ramirezk at ramirezk at
Sun Sep 29 21:51:26 EDT 1996

                    It's obvious Rich that you did not attend 
the Dayton contest forum a few years ago! It was there that a 
WELLKNOWN contester boldly said that he purposely made bogus 
packet spots in order to create a diversion for some other 
multiplier that he needed to work. This bogus spot on a rare 
mult would pull people off the semi rare station enabling him to 
work it faster. This is just one of the stunts some contesters 
will perform to keep ahead of the rest of them. Someone is 
always doing something devious. They'll do it till they get 
caught and then come up with some other way to "bend" the rules 
of ethical behavior. Welcome to contesting...
                        73 Ken KP4XS
Back to my cave...

On Sun, 29 Sep 1996, ka8okh at (Rich Dailey, 
KA8OKH) wrote:

>>Years ago there were traps set in one of the big contests for 
a contester who
>>enterred s/o that was believed to be ease dropping...sure 
enough he went for
>>the bait...logged a Q with a station in a juicy multiplier 
that wasn't even
>>on the air that had been spotted....gotcha.
>    I would like to believe that everything that is spotted on 
the cluster is/was really
>    there, even if I can't hear it at that moment.  Besides, it 
seems that this type of
>    trap would snare even "innocent" contesters into checking a 
freq for a multiplier
>    that doesn't exist.  No, "trapping" a contester just leaves 
a bad taste in my mouth.

>From rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)  Mon Sep 30 03:16:14 1996
From: rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd) (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:16:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SOA
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.960929220236.17803G-100000 at>

As I recall, one reason for creating SOA was that packet had come on the 
scene (and even before that, 2M FM -- or other -- voice spotting nets), 
and the single operator who used one was put in the multi-single 
category, but generally was, of course, at a serious competitive 
disadvantage with "real" multi-singles, the kind who had two or more ops 
keeping their station on the air 48 hours, seriously working a second 
radio for mults, etc.  Whew, that previous sentence was too long!  In the 
multi-single operators listing for the station, these single op multis 
were listed as, for example, (KZ3XYZ + net).  There were so many of these 
in the listings it made sense (to me at least) to create a separate 
category for these guys.

Yes, many of them are casual ops who get on for a few hours.  They like 
to keep the packet on cuz it's fun.  They can see what their buddies are 
spotting, what bands their buddies are working, can T msg their buddies, 
and all sorts of things that are a fun cameraderie aspect to things -- 
akin to the cameraderie you get when you're operating at a multi-multi 
(or multi-single).  But some are very seriously going after it in the SOA 
category and work as hard at it as the most serious SOs; they just have 
an additional tool to use -- and has already been pointed out using that 
tool poorly can be more of a detriment to your score than a help.  While 
SOAs have that tool to use, they often have less tools to use in the 
antenna and tower department.  Why?  Because the "hallways at Dayton" rap 
is that SOA is not as cool somehow; hence the acknowledged top ops and 
top-ops-to-be with the big and biggest stations go SO.  And, SO is the 
traditional way to do it.  SOA is a johnny-come-lately thing.  I 
personally think contesters who've come into it during the Packetcluster 
era will be less likely to have the anti-SOA bias...more likely to take 
to it.

73 - Rich Boyd, KE3Q

>From rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)  Mon Sep 30 03:55:52 1996
From: rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd) (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:55:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: clarification, johnny-come-lately
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.960929224854.11027B-100000 at>

A clarification -- I've already gotten my first could-be-flame on this 
specific:  that SOA is a johnny-come-lately thing.

What I meant was that it may be viewed as that by some traditionalists.
Obviously it -IS- newer.  I personally do not view SOA as lesser than SO 
in any way.  I do think more of the biggest big guns go SO, which makes 
it the tougher category.  If the top tenners would all go SOA instead, 
SOA would be the tougher category.  I don't think SOA is inherently 
easier; it's just different -- the variables and inputs you work with are 
different and you have to deal with them well, just like in SO, or your 
score will not be optimized.

I'm told, by the way, one of the top SOs went SOA recently and didn't 
find it a cakewalk and didn't win.  It takes practice to do SOA well, 
just like it takes practice to do SO well.

