[CQ-Contest] Duo-Band 10/15 Antenna

VO1MP - Gus gussam at newcomm.net
Wed Dec 3 00:04:55 EST 1997

Looking for to avail of the collective wisdom of esteemed reflectees!

Am presently condidering combining a home brewed 4 element for 15
meters with a homebrewed 5 element for 10 still on design stages . on
a single boom. No great feat in itslef I'm sure.  However here's is
the challenge: I have acquired a storm damaged th6dxx some parts and
the complete driven element still in tact.  Wonder if any body has any
ideas about removing the 20 meter portion of the traps and using the
driven element as a 10/15 meter driver.

The other elements will all be full size on 10 and 15, as I see it
effective matching may be a problem , mechanically the hard ware is
already proven. needless to say , it is easier to keep one antenna
aloft than two, stacked one above the other.  this would save an extra
boom loading and of course use only one run of coax.

What say you antenna gurus ? BTW am not interested in refurbishing the
th6. Already have monobander for 20.

Appreciate any comments.

Gus Vo1mp

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