[CQ-Contest] Icom IC-756 tryout

Tom Cooper cooper at gmpvt.com
Thu Feb 27 09:50:46 EST 1997

I was in Tuscon over the ARRL CW DX weekend and had a chance to 
play with an IC-756 for a while.  

First, the bad news.  Never, not even once, did anything
show up on the screen that correlated with what I was hearing.  
I fiddled with the display thing for a long time, studied the 
manual, fiddled some more and nada.  Maybe this one was stuck
in lava lamp imitation mode.

The controls seemed awkward for CW, and the APF wasn't very 
effective.  Overall, the receiver sounded OK, but the AGC is
too flat for my taste.  Weak or strong, signals sounded the same.

The good news is, uhhh, that I didn't buy one before trying.  If
you want the maximum number of gadgets to waste time on, this is 
the rig for you.  

I have no affiliation with or interest in any of the radio companies,
and, just to be fair, admit that I think that the TS-870 is also mostly 
for those who like to push buttons for fun.



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