[CQ-Contest] Field day RTTY--CW

n4si at pobox.com n4si at pobox.com
Sun Apr 27 21:10:56 EDT 1997

> Here a part of the Field day rules.
> Question: does this means you can work a station on CW and RTTY or if you
> worked him on CW you can not work him again on RTTY? any band?
> C.Each phone and each CW segment is considered as a separate band. All
> voice communication contacts are equivalent, and Packet/RTTY/ASCII/AMTOR is
> counted as CW. A station may be worked once on each band. Crossband
> contacts are not allowed. The use of more than one transmitter at the same
> time on a single band is prohibited, except that a Novice/Technician
> position may operate on any Novice band segment at any time. No repeater
> contacts. 

I read this as any digital contact on a particular band would be a
dupe with any other digital contact on that band with the same

73, Rod N4SI
    The DXer formerly known as N9AKE
         (c) 5 November, 1996

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