73 - Rich Boyd, KE3Q

>From at TGV.COM (bobndeb)  Mon Sep 30 04:47:42 1996
From: at TGV.COM (bobndeb) (bobndeb)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 06:47:42 +0300
Subject: E-mail address for CQ WW RTTY DX CONTEST
Message-ID: <19960930034741.AAA24371 at>

Hello out there in RTTY land,
>   Has an address been released  for submitting CQ WW RTTY DX CONTEST logs via
>the Internet.  Have been perusing the WWW et-al and havent found any.
Could be that my
>eyes are totally out of focus after working the TEST (altho cud only work
24 out of the hours).
>Didn't hear any US stations and only one Ve. A real bummer. As usual the
Europeans ran
>me off of my established freq. Oh, well.  Also, my memory has gone since
the last RTTY
>contest.  Besides the summary sheet from the RTTY software package, what
other files
>do I send. Is it the BIN?  Sorry to be such a nuisance.
>A92Gosh Darn

>From je1cka at (Takao KUMAGAI)  Mon Sep 30 04:57:18 1996
From: je1cka at (Takao KUMAGAI) (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:57:18 +0900
Subject: [cq-contest 19137] Re: Multiple-Choice Packet-in-Contests Quiz
References: <199609271907.EAA19222 at>
Message-ID: <199609300357.MAA25097 at>

on 96/09/27, Rick Craig, N6ND writes:

: I believe every "large, popular international DX contest" has in its published
: (or unpublished in the case of CQWW) rules that the decisions of the judges 
: (or contest committee) are final and that all participants are bound by those
: decisions.  If you can make a good case that a single op station is using 
: packet spots to find multipliers, then his log should be reclassified to
: SOA.  What's the problem with that??  If the committee (or judges) doesn't
: have the balls to enforce the contest rules, then we are all beating a dead
: horse.

JIDX is not a big contest however

Well, we had long discussion to reform the JIDX contest rule 
during '95. In JA land, the PacketCluster has been popular for 
DX spotting but not for contesting. Some of them do not care 
about the exact Sop regulation in CQ WW DX contest. 
We JIDX committee had the conclusions that any participants 
can use the PacketCluster during JIDX contest. 
This conclusion came from following reasons.
1. JIDX contest committee(now 6 log checkers) does not have 
   enough knowledge to check whether the oper use the PacketCluster 
   or other spotting net during the contest, 
2. If we prohibit to use the PacketCluster, a large number of 
   DXers will not be interested in the JIDX.

And I believe WAE-DC also allows spotting net during contest.
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	Internet: je1cka at

>From bernie.mcclenny at (Bernie McClenny, WR3E)  Mon Sep 30 06:45:29 1996
From: bernie.mcclenny at (Bernie McClenny, WR3E) (Bernie McClenny, WR3E)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:45:29 -0700
Subject: IARU Contest HQ stations update
Message-ID: <324F5E79.7904 at>

Here are the IARU Head Quarter station claimed scores for the IARU
Contest.  Still looking for the following scores:
SV1SV, VY1RAC, YU0HQ, Z30M.  Does anyone have any fills?  de Bernie,

Call       HQ      QSO's     Mult's      Score
DA0HQ      DARC    10800*    295*        8,400,000*
HG96HQ     MARSZ    9254     297         8,273,232
YP0A       FRR      7627     284         7,159,356
S50HQ      ZRS      8196     283         6,673,423
EM5HQ               6216     259         5,566,946
OL9HQ               7111     269         5,547,856
W1AW/3     ARRL     8017     243         5,139,207
PI4AA      VERON    4315     230         3,559,710
GB5HQ      RSGB     3500*    ?           ?
ON4UBA     UBA      3472     207         2,096,082
EI0RTS     IRTS     426      31             81,111

             (not sure if this is all the operators for EM5HQ)
HG96HQ       Club HG5A,HG1W,HG6N
OL9HQ        Unknown
S50HQ        S50K,S50N,S51AY,S51IX,S51OI,S51ZO,S53BM,S54E,S55A,S57A,
             YO2GL, YO2IS, YO2LDC, YO3AC, YO3AWC, YO3CDN, YO3FRI,
             YO3FU, YO4AB, YO4ATW, YO4DIH, YO4HW, YO4SI, YO4WP, YO4WZ,
             YO4XF, YO5CRI, YO5DMB, YO5TE, YO6AWR, YO6GCW, YO8BAM,
             YO8ER, YO8SS, YO8TU, YO8WW

