160 meters Carolina Windom

N2MM at aol.com N2MM at aol.com
Sun Jan 5 11:39:39 EST 1997

Have radioworks 160 meters carolina windom with documentation for sale
...good condition. To large for property.  Will sell for $50.00.  73, Howard

>From wx3w at unm.edu (TL)  Sun Jan  5 16:43:10 1997
From: wx3w at unm.edu (TL) (TL)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 09:43:10 -0700 (MST)
Subject: CW pile-up WAV file...
Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.970105093659.125102A-100000 at musca.unm.edu>

Dear OMs,

I downloaded a WAV file about a year ago that was a 1 minute segment of a 
CW pile-up taken by P43?? I think. I misplaced the URL I got it from as 
well as the file. Can someone tell me where to find it on the Web? Or is 
there a place where I can d/l such a file?

Tnx de F5JTL/KM5R

>From hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)  Sun Jan  5 17:40:57 1997
From: hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra) (H. L. Serra)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 09:40:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: S56A email address
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9701050902.A20358-0100000 at pwa.acusd.edu>

Anyone have Marijan Miletic's (S56A/NY1U) email address? The one in recent 
CQ Contest keeps bouncing back as undeliverable. 73 Larry, N6NC

>From w9nq at ccis.com (Bob Selbrede)  Sun Jan  5 18:16:55 1997
From: w9nq at ccis.com (Bob Selbrede) (Bob Selbrede)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 10:16:55 -0800
Subject: 1997 NAQP Announcement
Message-ID: <199701051816.KAA05111 at bart.ccis.com>

Hi All,

        Listed below are the complete rules for the 1997 NAQP contests.  I
have elected to post them here since all that can be found in QST or CQ are
Rule Remnants.  The Jan-Feb 97 NCJ should have them as well, although I
haven't received mine yet.  If you have any questions/comments about this
posting, please direct them to me, not the entire list!  Here's a few
important notes:

        1.  Please send your NAQP Team pre-registrations in prior to the
start of the contest.  Send CW Teams to me, K6ZZ (w9nq at ccis.com) and SSB to
Steve, K6AW (merchant at silcom.com).

        2.  We will both be accepting E-Mail log submissions again at the
addresses listed.  Send your complete Log and Summary Sheet in ASCII Text
format.  Please, no binary or special format files.

        3.  Please read through the rules.  There have been a few minor
changes made.

        4.  Above all, have fun!

                  1997 North American QSO Party Rules

1) Eligibility: Any licensed radio amateur may enter.

2) Object: To work as many North American stations (and/or other stations if
you are in North America) as possible during the contest period.

3) Entry Classification:  1) Single Operator and 2) Multi-Operator
Two-Transmitter.  Multi Operator stations shall keep a separate log for each
transmitter.  Multi Operator stations must have at least 10 minutes between
band changes.  Use of helpers or spotting nets by Single Operator entries is
not permitted. Single Operator entrants may only have one transmitted signal
at a time. Output power must be limited to 150 watts for eligible entries.

4) Contest periods:

    January Contests:

    CW: 1800 UTC January 11 to 0600 UTC January 12, 1997
    SSB: 1800 UTC January 18 to 0600 UTC January 19, 1997

    August Contests:

    CW: 1800 UTC August 2 to 0600 UTC August 3, 1997
    SSB: 1800 UTC August 16 to 0600 UTC August 17, 1997

Multi Operator stations may operate for the entire 12 hour period.  Single
Operator stations may operate 10 out of 12 hours.  Off times must be at
least 30 minutes in length and must be clearly marked in the log.

5) Mode: CW only in CW parties.  Phone only in Phone parties.

6) Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters only.  You may work a station
once per band.  Suggested frequencies are 1815, 3535, 7035, 14035, 21035 and
28035 KHz (35 KHz up from band edge for Novice/Tech) on CW; and 1865, 3850,
7225, 14250, 21300 and 28500 KHz (28450 for Novice/Tech) on SSB.  Try 10M at
1900Z and 2000Z 15M at 1930Z and 2030Z and 160M at 0430Z and 0530Z.  Please
avoid using the DX windows (1830-1835 KHz on 160M and 3790-3800 KHz on 80M) 
for Non-DX QSO's.

