[CQ-Contest] WPX = European QSO party?

Alan Brubaker alan at es.com
Tue Apr 1 14:42:41 EST 1997

I don't know if it was mentioned earlier or not, but if you read the
the only station that you are competing against is a station which is in
the same call area or country, except if you happen to also be competing
for the World or USA or a continental title. So last weekend I was 
competing against other M/S stations in the 7th call area, not in Europe
or the east coast for that matter. In some respects, there are really
or three contests going on, and some of us can work into all or some of 
them, and some of us cannot, depending on conditions and our location. 
And make no mistake - many records will fall during the upcoming 
sunspot cycle which is expected to peak in a few years, so what's the
difference whether the scoring scheme is changed or not? Besides, such 
a rule change may stimulate more interest in the contest since there
be the opportunity for many stations to set new records.  I am
in favor of a points/QSO scheme similar to the IARU HF Championship, 
which has already been proposed. The WPX Contests have changed over 
the years anyway, and it is time for yet another update.

Alan, KO7X

alan at es.com

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