Bernie McClenny WR3E (ex WB3JRU)

Norms Rotor Service
We buy/sell/trade all U.S. rotors see our home page @

>From trey at (Trey Garlough)  Mon Sep 30 08:48:26 1996
From: trey at (Trey Garlough) (Trey Garlough)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 08:48:26 +0100
Subject: IARU Contest HQ stations update
Message-ID: <199609300748.IAA06099 at>

> Here are the IARU Head Quarter station claimed scores for the IARU
> Contest.  Still looking for the following scores:
> SV1SV, VY1RAC, YU0HQ, Z30M.  Does anyone have any fills?  de Bernie,

Are these the results for the 1996 IARU Contest, or the 1995 IARU 
Contest?  It's been so long since this contest I can't remember.

CQ-Contest at TGV.COM is a place for contest discussion.  3830 at
is the place for score reporting.  Please post your IARU contest scores
there.  Thanks for your cooperation.

--Trey, WN4KKN

>From veta at (YL2KL)  Mon Sep 30 13:09:28 1996
From: veta at (YL2KL) (YL2KL)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:09:28 +0000
Subject: YL8M WW RTTY Score
Message-ID: <199609301014.MAA10548 at>

CQ WW RTTY Contest 1996

Call used: YL8M  (op.YL2KL)
Location: LATVIA  

Entry Class: Single Op LP, All Band   

Band	QSOs   Pts   	QTH    DX  	Zones
80       	163   	332     	0    	39     	6
40       	238   	530     	6    	61    	21
20       	528  	1301    46    	78    	27
15       	109   	241     	0    	49    	19
10      	   3     	   6     	0     	3     	2
Total   1041  	2419    52   	230    75

Score: 863'583

Claimed Score: 863'583

Power Output: 100 W
Equipment: IC-736, PK 900, Pentium 90, WF1B software.
Ant. description: Mosley 96-2 Pro (10 - 40 m), Inv.V (80 m)

Club Participation: none 

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulation established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date 30/09/96  Signature ____________________________Call YL2KL

Mailing address:  Girt Budis (YL2KL)
                  P.O.Box 19,
                  Ainazi LV-4035

>From floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Sep 30 15:13:06 1996
From: floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 11:13:06 -0300
Message-ID: < at>

Raw Scores

Compiled by
>> WA4ZXA <<
floydjr at

Date Posted: 09/30/96
********* FINAL POSTING ***********

CALL                  SCORE       QSO'S        MULTIS

High Power

N6TR                 15,953        301           53
K4VX  (AG9A)         14,040        270           52
AA5RB  (@N3BB)       13,916        284           49
WB0O                 13,475        275           49
KW8N                 13,400        268           50
K5GA                 13,350        267           50
N6RO                 12,240        240           51
K9JF                 11,368        232           49
KB5YVT               10,105        215           47
N6HC                 10,105        215           47
AA4NC  (KI4HN)        9,200        200           46
KJ6HO                 8,904        212           42
W5ASP                 8,878        193           46
KM0L                  8,464        184           46
KC6CNV                8,404        191           44
KE3Q                  6,450        150           43
W9NQ                  5,658        138           41
KF9YT  (N9VVV)        5,577        143           39
AE0M                  5,412        123           43
WN3K                  3,468        102           34
AB6FO                 2,790         90           31
KQ4HC                 2,070         69           30

Low Power

K8JLF                 5,396        142           38
KN4RI                 5,371        131           41
WA0I                  5,226        134           39
WK6V                  5,166        126           41
N1PBT                 4,551        123           37
K3CR  (KB3AFT)        4,218        114           37
KF9YH                 4,176        116           36
K9WIE                 3,552         96           37
ND8L                  3,306         87           38
KC4QFR                3,196         94           34
N8JEC                 2,400         80           30
AA4LR                 1,624         58           28
KY2P                  1,032         43           24
8P6CV                    98         14            7

LOGS!!                                           ^^^ 

If you did not state what power you were running I put you in High Power.
If that is wrong just emial me and I will change it.

