[CQ-Contest] Update on QSL Online by SK0UX

Glenn Swanson cqc-list at arrl.org
Wed Aug 27 13:39:59 EDT 1997

An informal FYI:

See QST, November 1996, "New Ham Companion" section, page 52:
Re: Electronic QSLs.

(Please DO NOT e-mail me on this issue, I'm not in the loop
on setting, talking about, or discussing, ARRL policy...
            This is just an FYI on my part, okay?  Okay.)   :-)

73, Glenn, KB1GW

Bill Fisher - W4AN wrote:
> re: http://sk7do.te.hik.se/clubs/sk0ux/QSL-server.html
>     Online verification of QSO's on the WWW.

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