Elevated Radials on Shunt Fed Vertical

Scott Ellington sdelling at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue Sep 17 10:04:19 EDT 1996

Anyone have any experience using or modeling a shunt fed vertical
with elevated radials?   Without isolation at the base of the 
vertical, it seems doubtful the impedance of the elevated radials
would be low enough to help much, but I'm not sure.

Scott  K9MA
sdelling at facstaff.wisc.edu

>From bsimonson at comcastpc.com (Beryl D. Simonson)  Sun Sep 15 23:21:07 1996
From: bsimonson at comcastpc.com (Beryl D. Simonson) (Beryl D. Simonson)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 18:21:07 -0400
Subject: WAE Last Two
Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=comcastpc%l=NEGRIL-960915222107Z-211 at negril.comcastpc.com>

Am I mistaken, or were there a great many stations responding with the
last two only?  Sure seems like net operation protocol is spreading to


Beryl D. Simonson KE3GA   
H(610) 664-0549 bsimonson at comcastpc.com
O(215) 765-4600 bsimonson at slfcpa.com
Frankford Radio Club

>From seay at alaska.net (Del Seay)  Tue Sep 17 14:08:04 1996
From: seay at alaska.net (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 06:08:04 -0700
Subject: Contesting w/Yaesu FT7000
References: <19960916231239.AAA189 at LOCALNAME>
Message-ID: <323EA2B4.69A1 at alaska.net>

Billy R. Gallier wrote:
> Is anyone using FL7000 for SSB contesting?  Thinking about using one during
> CQWW in October at St Croix.  At home I use Alpha and never using FL7000 in
> a contest.  What are your thoughts?  Comments appreciated! De Bill/KQ4GC

I have - wouldn't recommend unless you assure good antenna matching
and assure that you can't accidently change bands without the proper
I have had mine for about 7 years and it is a fun little pa. But - very
fragile. I only see a couple of dB difference between it and my
In the 7 years, I have replaced the finals at least 7 times, replaced the
power supply pass transistors twice, replaced the output switching
board once, and it is now DOA from a bad microprocessor.
]Like I said, it is a fun little pa, but unless you like working on
tight fitting stuff, forget it!
de KL7HF

>From mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK)  Tue Sep 17 16:10:10 1996
From: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se (SM7PKK) (SM7PKK)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 17:10:10 +0200
Subject: Any location for CQWW CW available?
Message-ID: < at mailbox.swip.net>

Hi all,

I am interested in finding a semi rare location for CQWW in November.
Preferably one with an available QTH but not 100% necessary if you know a
good hotel that will allow me to put up antennas.
Interesting regions are
Africa, Middle East or Carribean.

If you have any available ideas let me know!

73 de Mats SM7PKK=20
SM7PKK			E-mail: mats.persson at mbox2.swipnet.se
Mats Persson
S-212 14 Malmoe
Sweden			CW !!

P.S My logs are open forever.. ever.. ever..

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