[CQ-Contest] M/S - where to put legal limit amp vs 1kw amp?

Alfred J. Frugoli ke1fo at contesting.com
Thu Apr 3 22:50:26 EST 1997

If a Multi Single station had 1 legal limit amp, and 1 KW class amp, 
where would you put which amp?  1.5KW on the run station and 1KW on the 
mult station?  1KW on the run station and 1.5KW on the mult station?

I can see arguments for both sides of this question.  What are people's 
experiences and thoughts on this one.  Thanks.
Al, KE1FO, ex. KE6BER    mailto:ke1fo at contesting.com or ke6ber at tiac.net
Check out my web page, http://www.tiac.net/users/ke6ber for summaries 
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