[CQ-Contest] ft-1000mp and an amp

henry gillow-wiles henry at rio.com
Wed Dec 3 13:48:10 EST 1997

first things first. MANY THANKS to all those responding to my 'how to
choose a radio question'. after much thought and anxiety, i deceided to bow
to my mid life crisis and by the radio i really want, so, soon comes a
1000mp. this will be the first radio with a built in tuner. i plan to drive
my henry 2k-d classic with it. this has lead me to my questions.

question 1

do i want to let the radio try to tune itself to the input of the amp, or
does the amp present a constant enough 50 ohm load to not worry about it?

question 2

i have been driving the amp with an ic-730. the relay out put on the 730
handles the relay input of the amp just fine. does the ft have sufficient
capability to handle the current and voltage of the relay input on the
henry? the amp works by grounding the center of the rca jack. that trips
the tx/rx relay in the amp. the voltage is small as is the current. what
will the ft handle in that department? do i need to build some kind of
relay to trip the relay?
henry gillow-wiles
henry at rio.com

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