[CQ-Contest] WPX 0-point discussion

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at aeneas.net
Thu Apr 3 10:07:18 EST 1997

>Please don't count me as one of those lobbying to change the WPX 0-point rule.
>As 2-time LP/AB champ, I see nothing wrong with the way the scoring is now.
>Giving 1 point for in-country contacts would have an overall negative effect
>on the contest.
>It would essentially turn the contest into three different contests.
>   1. European QSO party.
>   2. Field day (for non-east coast)
>   3. WPX (for east coast)
>Despite the fact that prefixes count as multipliers, this is a DX contest.
>An SM5 does count more, for example, than a WA4. It has a square-law effect
>because it adds both a mult and points.
>FInally, I'll answer any US station that calls me -- even if I already have
>their prefix. But encouraging US pileups of low-point QSOs will simply
>reduce my score and force me to implement a more restricted  US QSO policy.
>As far as the 30/36/48 hour debate goes, put me in the 30-hour category.
>Strategy is everything. In good conditions, a bad decision can cost you the
>contest. In unsettled conditions, time off can ameliorate the impact.
>It all improves the competition -- and that's why they call it a contest!
> Rob Hummel (WS1A) <rhummel at monad.net>

Rob, I agree with you on both counts: 0-point rule and 30 hours.

Rod, W5HVV

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