73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at << *

>From at TGV.COM (bobndeb)  Mon Sep 30 16:32:02 1996
From: at TGV.COM (bobndeb) (bobndeb)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 18:32:02 +0300
Subject: e-mail mailbox on the web
Message-ID: <19960930153200.AAA17215 at>


While scanning the web the other day (i think in CQ mag's home page or
thereabouts) i came across some Amateur Ops home page who offered an e-mail
mailbox (cutout)  at his home page. Like the dummy i am i forgot to bookmark
the location.  Does anybody out there know who or what I am talking about.
I'd like to be able to keep the amateur radio BS
separate from my regular stuff. . Please e-mail to me and not the reflector.

>From at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin)  Mon Sep 30 19:49:49 1996
From: at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin) (Anatoly P. Ganin)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 20:49:49 +0200
Subject: Need info
Message-ID: <AADP1KoOF6 at>

Hello everybody!
I am radioamator and novice in Internet. Unfortunatelly,
I haven't enough information about Internet forums for HAMs.
I would like to discuss antennas, masts, equipment etc.,for
another words - technical questions.
    If somebody can help me, please pass information to my e-mail
adress:  root at
     73! UT5ULX, Anatoly.

>From pa3dmh at (Alex van Hengel)  Mon Sep 30 18:22:01 1996
From: pa3dmh at (Alex van Hengel) (Alex van Hengel)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 18:22:01 +0100
Subject: FM contester Email adress.
Message-ID: <325001B9.26D7 at>


Anybody out their who does have an Email adress of a Martinique
contester. Any help is welcome.

73'  ALex
--...  ...--      Alex van Hengel. PA3DMH. ( pa3dmh at )
1996 Caribbean Tour Website:

Member of PI4COM, Contestgroup Oude Maas. 
PI4COM Home Page: http//

>From k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky)  Mon Sep 30 20:13:06 1996
From: k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky) (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:13:06 -0700
Subject: Sloper question.
Message-ID: <199609301913.MAA03895 at>


If support height is not a consideration (that is to say that my tower is
very tall), which would you say is better:

A.  A traditional sloper;  1/2 wave dipole at 45 degree angle.

B. A quarter wave sloper with the attachment point at the top of the tower.

Reply direct.....summary if interest.

Gary K7FR is easy with eyes closed,
misunderstanding all you see.

>From k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky)  Mon Sep 30 20:30:42 1996
From: k7fr at (Gary Nieborsky) (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:30:42 -0700
Subject: CQWW M/M
Message-ID: <199609301930.MAA05751 at>

I'm looking for ops interested in participating in CQWW  M/M (SSB & CW) at
my place.  Last year I scraped together some of the locals and did 600k in
SSB and 1M in CW (even get) a certificate for our efforts
in CW. Looking to expand the effort this year.  Remember....this requires a
perilous journey into the wilds of Eastern Washington.  Those with
agoraphobia need not apply.

Reply direct please.....

Gary K7FR

>From w7ni at (Stan Griffiths)  Mon Sep 30 20:43:11 1996
From: w7ni at (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 12:43:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Power and offspring
Message-ID: <199609301943.MAA00636 at>

>> 3. Does running QRO in contests really make you more likely to have female
>> offspring?
>No way!!!  I have never run illegal power in my life.  And I have only
>ever operated in Louisana once.  And when I was at W7NI, I didn't inhale.
>Tree N?TR
>(father or Theresa, Rebecca and Sarah)

Well, I have two daughters, Val and Tricia.  Our first-born was a boy who
only lived a couple of hours, and I DID inhale!

Does it count if Tricia is adopted?

Stan  w7ni at

>From at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin)  Mon Sep 30 20:17:33 1996
From: at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin) (Anatoly P. Ganin)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 21:17:33 +0200
Subject: Help HAM's info
Message-ID: <AADp1KoOF6 at>

  Hello everybody!
I am radioamator and novice in Internet. Unfortunatly,
I haven't enough information about Internet forums for HAMs.
I would like to discuss antennas, masts,equipment etc.
    If somebody can help me, please pass information to
my e-mail adress: ROOT at APG.KIEV.UA

        73! UT5ULX, Anatoly.

