Hand Delivery of 610Vs

k4sb at avana.net k4sb at avana.net
Sun Sep 22 19:51:25 EDT 1996

OK guys, will trade you a few facts for one line which only some of you
will understand.

1.  Shadow delivered at 0000:01 Saturday morning. Comments NOT requested!

Well, for those of you have put out all the facts, and to lay all
the rumors to rest, so perhaps we can get back to business, here's what

Mellon set up 3 tables in the lobby  shortly before OOOO EDT on Friday 
night, manned by 2 gentlemen and 1 lady from the Shift Supervisor's office. 
All had date stamps in red ink. Behind them were business sized letter 
holders ( plastic, sorta like you see people carrying mass mailings) There 
were approximately 10 of us present. By unanimous vote, a XYL applying for
a KH6 call was allowed to go first. Second was a WB8 delivering his.
Next was Shadows.  ( you wouldn't believe how many Mellon Bank buildings
there are. I think I counted 6.

At exactly midnight, they began furiously stamping the envelopes and
placing them in letter trays. As the trays filled, someone took them 
upstairs to the main office. The manager of the Lockbox Office assured me 
earlier in the day that they intended processing them IN THE ORDER RECEIVED! 
In other words, there is no dumping them all into one hugh box and no 
lottery.. By 0020, the lobby was like a tomb.... I had taken along a book
to read, forgot it and took a cab back getting there again about 0030.
The place was deserted....

West Virginia is one of the most beautiful States I have ever seen. Drivers
in West Virginia are the most courteous I have ever seen. Pittsburgh has 
some of the rudest people I have ever seen. I won't bother to comment on
the drivers, except to say I parked and took cabs.

I hope this information is helpful. I will not reply to any msg concerning 
this one. I need a break.


ED & Shadow

Name: ed sleight
E-mail: k4sb at avana.net
Date: 9/22/96
Time: 6:51:25 PM

This message was sent by Chameleon 

>From vr2bg at asiaonline.net (VS6BrettGraham)  Mon Sep 23 00:24:59 1996
From: vr2bg at asiaonline.net (VS6BrettGraham) (VS6BrettGraham)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 07:24:59 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: October Asia-Pacific Sprint date
Message-ID: <199609222324.HAA02114 at asiaonline.net>

The date of the next running of the Asia-Pacific Sprint has been published
by various sources on two different dates. The autumn event should be held
on the third Saturday of October, which is 19 October.  Some sources (CQ
Contest, QST, NCJ) give a date of 12 October, which is incorrect.
Please note that the correct date is 19 October.  See you then!
                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
73, VS96BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk

>From aa9ax at iglou.com (Steven Sample)  Mon Sep 23 02:04:00 1996
From: aa9ax at iglou.com (Steven Sample) (Steven Sample)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 21:04:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Hand Delivery of 610Vs
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.93.960922205900.17207A-100000 at iglou1>

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 k4sb at avana.net wrote:

> OK guys, will trade you a few facts for one line which only some of you
> will understand.
> 1.  Shadow delivered at 0000:01 Saturday morning. Comments NOT requested!
> West Virginia is one of the most beautiful States I have ever seen. Drivers
> in West Virginia are the most courteous I have ever seen. Pittsburgh has 
> some of the rudest people I have ever seen. I won't bother to comment on
> the drivers, except to say I parked and took cabs.



I know you said NO COMMENTS, but I have just ONE question:

When you referred to the rude people in Pittsburg, were you making any
reference to DOCTOR BAFFOFNIK?  He lives near Pittsburg, and I am
interested in finding out more about his character, including driving


Slim (Steve) / AA9AX

>From ki4hn at nando.net (Jim Stevens)  Mon Sep 23 01:59:34 1996
From: ki4hn at nando.net (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:59:34 -0400
Subject: Mail tracking
Message-ID: < at mailhost.nando.net>

At 04:46 PM 9/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>We unsuccessfully tried to deliver your Express Mail on September 22 at 11:00
>am.  We left a notice explaining we will attempt a second delivery the next
>business day.  If the second attempt is unsuccessful, we will
>hold it for five days for pickup at the post office.  If it isn't picked up,
>will return it to the sender by Express Mail.  Information is continuously
>updated, so please check again.
>Here is what happened earlier:

When it absolutely, positively has to be there the next day!

