[CQ-Contest] WPX 0-point discussion

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Thu Apr 3 08:07:13 EST 1997

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Rob Hummel wrote:

> Please don't count me as one of those lobbying to change the WPX 0-point rule.
> As 2-time LP/AB champ, I see nothing wrong with the way the scoring is now.
> Giving 1 point for in-country contacts would have an overall negative effect
> on the contest.
> It would essentially turn the contest into three different contests.
>    1. European QSO party.
>    2. Field day (for non-east coast)
>    3. WPX (for east coast)
> FInally, I'll answer any US station that calls me -- even if I already have
> their prefix. But encouraging US pileups of low-point QSOs will simply
> reduce my score and force me to implement a more restricted  US QSO policy.


With all due respect...  The contest isn't broken from your perspective.  
You are in one of the places where the WPX is surely a great contest.  
I'll bet KQ2M thought it was lots of fun also.  Its pretty OK here in 
Georgia too.

As far as the contest turning in to something else... No it wont.  The 
guy that wins the contest will still be the guy that gets the best shot 
at Europe or the European with the best shot at NA.  Oh, and the contest 
already is Field Day for Non-eastcoasters.  They can't work anything 
else.  At least give them a lousy point for their efforts.

Instead of "What's in it for me?", we should be thinking "What's best 
for the contest?".  The fact is that 3/4 of this country (a large group 
of contesters) cant work 3 point QSO's for 36 hours like you can.  Heck 
even KW9KW operating from one of the largest stations in the world was 
reduced to S&Ping.  What do you think a guy with a tribander in Nebraska 
is doing?  



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