>From at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin)  Mon Sep 30 19:49:49 1996
From: at TGV.COM (Anatoly P. Ganin) (Anatoly P. Ganin)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 20:49:49 +0200
Subject: Need info
Message-ID: <AADP1KoOF6 at>

Hello everybody!
I am radioamator and novice in Internet. Unfortunatelly,
I haven't enough information about Internet forums for HAMs.
I would like to discuss antennas, masts, equipment etc.,for
another words - technical questions.
    If somebody can help me, please pass information to my e-mail
adress:  root at
     73! UT5ULX, Anatoly.

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)  Mon Sep 30 21:59:00 1996
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman) (Bill Coleman)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 96 16:59:00 -0400
Subject: Multiple-Choice Packet-in-Contests Quiz
Message-ID: <960830165611.QAA27927 at>

>From:        Norton, Richard, nortonr at
>Hypothetical Situation:
>Assume that you are connected with the judging of a large, popular, 
>international DX contest. Assume that in judging one of the modes of the 
>contest, some of the judges collectively spent over 100 man-hours looking at 
>a few single-operator logs to see if there was evidence of use of 
>packet-aided spotting.
>Assume that the judges were experienced and competent at both contest 
>operating and log judging.
>Assume that all those judges involved came to the same conclusion, which was 
>that a few single-operator entrants did use packet.
>Assume that the judges also determined that there was no way they could 
>definitely prove that packet was used. Even things like two-character-errors 
>in copying a long callsign, that had just also been made by several other 
>multi-op members or assisted members of the operator's club, might just be 

Perponderence of evidence is enough to convict in a Civil case....

>Make no assumptions about what this would do, within the log-checking 
>community, to the reputations of those suspected of packet-use, even if they 
>happen to be innocent.
>Assume that the feeling among the judges is that packet presents a means by 
>which some entrants easily CAN and HAVE cheated.
>The question:
>For this theoretical case, what should be done in the future, if anything?
>Possible choices:
>1) Do nothing. Out-foxing the committee and other contestants is part of the 
>contest. If these guys can do it, and the committee can't prove anything, 
>these guys deserve to win.

Except they didn't out-fox you. You know something is up that is 
difficult to dismiss as mere coincidence.

>2) Do nothing. There is no need for a committee to judge logs. The entrants 
>should be trusted. Some bad apples will always be listed, but many of the 
>high scores will actually be real.

Faugh! In every sport there are referees. No one likes them, but they are 
part of the game <grin>. 

>3) Do nothing. Let packet-cheaters be listed in the results the same way 
>that high-power cheaters are today. Their reputations can be handled in the 
>hallways of Dayton and Visalia.

If something is amiss, you must act.

>4)  Change the rules to allow packet spotting for single-operator 
>categories. Operator skills should be only important in the Sprint. 
>International DX contests should be primarily a measure of location and 

There's a *BIG* difference in the skills and style of operating between 
SO and SOA. Perhaps it doesn't make any difference at the highest end, 
but it does to the little pistols, especially those who DO NOT have 
packet. Remember that the little pistols are the meat and potatoes of 
contesting. Without them, 48 hour contests would be over in an hour.

>5) Permit the committee to make a decision based on a vote of the judges to 
>reclassify the log. Find more volunteers to perform these studies in every 

Quietly recasting the log to SOA is a good idea. It sends a message to 
the originator without necessarily impinging his reputation. If you were 
to DQ him outright and he is actually innocent, you could unjustifiably 
impinge his reputation.

Furthermore, contest reporting (especially that for CQWW) has been shown 
to have numerous errors. Witness the contesters repeatedly reported in 
the wrong zone, or that have had their qualifying scores omitted from a 
top ops box.

A truely innocent individual could dismiss such a listing as erroneous 

>6) Beef up the judging committee. Have referees at the stations during the 
>contest like was done at the WRTC.  Find volunteers in all parts of the 
>country who know something about contests who want to spend their weekends 
>acting as referees.

