Canada - Special Prefixes - Oct-Dec

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Tue Sep 17 03:12:14 EDT 1996

Special Prefixes - October to Decemeber
Pr‚fixes sp‚ciaux - octobre … d‚cembre

On 13 September 1996, Industry Canada authorised all Canadian
Amateurs to use special prefixes to commemmorate the 60th
anniversary of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).  The
CBC was founded by an act of the Federal Parliament on 2 November

Le 13 septembre, Industrie Canada a authoris‚ tous les radio-
amateurs Canadiens d'utiliser les pr‚fixes sp‚ciaux … commemmorer
la 60iŠme anniversaire de la Soci‚t‚ Radio-Canada (SRC).  SRC a
‚t‚ cr‚‚ par le parlement f‚d‚rale le 2 novembre 1936.

>From 0000 UTC 26 October until 2359 29 December 1996, Canadian
Amateurs may use the following special prefixes in place of their
regular prefixes:

Du 0000 TUC le 26 octobre au 2359 TUC le 29 d‚cembre 1996, les
radio-amateurs canadiens peuvent utiliser les pr‚fixes sp‚ciaux
suivants en place de leurs pr‚fixes reguliers:

Regular Prefix      Special Prefix
Pr‚fix Regulier     Pr‚fix Special
VA2                 XM2
VA3                 CJ3
VA7                 VX7
VE1                 CG1
VE2                 CI2
VE3                 CI3
VE4                 XL4
VE5                 XM5
VE6                 VA6
VE7                 XK7
VE8                 CH8
VE9                 VB9
VO1                 XO3
VO2                 CZ6
VY1                 CK5
VY2                 XN2

Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB
RAC HF Contest Manager
G‚rant, concours HF, RAC

>From needhame at (Earl Needham, KD5XB, in Clovis, NM)  Tue Sep 17 06:27:20 1996
From: needhame at (Earl Needham, KD5XB, in Clovis, NM) (Earl Needham, KD5XB, in Clovis, NM)
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 22:27:20 -0700
Subject: Vanity callsigns
Message-ID: <BMSMTP84293797718needhame at>

>  From: n6bfm at (Bob Furzer), on 9/16/96 8:43 PM:
>  Enough!  Who cares?
>  The only frightening thing about everyone changing their callsigns is that
>  there will be countless e-mail announcing relocation of web pages and new
>  e-mail addresses (all reflecting the owners new - improved - callsign),
>  these in turn followed by the obligatory e-mails of congratulations (copied
>  to everyone of course).

	Guess I'll beat everybody to the punch!  I've got a new home page.  It
isn't finished yet, but it can be seen at so drop by!

7 3
Earl Needham, KD5XB, in Clovis, NM  (DM84)
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Chi '76
Have you really jumped ROUND PARACHUTES? (Overheard at the Clovis Parachute

>From geoiii at (George Fremin III)  Tue Sep 17 05:49:47 1996
From: geoiii at (George Fremin III) (George Fremin III)
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 23:49:47 -0500
Subject: Contest log conversion program
Message-ID: <199609170449.XAA08039 at>


I wanted to tell everyone about a very useful
log conversion utility that KA5WSS has written.
It is shareware and can be found on the TR-Log
web page at:

It converts CT/TR/NA/WRTC files to each other.
It also will convert them into dbase formats
so you can dump your logs into a spreadsheet
and do all sorts of graphs and stuff.

geoiii at

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