[CQ-Contest] contesting.com Computer

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Thu Aug 7 15:33:54 EDT 1997

We lost the computer that runs this system last night at 4:30PM.  As is 
usually the case, the failed component was the only thing in this 
computer that I did not have in stock.  Thanks to some quick work by my 
purchasing dept, they were able to track down a controller at 6:00pm and 
somehow managed to get it on a FedEx plane that actually made it to 
Atlanta overnight.  

I BELIEVE this fixed the problem.  There is a chance that this problem is 
a disk drive.  If you see your mail stop from this system again, QRX.  I 
will get it back up ASAP. 

As usual, messages that say 'test' or 'what happened to the reflector' do 
nothing to bring it up faster.  They simply increase the burden of the 
system when it does come back up.  

I should have known it would happen this week.  Worst week for work since 
we opened the place (busy) and we are between closings on houses.

73 & thanks again to KM3T for his help.  We wouldn't have any lists 
without him, AD1C, and N5KO... "the smart guys".  

Bill, W4AN

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