[CQ-Contest] rotators

K7LXC K7LXC at aol.com
Sun Dec 28 14:47:47 EST 1997

In a message dated 97-12-28 14:15:48 EST, vk3ajj at techno.net.au writes:

> As usual this project is being attempted "on the cheap" and I am thus
>  shopping around for a 2nd hand rotator. The only rotors sighted at this
>  stage are the Yaesu g-1000 sdx and the Tailtwister T2. Have not had
>  experience with either rotor. Would appreciate any meaningful advice re:
>  Which is the better rotor,
>  Will they handle the windload for the proposed antenna system?
    The Effective Moment (EM - weight times turning radius) capacity of the
G-1000 is 2020 ft-lbs. The EM of the T2X is 3400 ft-lbs. Parts (in the States
anyway) for the Hy-Gain products are MUCH easier to come by when you need to
fix them. My vote would be for the TailTwister.

     BTW, you may want a reprint of my 3-part series on rotators that appeared
in CQ Contest magazine. It's everything you should know about rotators. It's
available for an SASE with 2 stamps to TOWER TECH, Box 572, Woodinville, WA,

73 and GL, Steve  K7LXC

   TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs

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