Ethically Challenged?

Sun Sep 15 13:09:45 EDT 1996

Hi Mike - Great Question....sorry I didn't see your posting before the
Hamfest yesterday I would have enjoyed discussing this topic at our club
meeting....but then again I had my hands full of anchovie laden pizza and

Your sorting of the log to spot inconsistencies is a great way for you to
spot areas where you need work. I have done something similar with simulators
and no matter when I take the test, it seems the letters s and h when sent
QRQ are my cw nemsisses (sai/si/sies). 

Whether or not you should change your log prior to submission is the question
at much can we do to a log after 23:59:59 zulu and attribute the
fix to typos...and how much of the massaging is in effect an enhancing our
true operator abilities?

For a while I was doing absolutely nothing to my log, period.  Then I
softened a little after loosing credit for a Sprint QSO with W1WEF where I
keyed in his name I typo'd and had enterred Jacl (not Jack) was an
obvious typo on my part (I don't think the name jacl exists....BUT!.....if we
are indeed copying what was sent to us then the log as keyed in is a record
of that.

As a poor typist I have caved to the point where I do a quick lookover of the
log to see if there are any Jacl' thing I missed last year in the SS
was that I had enterred one guys call as <space>AD4VH (I forget exactly who
it was) and with the space in front the software did NOT pick it up as a dupe
but as a new call and scored it.  ARRL caught it though.

The competition takes place in real time and the outcome of your checking
your log after the fact does have the potential for really alterring your
your score. 

Do you want to bend the rules and operate more hours than the contest allows?
 This is what massaging your log means to is in essence operating
time after you have used yours up.  I allow myself the check for typos, and
this I personally feel comfortable with.  I however will NOT change something
like an SS QSO number from N6TR that is lower than mine, even though I know
Tree is obviously ahead of me at whatever time.

In my humble opinion (excuse me, thats IMHO) those who pick apart their logs
after the contest and prior to submission are doing more than a
massage....they are going all the way!

Contesting in its purist, and best, form is an opportunity to push ones own
envelope - I would continue to analyze your logs...they are your best
opportunity to learn where YOU can improve your efforts.  Ideally the
competition is YOURSELF, and success is an opportunity to enjoy Kicking Your
Own Ass.

Good luck with your tower!



K1ZX (for a lil while longer....what were your 610V picks?)

>From lare at (Larry Eckenrode)  Sat Sep 14 15:25:59 1996
From: lare at (Larry Eckenrode) (Larry Eckenrode)
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 10:25:59 -0400
Subject: EMF Problem Solved / JRC JST-245 Opinions Wanted
References: <c=US%a=_%p=MCA%l=CORP-NT-1-960913211830Z-1057 at>
Message-ID: <323AC077.3DD4 at>

Hsu, Aaron T. wrote:

> Does anybody here have any experience with the JST-245 (or it's 6M-less
> sibling the JST-145) from JRC?  Aaron:
	I purchase a JST-245 at Dayton this.  So far, so good.
The radio lives up to everything QST said about it. 
I really like like it.  I haven't put it though any extensive testing,
like a contest, but it looks like it will hold up in the rough going.
The only problem is the lack of logging or contest software for it.
Hopefully, the software people will support it soon.
	So far in my testing, it has out performed my FT990.
Good Luck
Larry - KD2NT

>From jmagid at (Joel M. Magid)  Sun Sep 15 17:16:36 1996
From: jmagid at (Joel M. Magid) (Joel M. Magid)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 12:16:36 -0400
Subject: Need E-MAIL address for PY0FF
Message-ID: <01BBA2FF.D6FEBEC0 at>

	Anyone have an e-mail address for PY0FF

	Joel WU1F

>From hwardsil at (Ward Silver)  Sun Sep 15 18:10:06 1996
From: hwardsil at (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 10:10:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Watt-Me-Worry Sprint Results Final
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.960915100418.2679E-100000 at>

100% TURN OUT!!  Excellent - thanks all watt-me-worry-warts!  I'm really
pleased with the interest and the good team scores on the part of the
low-power operators.  For all future team efforts, scores will be posted
on the 3830 at reflector, so be sure to subscribe there.  See you
in February!

73, Ward N0AX

Team #1 - Rockcrushers		Team #2 - Annihilators
N0AX	217 x 43 = 9331		KK5ZX	 15 x 12 =  180 duty called
W0UY	151 x 32 = 4832		WA0RJY	 59 x 22 = 1298
K7NPN   126 x 33 = 4158		WA2SRQ	237 x 39 = 9243
W7ZRC	201 x 37 = 7437		K8JLF	204 x 40 = 8160
K7LR    158 x 38 = 6004		KN4QV	174 x 35 = 6090
N9JF    214 x 39 = 8346		WA7UVJ	101 x 32 = 3232
KK9W    220 x 39 = 8580		K7CW	113 x 30 = 3390
AA4GA   182 x 41 = 7462		N0DH	141 x 35 = 4935
AA7NH   163 x 39 = 6357		AA0CY	 70 x 31 = 2170
N6MZ     49 x 21 = 1021		AA9JY	117 x 36 = 4212

Totals		  63528				  42910

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