>From Fed Ex, no unsuccessfully deliver, no we'll try again and
give up, but here's what their web page said about my vanity
call application:

Delivered To: Mailroom
Delivery Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Delivery Date: 09/21/96
Delivery Time: 11:48
Signed For By: D. Melzer

Good luck to all!

73, Jim, KI4HN
email -- ki4hn at nando.net
WWW   -- http://www.webbuild.com/~ki4hn  -> vanity call info

>From w2up at voicenet.com (Barry Kutner)  Mon Sep 23 02:44:44 1996
From: w2up at voicenet.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 01:44:44 +0000
Subject: Hand Delivery of 610Vs
Message-ID: <199609230145.VAA06150 at mail.voicenet.com>

> On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 k4sb at avana.net wrote:
> > 

> > 
> > West Virginia is one of the most beautiful States I have ever seen. Drivers
> > in West Virginia are the most courteous I have ever seen. Pittsburgh has 
> > some of the rudest people I have ever seen. I won't bother to comment on
> > the drivers, except to say I parked and took cabs.

Having lived in Pittsburgh for 3 years (and developed first hand 
experience about the saying "it's a nice place to visit but I 
wouldn't want to live there")  and having an XYL who grew up 
there (and was thrilled to leave), Let me make the following 

I am very surprised to hear anyone call the people rude. 

If you drive there, watch out for the "Pittsburgh left." They don't 
believe in turn signals, and will zip out to make a left turn in 
front of you as soon as the light turns green. (But NOTHING compares 
to Boston drivers!)

Maybe Ed got hijacked and brainwashed while passing the Hare Krishna 
palace in WVa...

Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at voicenet.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

>From w5robert at blkbox.COM (Robert)  Mon Sep 23 03:09:40 1996
From: w5robert at blkbox.COM (Robert) (Robert)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 21:09:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Mail tracking
Message-ID: <9609222109.aa13893 at blkbox.COM>

> We unsuccessfully tried to deliver your Express Mail on September 22 at 11:00
> am.  We left a notice explaining we will attempt a second delivery the next
> postal
> business day.  If the second attempt is unsuccessful, we will
> hold it for five days for pickup at the post office.  If it isn't picked up,
> (snip)
> 73  Roy
> K9ER 

Roy,  with Express Mail I hope you checked the 
little box that allows delivery WITHOUT a signature....
73 Robert  WB5CRG  w5robert at blkbox.com   

>From dnorris at k7no.com (Dean Norris)  Mon Sep 23 03:25:08 1996
From: dnorris at k7no.com (Dean Norris) (Dean Norris)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 19:25:08 -0700
Subject: Hand Delivery of 610Vs
Message-ID: < at mail.syspac.com>

At 21:04 9/22/96 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 k4sb at avana.net wrote:

>> SNIP-
>I know you said NO COMMENTS, but I have just ONE question:
>When you referred to the rude people in Pittsburg, were you making any
>reference to DOCTOR BAFFOFNIK?  He lives near Pittsburg, and I am
>interested in finding out more about his character, including driving
>Slim (Steve) / AA9AX

Watch it!!!  We members of the Dr. Bafoofnik fan club and Troll Training
Group # 14.195 are ever watchful for threats against the kind dr.
Retaliation is slow and painless, ala Iraq <> Saddam.  

Col.  R. Steppininit.

this message will self construct in 30 seconds.

>From steven at zianet.com (Steven Nace KN5H)  Mon Sep 23 03:45:36 1996
From: steven at zianet.com (Steven Nace KN5H) (Steven Nace KN5H)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 20:45:36 -0600
Subject: 610s, deliveries and lottos
Message-ID: <02453646800472 at zianet.com>


If it will take up to 3 weeks to enter all the choices and, if after this 3
week wait period then and only then will the lotto begin, what possible
difference does it make if your 610 gets delivered on Monday morning, Sept
23rd or not?

