Cesar Augusto de C. Rodrigues cesar.rodrigues at originet.com.br
Fri Feb 14 20:35:12 EST 1997

Hello All,

I'll be on the ARRL CW Contest signing ZZ2Z running 100 Watts all bands.

73 DX de PY2YP - Cesar

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay)  Fri Feb 14 22:05:59 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:05:59 -0800
Subject: CT Keying  (Chuck Claver)
Message-ID: <3304E1C7.5D22 at alaska.net>

Chuck - lost your e-mail address.
I screwed up on the type numbers. The ones I gave you have
photo transistor out -
Try ECG 3103  or 3101 instead.
And my aplogies to the reflector for the usage. de KL7HF

>From k7jj at ix.netcom.com (Dave Earnest)  Fri Feb 14 23:21:18 1997
From: k7jj at ix.netcom.com (Dave Earnest) (Dave Earnest)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 15:21:18 -0800
Subject: Ken if232c & contest logging
References: <199702141943.GAA28432 at platinum.speednet.com.au>
Message-ID: <3304F36E.446B9B3D at ix.netcom.com>

Hi Paul,

The IF-232 is strictly a level converter and an interface.  I have the
same setup as yours (TS850SAT and IF-232).  To key CW, you will have to
make up a cable from one of your serial ports or LPT port to key CW.  CT
does not support PTT, so you will have to use VOX or a foot switch, to
send CW.

You can get the suggested diagrams on the internet:


73, Dave K7JJ
k7jj at ix.netcom.com
Morgan Hill, CA

www: http://www.netcom.com/~k7jj/k7jj.html

vk3ajj wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have just purchased a second hand if232c interface for my kenwood 850sat.
> Can this interface be used to key the transmitter for cw operation using CT
> or n6tr logging programmes (or is its use simply restricted to changing
> Radio freq, mode etc). Unfortunately I did not get any instructions with the
> unit and thus far my efforts to get the cw keying facility within CT
> operational for the Test have been unsuccessful.
> Any useful hints on the operation of this if232c unit are also sought and
> appreciated. Will try and provide some contest mults on 160m.
> Replies direct to my e-mail address please.
> Regards
> Paul (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au)
> Paul G. Richards (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au)
> Melbourne, Australia.
> Aged 31 years,

73, Dave K7JJ
k7jj at ix.netcom.com
Morgan Hill, CA

www: http://www.netcom.com/~k7jj/k7jj.html

>From edwoods at pbsac01.isp.PacBell.COM (edwoods)  Fri Feb 14 23:04:00 1997
From: edwoods at pbsac01.isp.PacBell.COM (edwoods) (edwoods)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 15:04:00 -0800
Subject: more RE:
Message-ID: <9702150047.AA14844 at gw3.pacbell.com>

"aeryg!", said his boss when Eric asked if he could go to Houston for the 
annual High Frequency emergency radio meeting at the Johnson Space Center at 
the end of April.  "Didn't you just go to Pensacola Beach for the same 


radio and space stuff on company time

Eric, K6GV
edwoods at pacbell.com

Who be in Houston, contest wise?

>From kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale Martin)  Sat Feb 15 01:02:29 1997
From: kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale Martin) (Dale Martin)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 19:02:29 -0600
Subject: CT keeying circuit - HELP!
Message-ID: <01BC1AAD.4AD0E600 at pm3-141.hal-pc.org>

On Thursday, February 13, 1997 23:26 PM, Chuck Claver[SMTP:claver at noao.edu] wrote:
>I have an old TS830 that is keyed -65 volts.  Does someone out there have
>a simple keying circuit that will interface the LPT1 output from CT to
>this radio?  The documentation I have only describes a circuit for positive
>Thanks much for any info - trying desperately to get the home qth ready
>for ARRL DX CW.
>Good luck to all - Chuck de NJ6D.

Check the ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs under keyers. 
In my book, the 1995 version, it was on page 22.23, figure
22.43, which described various keying schemes. 


Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org

>From Vic_Goncharsky at p180.f10.n462.z2.fido.ccrd1.lviv.ua (Vic_Goncharsky)  Sat Feb 15 05:51:26 1997
From: Vic_Goncharsky at p180.f10.n462.z2.fido.ccrd1.lviv.ua (Vic_Goncharsky) (Vic_Goncharsky)
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 97 07:51:26 +0200
Subject: PTT vs CT etc
Message-ID: <855996351 at p180.f10.n462.z2.ftn>

Hi folks,
For some time I've been reading the "unfortunate" CT users' mail who were not
able to switch their linears to transmit while using CT and, for some
uknown reason, were needing a special "a-la" TRLog separate CW PTT keying.

