID: <1365607321-212174696 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

Steve GW4BLE wrote:

|The usual flow of views on what's right and wrong with respect to
|7 MHz SSB operation is likely to be generated once again.
|To clear up the present situation I would like to make the following
|You must *not* solicit contacts, i.e. call CQ,  on SSB below 7040 KHz.

But this will ruin my private formula for estimating the low-band activity
level in ssb dx contests: Activity is inversely proportional to the spacing
of the lowest ssb station from 7000 KHz. This year it was a PY2 on 7010,
which means more activity than 1995, when the lowest was a certain W1 (no
kidding) operating transceive (NOT wrong vfo) on 7017. I suppose an
alternate interpretation is that American morals improved this year, DX

John, NT5C.

(Cymru am byth Steve!)

>From n6bfm at (Bob Furzer)  Mon Oct 28 22:34:06 1996
From: n6bfm at (Bob Furzer) (Bob Furzer)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 17:34:06 -0500
Subject: 40M Flagrant Violatons
Message-ID: < at>

And I thought flagrancy, even between consenting adults, was illegal in the
State of Georgia.

It's bad enough having all the wannabe frequency police on the bands.  Do we
have to have the whining here on the internet too?  

73, DX was

PS.  Any OOs from Montana on this reflector?  I still need an OO report from
Montana - The last State for my WASOO.

At 03:56 PM 10/28/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I heard the same thing on 75M on many occasions.  I couldn't believe some
>of the callsigns I heard just working a guy transceive on 3743Khz.  I
>assumed it was a mental lapse...  I guess after you hear the first guy do
>it you assume your transceiver is wrong and go with the flow?  I had to
>wait to work the guy the next night when he was listening up.  Oh well.
>Bill, KM9P

>From n6bfm at (Bob Furzer)  Mon Oct 28 22:34:10 1996
From: n6bfm at (Bob Furzer) (Bob Furzer)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 17:34:10 -0500
Subject: SO vs SOA
Message-ID: < at>

Much has been written on the subject of assisted vs unassisted operations.
The benefits, the morality of correctly reporting the category, etc. etc.

Well, the CQWWSSB '96 is over, and the results are in.  Clearly the way to
go is to operate 'assisted' and submit your entry as 'unassisted'.  The DX
spotted on our local cluster proved invaluable to both the serious contested
as well as the casual participant.  Both in the assisted and the unassisted

As an indication of the order of magnitude of advantage the local DX Cluster
provided, let me share with you the remarkable statistic that Mexico was
announced 42 times over the weekend.  Now, how could we (even us
'unassisted' participants) have hoped to maintain any degree of
competitiveness without this invaluable source of information.

I know that there are those of you who will disagree, so let the record show
that the local DX Cluster did show some weakness.  I personally heard West
Coast stations (in Zone 3) on the bands, but there wasn't one single West
Coast spot all weekend.  But, to be fair, the West Coast of the US is 2000
miles away (considerably further than Mexico - even at its furthest South
point), and our prolific 'spotters' probably couldn't hear that far anyway.

73, DX was,

PS.  Now that the contest is over - I haven't seen Mexico (or even Italy)
announced all day. Is it appropriate to start using the ANNOUNCE/FULL
function again for it's intended purpose of announcing the daily content of
ones mailbox?

>From 102505.2241 at CompuServe.COM (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)  Mon Oct 28 22:43:38 1996
From: 102505.2241 at CompuServe.COM (Rick Dougherty NQ4I) (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)
Date: 28 Oct 96 17:43:38 EST
Subject: stateside qso's
Message-ID: <961028224338_102505.2241_HHM41-1 at CompuServe.COM>

Hi all I don't contribute as much as I probably should...but the thread that is
starting up ahs caught my attention, and I feel that some reply is
necessary...first of all, there has been ample justification to the logging of
all calls ( ie he may need you for that zone mult) in our pre-contest briefing
with the ops here at NQ4I, we all agreed that we would make the time to log each
and every qso...not a real comes the "RUB" and that the
statesiders who not only worked us once, but they worked us on all six
bands...and that is where I draw the line...did it happen to you also??  de Rick

>From yv5dta at (Esteban J. Morao)  Mon Oct 28 23:03:50 1996
From: yv5dta at (Esteban J. Morao) (Esteban J. Morao)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 18:03:50 -0500
Subject: Back in the contest game...
Message-ID: <199610282306.SAA03921 at>

Hello Gang...
Well... after been away from contest action for the past couple of years
(Girls, college, work...etc etc), I was able to get couple of hours into
the wild action of the pileups of the cq ww... 

Taking advantage that I needed to do some work to our cluster here...
Sunday morning I was able to work 4 hours of the test as so/assisted...
had fun...eaven though my score it is not record breacking... I was able to
work 41 countries, 17 zones.... the final score 7,366...

I really missed the rush of being on a major test... 

73 de Steve
PS: I really need a short call... I will try to get an US call before my
next trip in 3 weeks...

Steve J. Morao BSMIS
Systems Analyst
Allders - Nuance International (USA)
e-mail: yv5dta at

****All comments express on this e-mail are mine and only mine :) 

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