Balun Burnups

K8DO at K8DO at
Thu Sep 26 18:31:31 EDT 1996

In reference to bead baluns....
The ring (bead) of ferrite material chokes the current flowing down the
outside of the  coax by acting like a shorted turn with high internal
resistance...  (for the nit picky physicists out there, I know that this
isn't the _exact_ mechanism, but it is close enough and is understandable)...
 the rings closest to the antenna terminals are exposed to the largest flux
field and have the largest circulating current inside of them, and are the
ones most likely to overheat and fail... the rings further down the choke
section are partially protected by the closer rings hogging the flux field
and are less likely to overheat...  
For the usual HF bands, type 73 has more admittence and thus generates more
internal current/heat for a given flux level than type 43...  a partial
solution would be to installl the first half dozen rings near the antenna
terminals using 43 mix, and the rest using 73 mix... the 43 mix would absorb
part of the flux without serious overheating, and the more "efficient"  73
mix would handle the mopping up of the rest of the external current...

Bead baluns are inefficient and prone to failure... I don't use them after a
couple of failures, and I would advise anyone asking me,  to go to a wound,
toroidal current balun... 43 mix is my choice...

Denny   k8do at

>From wz4f at (Larry A. Crim)  Thu Sep 26 23:43:32 1996
From: wz4f at (Larry A. Crim) (Larry A. Crim)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 17:43:32 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: It only happens to other people.
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD/.3.91.960926173613.6760A-100000 at>


Congratulations on a great idea!  I'm WZ4F, and I'm in zone 4, not 5.

In the CQWW SSB write-up the past 2 years, I've been omitted from the 
"Top Zones" boxes because CQ's software thinks I'm in zone 5.  In 
speaking with Bob Cox, he says there is nothing I can do to prevent this 
because CQ's software uses CT's .bin file, which says nothing about my 
location, nor anything about my sent exchange.  Is there anyway that we 
could coerce Kenny into incorporating this valuable info into the .bin files?


On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Sep 1996 19:37:28 -0600, Mike Coolidge wrote:
> >That is because N7ML is in zone 4 not zone 3, same zone as me.  Funny move
> >all the way from Illinois to Montana and Im still in the same zone!
> While I can't help the fact that ITU and CQ zones don't nicely follow
> call-area boundaries, or that the ARRL and CQ sometimes lose logs, or
> score them incorrectly, I can make life a little easier on the people who
> work you.
> If you are not in the CQ or ITU zone that CT thinks you should be in,
> please send me your contest callsign (i.e. I need to know if you sign
> /portable or not) and your actual CQ and/or ITU zone, so I can add you to
> CT's country file.  This is especially if you are receiving a new callsign
> whose call area is not in the same CQ/ITU zone as your QTH.
> This will at least allow the lazy to log your zone properly, and will help
> when you are spotted on packet.
> 73 - Jim AD1C
> --
> Jim Reisert <AD1C at>          

>From kg5u at (Dale Martin)  Fri Sep 27 00:43:26 1996
From: kg5u at (Dale Martin) (Dale Martin)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 18:43:26 -0500
Subject: FW: ARLB066 International ops news
Message-ID: <01BBABDA.9D779260 at>

I thought this would be of interest to the contest reflector and interesting diversion 
from the callsign hoopla.  Since many U.S. contesters are travelers to foreign 
countries, this seemed particularly interesting and appropriate for the reflector.


From: 	w1aw at[SMTP:w1aw at]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 26, 1996 16:50 PM
To: 	QST
Subject: 	ARLB066 International ops news

ARLB066 International ops news

ARRL Bulletin 66  ARLB066
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  September 26, 1996
To all radio amateurs

ARLB066 International ops news

The FCC has proposed amending the Amateur Radio rules to make it
easier for hams holding a European Conference of Postal and
Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) radio-amateur license or
an International Amateur Radio Permit (IARP) from certain countries
in Europe and the Americas to operate during short visits to the US.
If finally approved, hams would be able to operate for short periods
in participating countries without first obtaining another license
or permit from the host country.

The FCC says the arrangement is intended to make it easier for US
hams to operate stations temporarily in several countries in Europe
and Central and South America. Likewise, hams from those countries
would be allowed to operate in stations in places where the FCC
regulates ham radio. ''We believe that US participation in both the
CEPT agreement and the CITEL/Amateur Convention would benefit US
amateur operators who travel to Europe and to the Americas,'' the
FCC said in its discussion of WT Docket 96-188.

