40M Flagrant Violatons

BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
Mon Oct 28 21:33:42 EST 1996

John, this sorta behaviour sucks....

a) I say you confront the individual (I gather this has been done)...and,

sans an explanation of how operating on a frequency he was NOT licensed to
use (such as new 40 meter frequency privledges were extended by the FCC on
Friday - hadn't we heard?), then:

b) summarize your observations and report them to the CQWW contest committee
(K3EST, et al)

I cannot see where this sort of behaviour can in any way be condoned, it is
this kinda crud that gives competitors bad press...."you know those
contesters they don't even operate within the band!"

If the contest reflector is the place at this point in time where we are to
excercise peer pressure (and I believe it is), hopefully this individual
reads my post and in no way gets the idea that I welcome his behaviour this
past weekend. I hope he understands that I wish that he hasn't harmed a hobby
which gives not only me but all contesters great pleasure world wide...his
antics do not impress me, I doubt they impressed anyone other than himself.
 Hopefully he hasn't screwed things up for us.

Is the term "lid" still in vogue?

Jim K1ZX

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