Someone please explain this to me, if you have nothing better to do.

de KN5H not KN5S

>From k5zd at ultranet.com (Randy Thompson)  Mon Sep 23 04:45:50 1996
From: k5zd at ultranet.com (Randy Thompson) (Randy Thompson)
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:45:50 -0400
Message-ID: <01BBA8E1.3FA4E620 at k5zd.ultranet.com>

Great!  Something to work on the second radio in SS CW.


From: 	Ed N. Lesnichy[SMTP:ED%zappes1.donobl.db.energy.gov.ua at tgv.com]
Sent: 	Saturday, September 21, 1996 9:39 AM
To: 	cq-contest at tgv.com

                        UKRAINIAN DX CONTEST
                            Rules  1996
     Ukrainian Amateur Radio League and Ukrainian Contest Club have 
  the honour to invite amateurs over the world to participate in the 
  annual Ukrainian DX Contest.
             1. Contest period:
  Every first full weekend in November: 12.00 UTC Saturday to 
  12.00 UTC Sanday. ( 2-3.11.1996)               
             2. Mode:
  CW and SSB.
             3. Bands:
  1,8 - 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 Mhz.
             4. Categories:
      A. Single op. all bands.
      B. Single op. single band.
      C. Multi op. multi bands single transmitter.
      D. Multi op. multi bands multi transmitters.
      E. Single op. all bands QRP (5w output).
      F. SWL (as category A).
    A station in category C can change the band after 10 minutes of
  operation on it, at the same time it is possible: to make QSO on 
  another band which gives new multiplier. It is also permited for 
  all categories to work two times (CW and SSB) with one station on 
  each band, but not earlier than in 10 minutes period.
             5. Exchange:
  RS(T)+serial number starting from 001.
  Ukrainian stations will send after RS(T) two letters - the 
  abbreviation of the region.
  The list of Ukrainian regions (according to former "R-100-0" award 
  057-VI, 058-VO, 059-LU, 060-DN, 062-ZH, 063-ZA, 064-ZP, 065-KO, 
  066-KI, 067-KR, 068-LV, 069-NI, 070-OD, 071-PO, 072-RI, 073-DO; 
  074-IF; 075-SU; 076-TE; 077-HA; 078-HE; 079-HM; 080-CH; 081-CR; 
  082-CN; 186-KV; 187-SL.
             6. Scoring:
  - QSO with own country counts 1 point
  - QSO with own continent counts 2 points
  - QSO with another continent counts 3 points
  - QSO with Ukraine counts 10 points
             7. Multipliers:
  The sum of worked (heard) DXCC and WAE countries and Ukrainian 
  regions per band.
             8. Final score:
  Total QSO points times the total number of multiplier points.
             9. Results of Ukrainian stations will sum up separately 
  and making QSO with own contry for Ukrainian stations is not 
            10. Awards:
  First place certificates will be awarded in each category for top 
  scoring station in each country.  
            11. Logs:
  Logs must be formed in accordance with generally accepted demands 
  separately for each band.  
            12. Address for logs:
  Ukrainian Contest Club HQ
  P.O.Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 330118, Ukraine.
            13. Deadline:
  Entries must be postmarked not later than 30 days after the 
            14. Disqualificatione:
  - violation of the rules;
  - unsportmanlike behaviour;
  - excessive number of unmarked duplicates (>3%);
  - excessive number of unique calls (>5%).

  We do hope to meet you in the Ukrainian DX contest and please 
  kindly inform your friends about the rules of the contest.
                                  Good luck! 
                                  Ukrainian Amateur Radio league 
                                  Ukrainian Contest Club.
  Compleate rules for next year and summary sheet of results can be 
  requested by SAE + two IRC.

                        73! UT1IA  UCC vice-president.
 73! de Ed UR5IBG
 E-mail : ed at zappes1.donobl.db.energy.gov.ua

Randy Thompson                                                                                Amateur Radio Call Sign: K5ZD
E-mail: k5zd at ultranet.com
11 Hollis Street,  Uxbridge, MA 01569
h (508) 278-2355  w (508) 337-6600

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