WPX CW Weekend

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Sun Feb 9 12:13:51 EST 1997

Strong vote for moving WPX CW to end of April - last weekend or one before if
coliding with Easter Holidays. This could be the best CW contest
propagation-wise. (Ontario QSO party could blossom on old WPX weekend.)
Let's start with next year!

>From kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale Martin)  Sun Feb  9 17:19:01 1997
From: kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale Martin) (Dale Martin)
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 11:19:01 -0600
Subject: WPX CW Weekend
Message-ID: <01BC167B.124A9F00 at pm1-66.hal-pc.org>

From: 	Dale Martin[SMTP:kg5u at HAL-PC.ORG]
Sent: 	Sunday, February 09, 1997 8:43 AM
To: 	'Contest Reflector'
Cc: 	'Robert G. Chandler'
Subject: 	RE: WPX CW Weekend

On Saturday, February 08, 1997 16:49 PM, Robert G. Chandler[SMTP:103111.2775 at CompuServe.COM] wrote:
>Dan KW4T wrote:
>Maybe it's time to move the WPX CW to the last weekend in April.  Condx
>are usually better and now that Dayton's in May, then more of us in the
>U.S. can be in the 'test instead of the ususal family gatherings and
>picnics. " 
>Please...Please...Please!!!  Don't move the contest to the last weekend in
>April!!  I've just started a new regional contest that weekend called the
>Ontario QSO Party and it was really difficult picking a weekend when other big
>contests weren't going on, long weekends, major hamfests etc. (hi).
>Give a guy a break!  This thing could turn out as big as the California or the
>Pennsylvania QSO Parties.
>73 de Bob VE3SRE   :)

Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org


Somewhere between hitting Send and the message actually being
transferred to my modem, my deeply thought-out, highly intelligent,
Nobel Prize winning comments were dropped from the message text
area.  I apologize for the useless use of the bandwidth (whatever that

Here's what I meant to say: 

The solution is simple: 

Move the WPX to the weekend of the OQP.  Move the OQP to the 
old WPX weekend.  

Is Memorial Day here in the U.S. also Memorial Day (or other holiday
weekend) in Canada?  If not, you will have a very large group of U.S. 
hams on a long weekend with their radios to play with looking for 
QSO's.  And, since (still speaking hypotheticially here) WPX CW 
moved, the Ontarians (??) would be on the air calling CQ OQP, those
footloose U.S. and DX hams would be there to work them.

Sounds like a good deal for everyone to me.....



Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org

>From aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us (ROBERT WANDERER)  Sun Feb  9 17:50:24 1997
From: aa0cy at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us (ROBERT WANDERER) (ROBERT WANDERER)
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 09:50:24 -0800
Subject: WPX CW Weekend
Message-ID: <01BC166E.D6652DE0 at robertwanderer.gardnerville.nv.us>

YES! Let's move it to late April.
(While we're at it, let's move the phone weekend from late March to 1 weekend prior to this new
date for CW. This way all contest-loving hams who are accountatnts can enjoy the contest
because it's after April 15th! [I'm not an accountant nor do I play one on TV.])
73, Bob AA0CY
Next step: Alternate weekends for CW and SSB CQWW. Let the SSB'ers suffer from having the
contest fall Thanksgiving weekend more times than not too!

From:  Dale Martin[SMTP:kg5u at hal-pc.org]
Sent:  Sunday, February 09, 1997 6:44 AM
To:  'Contest Reflector'
Cc:  'Robert G. Chandler'
Subject:  RE: WPX CW Weekend

On Saturday, February 08, 1997 16:49 PM, Robert G. Chandler[SMTP:103111.2775 at CompuServe.COM] wrote:
>Dan KW4T wrote:
>"Hi Y'all,
>Maybe it's time to move the WPX CW to the last weekend in April.  Condx
>are usually better and now that Dayton's in May, then more of us in the
>U.S. can be in the 'test instead of the ususal family gatherings and
>picnics. " 
>Please...Please...Please!!!  Don't move the contest to the last weekend in
>April!!  I've just started a new regional contest that weekend called the
>Ontario QSO Party and it was really difficult picking a weekend when other big
>contests weren't going on, long weekends, major hamfests etc. (hi).
>Give a guy a break!  This thing could turn out as big as the California or the
>Pennsylvania QSO Parties.
>73 de Bob VE3SRE   :)

Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org

>From hwardsil at wolfenet.com (Ward Silver)  Sun Feb  9 18:46:27 1997
From: hwardsil at wolfenet.com (Ward Silver) (Ward Silver)
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 10:46:27 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Move WPX CW Weekend
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.95.970209104533.27678K-100000 at gonzo.wolfenet.com>

Yes!  I've suffered through too much poor propagation and political
unpleasantries associated with operating all of Memorial Day weekend.
Puh-leeze...move it!

73, Ward N0AX

>From k8mr at barf80.nshore.org (Jim Stahl)  Sun Feb  9 21:59:57 1997
From: k8mr at barf80.nshore.org (Jim Stahl) (Jim Stahl)
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 97 16:59:57 EST
Subject: Sunday Sprints?
Message-ID: <mmPV2D1w165w at barf80.nshore.org>

K8MR CW NA Sprint  -  100 Watts  -  Ohio
     80M        7 / 6  =   42 points        Time:  0:05
With declining interest in the sprint resulting from most of the
last zillion sprints where the bands are open to nowhere closer
than W5 (including last weekend's phone sprint) I spent most of the
evening at a church progressive dinner. My wife was on the
committee that organized it, so I sort of had to be there anyway. 
I got home in time for the last 5 minutes.  Even this short
appearance had its own interesting twist:  the only state I worked
twice was the often missed Delaware!
A couple of years ago I made the suggestion on the reflector that
it might be a good idea to run the sprints (or at least some of
them) on Sunday evening local time.  My reasoning was that there
are many more social conflicts on Saturday evenings than on Sunday
evenings, and many contesters who don't want to waste family good
will on a Saturday night sprint would be willing and able to
operate on Sunday evening.
There were more positive than negative comments, but if the idea
was ever seriously considered by the Sprint editors, nothing was
With a new CW Sprint editor taking over, perhaps this is an
appropriate time to revisit this idea?  
Jim Stahl  K8MR    k8mr at barf80.nshore.org   
                   k8mr at worldnet.att.net   

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr at barf80.nshore.org
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud

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