Vanity calls: only interested in 10 calls...

Lee Hiers AA4GA aa4ga at
Sat Sep 14 20:05:08 EDT 1996

On 13 Sep 96, foggie wrote:

> That's a very good question, as I expect to upgrade to extra this month. I
> however am only interested in 1 call. (W5ZX of course :) since K5ZX is taken)

Well, if you miss W5ZX, you'll be able to get K1ZX in a couple of 

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, GA
aa4ga at   

>From foggie at (foggie)  Sat Sep 14 21:07:36 1996
From: foggie at (foggie) (foggie)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 20:07:36 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Vanity calls: only interested in 10 calls...
Message-ID: <XFMail.960914200839.foggie at>

On 14-Sep-96 aa4ga at wrote:
>>On 13 Sep 96, foggie wrote:
>> That's a very good question, as I expect to upgrade to extra this month. I
>> however am only interested in 1 call. (W5ZX of course :) since K5ZX is taken)
>Well, if you miss W5ZX, you'll be able to get K1ZX in a couple of 
>73 de Lee
>Lee Hiers, AA4GA
>Cornelia, GA
>aa4ga at   

True, but 5 dits is a lot shorter than 1 dit +4 dahs. :)
the W/K is of course the same. 

Al - kk5zx

E-Mail: foggie <foggie at>
Date: 09/14/96
Time: 20:07:38

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>From at TGV.COM (Steve Lufcy)  Sat Sep 14 21:58:15 1996
From: at TGV.COM (Steve Lufcy) (Steve Lufcy)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 15:58:15 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Mailing list or file server error (fwd)
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From: at TGV.COM (Steve Lufcy)
To: cq-contest at TGV.COM (reflector contest)
Subject: Confessions of the Ethically Challenged
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Re correcting busted calls in the contest log: The purists may disagree,
but I say fix the call. If you made the contact, and you know who you
worked, then make sure your log is correct.  This is like proofreading a
term paper before turning it in, or correcting typo's. If you don't both 
you and the other guy could be hurt. Get the best grade you can. Did you 
work the guy or not? If you are in his log, and you show the contact in 
your log you deserve credit for it. I don't think it is right to turn in 
a log without checking for those kinds of mistakes.
IMHO 73 de KM0L Steve in KC

>From AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C)  Sat Sep 14 22:13:39 1996
From: AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 96 17:13:39 -0400
Subject: COM3/COM4 Summary - LONG
Message-ID: <199609142130.RAA03070 at>

Note that there is some COM port and networking stuff, and Win95 stuff, on
the CT home page:

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C at>          

>From phuber at (Peter L. Huber)  Sat Sep 14 22:44:46 1996
From: phuber at (Peter L. Huber) (Peter L. Huber)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 17:44:46 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Mailing list or file server error (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.960914174019.27839C-100000 at>

On Sat, 14 Sep 1996, Steve Lufcy wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 13:30:02 PST
> From: Mailing list & file server <Postmaster at>
> To: km0l at
> Subject: Mailing list or file server error

> Re correcting busted calls in the contest log: The purists may disagree,
> but I say fix the call. If you made the contact, and you know who you
> worked, then make sure your log is correct.  This is like proofreading a
> term paper before turning it in, or correcting typo's. If you don't both 
> you and the other guy could be hurt. Get the best grade you can. Did you 
> work the guy or not? If you are in his log, and you show the contact in 
> your log you deserve credit for it. I don't think it is right to turn in 
> a log without checking for those kinds of mistakes.
> IMHO 73 de KM0L Steve in KC

Yo Steve in KC,

Put me on the list. I agree! 

Pete, K3ZR (8P9HQ)                   TriBBS, #1056
Bowie, MD 20715-3120                 k3zr at

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Sep 14 22:44:28 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 11:44:28 -1000
Subject: Electronic 610V
Message-ID: < at>

At 02:56 PM 9/12/96 EDT, you wrote:

>There is, in fact, a Beta test of a Form 610V which appeared on the 
>web yesterday at:
>  ""

There is no mention here of how/what to do about the $30 fee.
Wonder how that is to be collected on the web?

