Summary - Claimed Scores Canada Winter Contest

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Wed Jan 1 18:31:18 EST 1997

1996 RAC Canada Winter Contest

Here are some claimed or rumoured scores reported on the air, by e-mail
packet or telephone:

Single Op All Bands High Power
Call    QSOs Mul   Score
VE3KZ   941   91   628,810
VE3XL   749   63   339,948
VY1JA   564   60   275,168
VA3ZC/8 339   38   103,664 Yes, he was in NWT

Single Op All Bands Low Power (100w max)
Call   QSOs  Mul   Score
VE7CFD  510   56   221,536
K6LL    415   66   216,480
AB5LX   354   54   146,664
VA3JFF  222   55   110,440
VE3GNU   51   20     9,600

Single Op Single Band
Call   MHz QSO Mul Score
VA3SK  3.5      24       - first-ever 80m sweep in RAC contest history   

Call  QSOs Mul Score
VE6JY 2336 114 1,620,168
XM5RAC 648  69   275,040 (at VE5RI)
VE6RAC 443       150,000 (at VE6TUR/VE6LND)
VE6ZA  307  43   108,188

Conditions were great, especially on the low bands, and we may see a few
more records fall.  

The popularity of the Stew Perry Distance Challenge made things tough for
our contest on 160m.  Many ops complained that some US stations refused to 
send serial numbers for RAC contest participants even after our folks 
obliged them with grid squares.  We can coexist, can we not?

The address for contest entries has changed.  Please send your entry by 
31 January to:  RAC Canada Winter Contest,
                720 Belfast Road - Suite 217
                Ottawa ON  K1G 0Z5  CANADA.
Logs sent to the old address WILL be forwarded.  

These claimed scores will appear in the March issue of The Canadian Amateur
(TCA).  Full results will appear in the May issue of TCA.  Copies
the the full results and write-up will be mailed to every entrant.

Thanks for participating.

73, Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB
    RAC HF Contest Manager
    ve2zp at
    (819) 684-1432


>From ea5rs at (Juan M. Chazarra)  Wed Jan  1 21:55:35 1997
From: ea5rs at (Juan M. Chazarra) (Juan M. Chazarra)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 22:55:35 +0100 (MET)
Subject: TS940S AGC overshoot
Message-ID: <199701012155.WAA23679 at>

        I have observed and measured the AGC overshoot of my 940 in the AGC
FAST position.
It produces an annoying effect with statics and also when listening to fast
CW signals
which tend to sound "hollow". I wonder if anyone has tried a modification of
attack-time of the RX. Just asking as I want to avoid "re-inventing the wheel".
Please reply directly to me. I promise to post a summary.

Thanks in advance,

>From radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys)  Wed Jan  1 22:29:08 1997
From: radio at UDel.Edu (Robert Penneys) (Robert Penneys)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 17:29:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No sound frm NA, CT on WIn 95?
Message-ID: <199701012229.RAA09626 at>

I have to give a demo Thurs nite on contesting, and loaded CT, NA and more
into a notebook which runs Windows 95. I can't get any sound out of these
programs. Any ideas? Hopeless? TNx.

>From mkuehn at (michael kuehn)  Thu Jan  2 00:08:00 1997
From: mkuehn at (michael kuehn) (michael kuehn)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 97 19:08 EST
Subject: FCC Address for Vanity Call Signs
Message-ID: <m0vfai5-003ihwC at>

Tnx-Tnx-Tnx to all for helping me find my way.  I've got
the forms downloaded and filled out.  The calls have been 
selected and the check is ready to go.  

BUT what is the mailing address???????  PLEASE before I put
the envelope in the mail, I need the correct address.  So 
I ask for your help again.  If possible before Thursday 
morning no later than 1130 utc or better yet, Wednesday night
would be even better for me.   

So far 1997 is looking well for me.

73's and tnx agn!!!!

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