This would be cool, but may not be practical.

>7) Work strongly to minimize this problem by discouraging use of packet in 
>DX contests by anyone.

Bad idea. SOA appeals to a large segment of the casual contesting 
community. SOA was created so that such casual single operator efforts 
didn't have to be listed with M/S efforts. 

Further, SOA represents a different challenge to operating than SO. 
Having the different category presents an opportunity to develop new 
contesting skills.

>8) Work even more strongly to minimize this problem by making use of packet 
>in contests, by anyone, against the rules.

Outlaw packet and only outlaws will have packet. Packet is here to stay. 
Might as well get used to it.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

>From seay at (Jan & Del Seay)  Wed Sep 18 02:00:23 1996
From: seay at (Jan & Del Seay) (Jan & Del Seay)
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 18:00:23 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Kenwood Sales Manager
References: <199610012352.QAA17102 at> <32522955.E52 at>
Message-ID: <323F49A6.66FB at>

Charles Lewis, AD4Y wrote:
> Art,

I thought he was quite well behaved in the matter! Certainly did not
report anything that hasn't already been verified!
de KL7HF

> You're outta line here! You've defamed his product, his objectives, and now, with the
> callsign spelling (KD6DUH), you've attacked his intelligence. If you haven't already
> done so, you ought to be man enough to confront him head on, not hiding behind the
> keyboard! Talk to him! Tell us exactly what he says! Do you really think the majority of
> us are laughing with you? Even if Kenwood is pursuing the marketing strategy we've seen
> suggested on these reflectors, the situation isn't likely to be improved by the kind of
> derision you've subjected us all to. These guys are pro's; they're also human, and make
> mistakes, and some are even willing to admit it! Give him a chance. Ya never know; he
> may thank you for pointing out the error of his ways ;) point is: I'd like to hear
> what he has to say to you. Or would you rather see him respond to you in front of all of
> us so we can laugh at you with his clever spelling of your call? What goes around comes
> around!
>   73,
>   Chuck, AD4Y
>         "Attribute not to others thine own faults, lest they thine own self define"
> Art Wallace wrote:
> >
> > ---- Begin Forwarded Message
> > Return-Path: <paulem at>
> > Received: from (
> > []) by (8.7.5/SMI-4.1/Netcom)
> >         id TAA22510; Mon, 30 Sep 1996 19:19:56 -0700 (PDT)
> > Received: from ([]) by
> > (8.6.13/8.6.12) with SMTP id TAA15370; Mon, 30
> > Sep 1996 19:23:18 -0700
> > Message-ID: <3250696C.6F5E at>
> > Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 17:44:28 -0700
> > From: Paul Middleton <paulem at>
> > X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win95; I; 16bit)
> > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > To: cns-sd at
> > CC: paulem at
> > Subject: Kenwood
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> > Status: RO
> >
> > I received the following message from the NATIONAL SALES MANAGER at
> > Kenwood. Seems he took offense at the message someone put on the
> > reflector (which I added to wondering if my Gold D-104 Eagle would work
> > with it) about Kenwood selling their Amateur Radio products at truck
> > stops. The new radio contained features like "Good Buddy Beeps, Noise
> > Generator for clearing the frequency, Echo Generator"
> >
> > If you want to send your comments to Paul about Kenwoods new Truck Stop
> > outlet chain, his E-Mail is  PAULM at IX.NETCOM.COM . Also maybe
> > PAULM at KENWOODUSA.COM      His call is KD6DUH .
> >
> > Hmmmmmmmm. I wonder if the TS in TS-870, TS-950 stands for TRUCK STOP?
> >
> > 73  Art   KK6XN    :)
> >
> > Dear Mr. Wallace: (that's me,  Art)
> > I have read your posting to internet. I would like to have the ability
> > to speak with you over the telephone. It is important that we talk
> > ASAP.
> > I will call you at your convenience if that is possible. Please provide
> > me with your phone # and the best time to reach you. The information
> > that you are providing is untrue. I wish to clear this matter up with
> > you.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Paul Middleton KD6NUH
> > National Sales Manager

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