We hams are known to have been smart. Let's think then.....
If there is ONE switching scheme e.g. KEY/ no matter driven by LPT or COM
port/, it can switch indefinite amount of circuits like
I recommend to read and USE !!! the following article:

"Bug Box QSK" by David P. Shafer W4AX, QST February 1980, pp.30-32.

This article gives all the necsaary information and guidelines to make the
linear switching easy. We used this approach with all our linears for a long
time with a more complicated NPN-PNP flip-flop switching of one input
relay and two output vacuum ones.
The osciliscope and some time will be required to set proper timings etc
but this is a small cost of being able to hear between dots....

 DE> Hi Paul,

 DE> The IF-232 is strictly a level converter and an interface.  I
 DE> have the same setup as yours (TS850SAT and IF-232).  To key CW,
 DE> you will have to make up a cable from one of your serial ports or
 DE> LPT port to key CW.  CT does not support PTT, so you will have to
 DE> use VOX or a foot switch, to send CW.

 DE> You can get the suggested diagrams on the internet:

 DE> http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct/ct-tricks.html

 DE> 73, Dave K7JJ
 DE> k7jj at ix.netcom.com
 DE> Morgan Hill, CA

 DE> www: http://www.netcom.com/~k7jj/k7jj.html

 DE> vk3ajj wrote:
 >> Hello All,
 >> I have just purchased a second hand if232c interface for my
 >> kenwood 850sat. Can this interface be used to key the
 >> transmitter for cw operation using CT or n6tr logging
 >> programmes (or is its use simply restricted to changing Radio
 >> freq, mode etc). Unfortunately I did not get any instructions
 >> with the unit and thus far my efforts to get the cw keying
 >> facility within CT operational for the Test have been
 >> unsuccessful. Any useful hints on the operation of this if232c
 >> unit are also sought and appreciated. Will try and provide some
 >> contest mults on 160m. Replies direct to my e-mail address
 >> please. Regards Paul (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au) Paul G. Richards
 >> (vk3ajj at speednet.com.au) Melbourne, Australia. Aged 31 years,

 DE> --
 DE> 73, Dave K7JJ
 DE> k7jj at ix.netcom.com
 DE> Morgan Hill, CA

 DE> www: http://www.netcom.com/~k7jj/k7jj.html

Vic_Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE/S21ZM/SO9WE     Local: 07:51             15 Feb 97

>From thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)  Sat Feb 15 18:54:46 1997
From: thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 13:54:46 -0500
Subject: Still having problems...
Message-ID: < at pop.mindspring.com>


I am still having CPU problems so be patient.  I have not yet picked up the
e-mail logs from cq160 at contesting.com....

Dave K4JRB
CQ Ww 160 Contests Director

>From k1vr at juno.com (Fred Hopengarten)  Sat Feb 15 22:19:48 1997
From: k1vr at juno.com (Fred Hopengarten) (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 17:19:48 EST
Subject: Computer Speaker RFI
Message-ID: <19970215.170953.5031.13.k1vr at juno.com>

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105 * 617/259-0088
e-mail:  k1vr at juno.com or k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com
Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low.

I threw K7FD's question about getting into the speakers of an Aptiva at
an RFI engineer for Stratus Computer.  He's a friend of K1EA and a friend
of mine.  His reply:

From: Owen Gallagher <oweng at oweng.com>
To: k1vr at juno.com (Fred Hopengarten)
Subject: Re: k7fd at netbridge.net (John Nicholson): "Contester" interferes
w/ pc: Help!

Does it have "ce" mark on it? That means it was tested to 3 volts per

Try line filter for 3 a 120 vac on each speaker lead grounded to chassis
same on modem tel line also grounded to chassis. 

I know it sounds strange, but power line filters make good audio and
line filters.  Cheap and readily available at hamfests.

Also, use a line filter on the power line, grounded to chassis. This is 4
filters screewed to the chassis.

