[CQ-Contest] Vanity calls in Finland!

Klimoff Timo timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi
Thu Apr 3 12:43:42 EST 1997

It has been possible to apply two-letter-suffix "vanity calls" in Finland
since 1.4.1997. Old call areas have no geographical meaning since 1.4.1997.
So OH1NOA can now go to Lappland and operate as OH1NOA (ex OH9NOA or OH1NOA/9).
Many "old timers" who had moved and applied a new 3-letter-suffix call sign,
they can now return to use their old 2-letter-suffix calls (for example
OH3MMM will now use OH1VR or OH2BA when operating from ex-OH3, he changed
OH3MMM to OH0MMM). Price for new vanity call is about 400 USD.

73 Timo OH1NOA (now also OH0NOA)
             Timo Klimoff (OH1NOA)

Email:       timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi

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