[CQ-Contest] Meeting FCC Guidelines for Exposure to RF Fields

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 29 23:36:55 EST 1997

>Anyway, nice to have carried out the operation in case some lawyer gets
>wind of these regulations and comes around to take a look.   I don't 
>the bureaucracy any more than you do, but how much is it going to cost 
>to fight it?
>73, Fred

 Well I for one checked out my station both current and purposed plans 
for the future by the article in QST. My setup passes no problem but if 
it didn't it would make no difference as I live way out in the country.
  If some legal type comes out here to give me heck RF exposure would be 
the least of his worries as the only ones effected by RF would be my 
wife and I. Anyone else would have to tresspass on my land to get in 
range of my antennas. and in these parts he would have to worry about 
lead poisoning before the RF could get him :)
  I can see the point of the regulations in the city (just barely) but 
out here it is just a bunch of BS, and I'm not going to do anything 
about it  FCC or not!!!  Heck they can't do the job they have now much 
less try to enfore this new junk!
  Just my 2 cents for anyone who cares :)

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