[CQ-Contest] Re: rotators

George Cutsogeorge w2vjn at rosenet.net
Tue Dec 30 07:29:42 EST 1997

If the T2X or Ham IV rotors stick at the end of rotation it is not
necessary to climb the tower.  Simply short out the limit switch on the
control box terminal board momentarily and reverse direction.

w2vjn at rosenet.net

>  First is reliability. Having easily available spare parts is really
> when it breaks. If the reliability record is good, then its not so
> My T2X has a modest load (KT34XA & a 2 ele shorty fourty), yet it is
> getting stuck. This seems to be a brake problem. With patience a bit of
> and forth" with the controls will loosen the brake... however I've twice
> broken the rotor/mast bolt trying this.  If it sticks at the end of the
> rotation (S), it means climbing the tower.

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