[CQ-Contest] Icom 756

W6TG at aol.com W6TG at aol.com
Wed Apr 9 21:26:53 EDT 1997

Thanks to all with your comments. Seems like my feelings are shared by
many...this radio being more show than go, even in areas I did not talk

I did get ahold of Icom today and they said the advertising has been
corrected regarding the "IF notch...manual or automatic". It IS an audio
notch and automatic only. As far as "adjustable DSP in TX and RX"...they
clain that with the mic tone adjustments in TX and the fact that you have an
adjustable noise reduction control for receive. I feel that is stretching
things a bit.

Looks like my 950SDX is gonna be around a while longer.

Terry - W6TG

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