Operating authority by CEPT or IARP holders in the US would be for
''up to 180 days within the preceding five years.'' The two classes
of CEPT licenses would correspond either to Amateur Extra or
Technician class. Resident aliens or US citizens could not operate
in the US under a CEPT license or IARP.

Last year, ARRL petitioned the FCC to implement the CITEL/Amateur
Convention. The League also asked the Commission to acknowledge
arrangements to be made between the ARRL and the Department of State
to issue IARP documents to US citizens for use in other CITEL
countries. The FCC has asked the State Department to apply for
participation in the CEPT Agreement as a non-CEPT country and
expects the agreement to be concluded this year.

Comments on the proposal are due December 13, 1996 and reply
comments by January 13, 1997. E-mail comments should mention ''WT
Docket No 96-188'' on the subject line and should be addressed to
mdepont at Include your full name and Postal Service
mailing address in the message text. Mail written comments to:
Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission,
Washington, DC 20554.

>From n6tv at VNET.IBM.COM ((415) 335-2265)  Fri Sep 27 01:14:07 1996
From: n6tv at VNET.IBM.COM ((415) 335-2265) (415335-2265)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 17:14:07 PDT
Subject: Offical 1996 Calif. QSO Party "Reserve Your County" List

Once again, the Northern California contest club is proud to sponsor the
California QSO Party, October 5-6th, 1996.  We are working hard to get
all 58 California Counties on the air, but some may be a bit of a challenge.
Who will be the first one to work all 58?

Remember, the top 20 (that's right, twenty) finishers in and out of state
will receive a personalized bottle of genuine Napa Valley California Wine.
Plaques go to the top 3 in and out of state, plus certificates to first
place in each CA county, state, province, and country.  CQP T-shirts are
also available.  Exchange QSO # and State/Province/Country.  California
stations send QSO number and county.  More details are in CQ and QST.

Results of last year's CQP may be viewed at

The CQP is a great warmup for the Fall contest season.  Work out all
those bugs before the big contests that follow soon after.

CQP is supported by CT, NA, and TRlog, plus free software from AE6Y and AD6E.

Here's the official "Reserve Your County List" as of 0020Z 27 SEP 96:

County          Station(s)
--------------- ----------------------------------------------------
(mobile)        AA4NC(also at WB6IRC), [NV6O,K6NP,WB6RVR], K0BGL/m

Alameda         N6CCL
Alpine          N6BT,WD6EKR
Amador          AC6DQ,K6BPB(lim.),N6KD(+N6KI,N6AZE)
Butte           KI6AN,KN6EL,AE0M(+N0BBS)
Calaveras       N6TNX(+N6TNW), K6RK
Colusa          [NV6O,K6NP,WB6RVR]
Contra Costa    N6RO(K3EST,WM2C,W6EMS),K6MO/mm
Del Norte       AA6DX,K6HY,AA6UN(lim.)
El Dorado       WB6IRC(+W6OAT,AA6MC,AI6V,AA4NC),W6SUN
Fresno          KG6F(lim.)
Glenn           KM6RH,KQ6CN,[NV6O,K6NP,WB6RVR]
Humboldt        W6JTI
Imperial        KK6XN,N7CW/6,N6SMW,WA6FGV(lim.)
Inyo            W6TVP(lim.),K0BGL/m,KM6TB?
Kern            N6MU,KD6WPK,W8AKS(lim.),KM6TB?
Kings           AA6GZ(lim.),N6UPU
Lake            W6ESJ/m
Lassen          K6JKC(lim.),KJ6MD(lim.)
Madera          N7STU,KD6FW(lim.)
Marin           WA6CTA,W6ZQK(lim.),K6MO/mm
Mariposa        KE6GTR(lim.),W6PYX,K6LRN
Mendocino       KB6LZW
Merced          KI6PR
Modoc           K6RN,WB6IUU
Mono            KM6OH(+NF6S,W6BSY,W6OA),WA6GDS(+NZ6N),N6PY
Monterey        N6NM
Napa            W6FSJ
Nevada          WA6AUE
Orange          N6HC
Placer          K6SMH(+KE6QNJ),K6DGW,W6RFF
Plumas          KG6VI,KF7AM
Riverside       W6EEN
Sacramento      KV6H,K6SG,K6FO(lim.),K6DR,W6NKR
San Benito      WA6BWT(lim.),KB6INO(lim.)
San Bernardino  KE6TLV(N7QQ),W6HAL,WA6FIT
San Diego       W6MVW,KC6MIE,WA6YOO,WB6MSE
San Francisco   W6BIP(N1EE)
San Joaquin     KJ6DL,KD6WW(lim.)
San Mateo       N6NF(lim.),W6ISO,KA6ING(lim.),KN6PW(+KB6LUC,NU6P,N6ZFT,KF6EIB)
Santa Barbara   KC6CEX
Santa Clara     N6TV,N6WLF(lim.),WA6HRK,KV6S(lim.)
Santa Cruz      AB6EQ(+KD6NOS)
Shasta          KG6LF,W6BJH(lim.)
Sierra          WB6RXE
Siskiyou        NI6T?,WA6OZZ(+N6EZN)
Solano          WB6YRN,W6JSB(lim.),KD6DXA,WX6M,K6MO/mm
Sonoma          WW6D(lim.),WA8LLY,KC6UUY(lim.),W6ESJ(lim.),K6MO/mm
Stanislaus      WA6TKV
Sutter          [NV6O,K6NP,WB6RVR]
Tehama          K6AAW(lim.),W6JEX,KN6WY
Trinity         N6IFW
Tulare          KO6OP,WB6YIK(+KC6HJJ)
Tuolomne        N6UUG(+WA6YVS),KI6PG(lim.)
Ventura         K6VMN,AC6T
Yolo            KE6DPV,[NV6O,K6NP,WB6RVR]
Yuba            AE0M/6(+N0BBS)

