FT1000MP Filters

Jeff Singer k2kv at netusa.net
Fri Feb 14 16:38:57 EST 1997

Hi all - 

Well, I fanally received my 1000MP, slightly used, but in marvelous
condition. But something is puzzling me. 

It came with the optional 500hz Collins filter in the main receiver, and
I pulled it and placed it into the sub-receiver instead. I have enabled
the filter through the menu, but when I alternate between SSB and cw
modes, I swear I don't hear any difference. Is this me or have others
noticed this too? 

I called Yaesu and, for the life of me, I really don't know what they
said about this, but they didn't seem to think anything was wrong.

What's your experience with this? Thanks in advance.

73 de Jeff K2KV
k2kv at netusa.net

>From abrogdon at arrl.org (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO)  Fri Feb 14 16:38:00 1997
From: abrogdon at arrl.org (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO) (Brogdon, Al,  K3KMO)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 11:38:00 -0500
Message-ID: <m0vvQjZ-0004rAC at mgate.arrl.org>

>From: Ernesto M. Grueneberg
>To: 'Cq-contest'
>Date: Friday, February 14, 1997 11:32AM

     "aeryg," Ernesto said, when P5DX miscopied his call sign as "LU6BEZ" 
during the last QSO before shutting down the DXpedition....

>From n5tj at hotmail.com (Jeff Steinman)  Fri Feb 14 19:04:22 1997
From: n5tj at hotmail.com (Jeff Steinman) (Jeff Steinman)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 11:04:22 -0800 (PST)
Subject: FT1000MP / IC765 Summary
Message-ID: <199702141904.LAA06746 at f4.hotmail.com>

All responses were positive on the 1000MP performance. A few concerns over the
display, knob size, etc. But no one that owned one had found a better rig. Many
positive responses about the 765 as well. Thanks to all for the replys. Time to
go home and try and figure out how to use this new MP now .....
Jeff  N5TJ

Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

>From vk3ajj at speednet.com.au (vk3ajj)  Fri Feb 14 19:43:29 1997
From: vk3ajj at speednet.com.au (vk3ajj) (vk3ajj)
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 06:43:29 +1100
Subject: Ken if232c & contest logging
Message-ID: <199702141943.GAA28432 at platinum.speednet.com.au>

Hello All,

I have just purchased a second hand if232c interface for my kenwood 850sat.
Can this interface be used to key the transmitter for cw operation using CT
or n6tr logging programmes (or is its use simply restricted to changing
Radio freq, mode etc). Unfortunately I did not get any instructions with the
unit and thus far my efforts to get the cw keying facility within CT
operational for the Test have been unsuccessful.

Any useful hints on the operation of this if232c unit are also sought and
appreciated. Will try and provide some contest mults on 160m.

Replies direct to my e-mail address please.


Paul (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au)  
Paul G. Richards (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au)
Melbourne, Australia.
Aged 31 years, 

>From sales at tentec.com (Ten-Tec Inc.)  Fri Feb 14 15:32:17 1997
From: sales at tentec.com (Ten-Tec Inc.) (Ten-Tec Inc.)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 15:32:17 Eastern Standard Time
Subject: re my Ten-Tec "paragon 585"
Message-ID: <19970214153217.fb253c19.in at mvangel.com>

Dear Alec:

(With apologies to all who have to read this, yet again):

I have bounced email messages sent to you on Feb. 7, Feb. 10, and Feb. 12.
As I have repeatedly stated, both to you publicly and privately, we are 
willing to help you solve any problem you are encountering.  We have been 
unable to contact you.  You have not given us any accurate description of 
the trouble you are encountering.  It appears from your public message that
you have not even attempted the repair we have suggested.  

On top of that, Ten-Tec DOES NOT as a matter of policy handle service 
requests by electronic mail.  If you were ham in the United States, any
request would be met with a polite refusal and a request that you call or
fax us.  Because of the cost and distance involved we were more than 
willing to assist you by electronic mail to Europe.     

As stated before, the cq-contest reflector is not the forum for this 
discussion and you're doing nothing more than make yourself look foolish.  
As with every owner of a Ten-Tec transceiver, we will do whatever necessary
to help you solve your problem.  My recommendation is that you contact us
by TELEPHONE and we will assist you.  We also can provide you with contacts
for technical assistance in Europe as well. 

Sincerely (still, but thinner), 
Scott Robbins, W4PA

>From k6xx at juno.com (Bob Wolbert)  Fri Feb 14 22:36:21 1997
From: k6xx at juno.com (Bob Wolbert) (Bob Wolbert)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:36:21 PST
Subject: Amp Keying Circuit
References: < at southwind.net>
Message-ID: <19970214.143658.12639.1.k6xx at juno.com>

I think the information you seek is on this web site:


in the section on "Amateur Radio-related articles".

GL & 73 de Bob, K6XX

On Fri, 14 Feb 1997 09:15:43 -0600 k0wa at southwind.net (Lee Buller)
>I have lost some stuff on my hard drive here and wonder if anyone out 
>kept  some of this stuff.  There was a discussion on speading up relay
>activation in amplifiers using a couple of transistors and an RC 
>Can anyone direct me to the place were I can obtain the neat circut 
>k0wa at southwind.net

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