At 21:00 12/02/1997 EST, you wrote:
>	Not all RFI problems are all bad.
>Fred Hopengarten, K1VR

>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
>From: k7fd at netbridge.net (John Nicholson)
>To: CQ-Contest at tgv.com
>Subject: "Contester" interferes w/ pc: Help!
>Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 14:33:13 -0800
>I know there may be better places to post this, but the smartest
>hams hang out on this reflector & I need advice, so here goes:
>My neighbor 300' away had an Aptiva 120MHz pentium. No matter
>what I did, I still got into her computer speakers. Being a good
>ham (let's pretend I didn't notice her long blonde hair, ok?) I
>offered to come up with a solution. With that in mind,
>I put .01 caps on the speaker leads, wrapped the speaker 
>leads around RF choke torroids, and put a brute force telephone
>filter on her modem. But the speakers STILL picked up my ssb and cw 
>(I run 200w out...3 el Quad up 60'). I even switched out speakers
>and have had the same problems. The good news is...
>...in the meantime, she fell in love with me, moved in, learned the
>code, is taking her Tech Plus this weekend...and we are getting
>married in July!...
>...but he bad news is I still haven't found a solution to the Aptiva!
>Does anyone have any experience with this pc...and what I can do next?
>As you can see, I'll go to any extent to get this problem solved...  :)
>John K7FD and Annette (KC7U??)
>--------- End forwarded message ----------
Owen Gallagher
Postal Escargot:    Internet:          Phone + Fax: 
21 Richardson Rd.   oweng at oweng.com    +(1) +(508) 568 0320
Hudson, MA 01749
USA                 http:/www.ultranet.com/~oweng

>From py2ny at supernet.com.br (PY2NY)  Fri Feb 14 17:52:03 1997
From: py2ny at supernet.com.br (PY2NY) (PY2NY)
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:52:03 -0300
Subject: En: [BitBucket] Virus alert
Message-ID: <199702152323.UAA15985 at batman.supernet.com.br>

> De: Jose Vicente <vicente at correionet.com.br>
> Para: bitbucket at primenet.com
> Assunto: [BitBucket] Virus alert
> Data: S=E1bado, 15 de Fevereiro de 1997 12:38
> I received this msg from a fellow ham, may be of interest to all:
> Joe (PY2AUC)
> >**********VIRUS ALERT**********
> >
> >
> > There is a computer virus that is being sent across the Internet. =20
> If you
> > receive an email message with the subject line "Deeyenda", DO NOT=20
> read the
> >message, DELETE it immediately!
> >
> > Some miscreant is sending email under the title "Deeyenda"=20
> nationwide, if
> >you get anything like this DON'T  DOWNLOAD THE FILE!  It has a virus=20
> that
> >rewrites your hard drive, obliterates anything on it.  Please be=20
> careful and
> >forward this e-mail to anyone you care about.
> >
> > Please read the message below.
> > -----------
> >
> > The Internet community has again been plagued by  another computer=20
> virus.
> > This message is being spread throughout the Internet, including=20
> >posting, EMAIL, and other Internet activities.  The reason for all=20
> the
> >attention is because of the nature of this virus and the potential=20
> security
> >risk it makes.  Instead of a destructive Trojan virus (like most=20
> viruses!),
> >this virus referred to as Deeyenda Maddick, performs a comprehensive=20
> search
> >on your computer, looking for valuable information, such as email=20
> and login
> >passwords, credit cards, personal inf., etc.
> >
> > The Deeyenda virus also has the capability to stay memory resident=20
> while
> >running a host of applications and operation systems, such as=20
> Windows 3.11
> >and Windows 95.  What this means to Internet users is that when a=20
> login and
> >password are send to the server, this virus can copy this=20
> information and
> >
> > The reason for this warning is because the Deeyenda virus is=20
> virtually
> >undetectable.  Once attacked your computer will be unsecure. =20
> Although it can
> >attack any O/S this virus is most likely to attack those users=20
> viewing Java
> >enhanced Web Pages (Netscape 2.0+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer=20
> 3.0+ which
> >are running under Windows 95).  Researchers at Princeton University=20
> have
> >found this virus on a number of World Wide Web pages and fear its=20
> spread.
> >
> > Please pass this on, for we must alert the general public at the=20
> security
> >risks.
> >
> > ATTN:
> > Gary Hermann
> > AOL System Operative
> > 12-25-96
> >
> >
> -----
> Submissions:              bitbucket at primenet.com
> Administrative requests:  majordomo at primenet.com
> WWW:                      http://www.primenet.com/~ke7gh
> Questions:                owner-bitbucket at primenet.com

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