73, Jim

>From dave at (David Clemons)  Sat Sep 14 23:21:11 1996
From: dave at (David Clemons) (David Clemons)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 18:21:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Electronic 610V
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960914181905.12009A-100000 at>


Jim asked:
	"There is no mention here of how/what to do about the $30 fee.
	 Wonder how that is to be collected on the web?"

Just tell them that the check is in the e-mail!

73, Dave Clemons K1VUT

p.s. - Can you tell that I've worked too many hours this week?

>From steven at (Steven Nace KN5H)  Sat Sep 14 23:26:01 1996
From: steven at (Steven Nace KN5H) (Steven Nace KN5H)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 16:26:01 -0600
Subject: More Confessions
Message-ID: <22260107813089 at>

At 06:45 AM 9/14/96 -0400, AD4VH wrote:
>In reviewing my Sept 96 CW Sprint log I have found another issue with
>ethical implications. I loaded my log into Microsoft Excel and peformed a
>sort by callsign. 


Guess my tape recordings are suspect too.

How about those callsign master databases or that check partial function you
accidentally invoke during the August NAQP CW when you are trying to hear
that WD8 on 160?

Doesn't NA have a callsign compare utility that is used to look for similar
calls? What other reason would there be for such a utility than to look for
busted calls?

I am waiting for the new logging software that examines the call you type in
and flags you that it is busted prior to completing the QSO!

de Hose  KN5 dit dit dit dit,  not KN5S
                               ( O O )
  _______________________________( )___oOO____________________________
 | Steven K. Nace     KN5H           Phone: 505-525-6205              |
 | AlliedSignal Technical Svcs       E-Mail: Snace at |
 | Spacecraft Engineering Group      Alt E-mail: steven at    |
 | NASA White Sands Complex          Fax: 505-525-6229                |
 | Las Cruces, NM 88004              Alt Fax: 505-527-7223            |
                               |__| |__|
                                ||   ||   
                                ||   ||       
                               (__) (__)   

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Sep 14 23:27:28 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 12:27:28 -1000
Subject: Electronic 610V
Message-ID: < at>

At 03:16 PM 9/14/96 -0700, you wrote:
>You get a form to print and you mail your check in with the form.
>Tree N6TR

Oh phooey,  here I thought  it could all be done from the shack;
just type in the info,  enter your CC # , and press submit,
Oh well,  back to the paper form.  

I checked with the US post office here in Lihe;  the lady said
if I use US Express Mail on Friday,  the Postal Service would
guarantee delivery to the specified POBox(es) in Pittsburgh
on Sunday;  two days,  absolute,  Sundays included.  Someone
posted that the FCC/Mellon Bank has rented 88 boxes at
the site in Pittsb.!! Expeting a few bags this coming weekend it

73,  Jim, AH6NB,  for just awhile longer.

>From kw4t at (Dan Weisenburger)  Sun Sep 15 00:17:48 1996
From: kw4t at (Dan Weisenburger) (Dan Weisenburger)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 19:17:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Cable Attenuation Question
Message-ID: <199609142317.TAA28415 at>

At 06:20 PM 9/9/96 -0500, you wrote:
>This is a word Problem.
>If I have a 150 Feet of RG-9913, which the charts say should have
>a loss of 1.2 dB per 100 Feet at 28MHz. And I put 100 Watts of power
>into the coax, how much power should I expect to see at the other end?
>Thanks, Jack, KA8D
Hi Jack (don't say that in an airport!)

The advertised spec which Belden uses is really what they guarantee.

Many times a cable can be less lossy than advertised.  On the other hand, if
a 100' piece of Belden 9913 measured 1.4 dB (allowing for connectors) of
loss it would need to be replaced under warranty.

The best way to test coax is to send measured power in at a known rate to a
termination.  Measure the Power In (PI),in watts, then measure the Power Out
(PO),in watts, at the other end.  (Use the same meter)  Calculate the cable
loss with the formula  dB = 10(log PO/PI).  Record this value as a reference
so that some day when the cable is down and about to go up again you can see
if the cable is still as good as when you bought it.  (allow .1 dB for the
connectors at each end or .2 dB total).

73 from Lake Moneysgone  Dan  - KW4T

PS  66.07 Watts   (Hmmm  dats too much power under dem new rules)

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