Bob, N6TV
1996 CQP County Coordinator

>From rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)  Fri Sep 27 02:03:28 1996
From: rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd) (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 21:03:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SO v SOA v macho
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.960926210153.28095B-100000 at>

To me operating 45-48 hours out of 48 is macho no matter what category 
you're in.  And, scoring high in either SO or SOA is macho too, even 
though these two categories are quite different from each other.

73 - Rich Boyd, KE3Q

>From nortonr at (Norton, Richard)  Fri Sep 27 17:57:00 1996
From: nortonr at (Norton, Richard) (Norton, Richard)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 96 10:57:00 CST
Subject: Multiple-Choice Packet-in-Contests Quiz
Message-ID: <324C2385 at>

Hypothetical Situation:

Assume that you are connected with the judging of a large, popular, 
international DX contest. Assume that in judging one of the modes of the 
contest, some of the judges collectively spent over 100 man-hours looking at 
a few single-operator logs to see if there was evidence of use of 
packet-aided spotting.

Assume that the judges were experienced and competent at both contest 
operating and log judging.

Assume that all those judges involved came to the same conclusion, which was 
that a few single-operator entrants did use packet.

Assume that the judges also determined that there was no way they could 
definitely prove that packet was used. Even things like two-character-errors 
in copying a long callsign, that had just also been made by several other 
multi-op members or assisted members of the operator's club, might just be 

Make no assumptions about what this would do, within the log-checking 
community, to the reputations of those suspected of packet-use, even if they 
happen to be innocent.

Assume that the feeling among the judges is that packet presents a means by 
which some entrants easily CAN and HAVE cheated.

The question:

For this theoretical case, what should be done in the future, if anything?

Possible choices:

1) Do nothing. Out-foxing the committee and other contestants is part of the 
contest. If these guys can do it, and the committee can't prove anything, 
these guys deserve to win.

2) Do nothing. There is no need for a committee to judge logs. The entrants 
should be trusted. Some bad apples will always be listed, but many of the 
high scores will actually be real.

3) Do nothing. Let packet-cheaters be listed in the results the same way 
that high-power cheaters are today. Their reputations can be handled in the 
hallways of Dayton and Visalia.

4)  Change the rules to allow packet spotting for single-operator 
categories. Operator skills should be only important in the Sprint. 
International DX contests should be primarily a measure of location and 

5) Permit the committee to make a decision based on a vote of the judges to 
reclassify the log. Find more volunteers to perform these studies in every 

6) Beef up the judging committee. Have referees at the stations during the 
contest like was done at the WRTC.  Find volunteers in all parts of the 
country who know something about contests who want to spend their weekends 
acting as referees.

7) Work strongly to minimize this problem by discouraging use of packet in 
DX contests by anyone.

8) Work even more strongly to minimize this problem by making use of packet 
in contests, by anyone, against the rules.

Dick  Norton N6AA/VK5

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