7) Exchange: Operator name and station location (State, Province or
Country).  If the name sent is changed during the contest, as sometimes 
happens with Multi-Operator stations, the name sent for each QSO must be
entered in
the log.

8) Valid Contact:  A valid contact consists of a complete, correctly copied
and legibly logged two-way exchange between a North American station and
any another station.  Proper logging requires including the time of each
contact.  Regardless of the number of licensed call signs issued to a given
operator, one and only one call sign shall be utilized during the contest by
that operator.

9) North American Station: Defined by the rules of the CQWW DX Contests with
the addition of KH6.

10) Scoring: Multiply total valid contacts by the sum of the number of
multipliers worked on each band.  Multipliers are US States (including KH6
and KL7), Canadian Provinces/Territories (British Columbia, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, PEI, Labrador, Yukon, and NWT) and other North American Countries
(Note: do not also count USA, Canada, KH6, or KL7 as Countries).  Non-North
American Countries do not count as multipliers, but may be worked for
QSO credit.

11) Reporting:  Send North American QSO Party CW logs to Bob Selbrede K6ZZ,
6200 Natoma Ave, Mojave, CA. 93501.  Send SSB logs to Steve Merchant K6AW,
1795 Cravens Lane, Carpinteria, CA. 93013.  Entries must be postmarked not
later than 30 days after the contest to be eligible for awards.
A proper entry consists of: (1) a Summary Sheet showing the number of
valid contacts and multipliers by band, total contacts and multipliers,
total score, team name (if any), power output, name, callsign, and address
of the operator, station callsign and station location; (2) a complete
legible log of all contacts (including dupes marked as such) with indication
of all multipliers claimed; (3) a separate Dupe Sheet for each band; and (4)
a list of all claimed multipliers worked on each band.  Logs may be 
submitted on 3.5" disk in the form of files generated by a computer logging
program as 
long as they are MS-DOS compatible ASCII files consisting of all information
in (1)-(4) above.  All entries should include a written, signed statement of
"Fair and Ethical Operation".  All logs containing over 200 QSO's, which 
were generated with a computer logging program, must also include a disk copy of
the ASCII Text log as defined above.  Complete rules, sample Log Sheets and 
a Summary Sheet may be obtained with an SASE to K6ZZ or K6AW.

12) Team Competition: You may wish to form a team with fellow NAQP
participants.  If so, your team shall consist of 2 to 5 Single
Operator stations as a single entry unit.  Clubs or other groups having more
than 5 members may submit multiple team entries.  PRE REGISTRATION
REQUIREMENT:  To qualify as a team entry, the team organizer should ensure
that the name, callsign of each operator, and call sign of the station 
operated should the operator be a guest at a station other than his own,
(e.g. N4RJ
op by KM9P) must be registered with K6ZZ for CW and K6AW for SSB.  The team
registration information must be in written or telegraphic form and must be
received before the start of the contest.  There are neither distance nor
meeting requirements for a team entry.  The only requirement is
pre-registration of the team.

13) Penalties and Disqualification's:  For each unmarked duplicate QSO, you
lose that contact plus an additional three contacts; for each QSO for which
you are not in the other stations log, you lose that QSO plus an additional
one contact; and for each QSO for which the log data is incorrectly copied
in any respect, you lose that contact.  Entries with score reductions
greater than 5 % will be disqualified.  Any entry may be disqualified for
illegibility, illegal or non-ethical operation.  Such qualification is at
the discretion of the NCJ Contest Review Committee.

14) Awards: A total of five plaques will be awarded for the high score in
each of the following categories:

     - Single Operator CW
     - Single Operator Phone
     - Multi Operator CW
     - Multi Operator Phone
     - Single Operator Combined High Score

Certificates of merit will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant with at
least 200 QSO's from each State, Province, and North American Country.

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay)  Sun Jan  5 18:22:05 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay) (Jan & Del Seay)
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 10:22:05 -0800
Subject: FT-1000MP Power Spike
Message-ID: <32CFF14D.F39 at alaska.net>

I just got off the horn with the guys at Prudhoe Bay, and we discussed
their FT1000MP problems that may be associated with the high output
spike, discussed earlier on the reflector.
They have now wiped out the inputs of a Henry Ultra, A Henry 2-K and
a FL-2000. (All in a period of a couple weeks)
I suggested they look at the output of the 1000MP on a scope for the
high power spike you guys have mentioned.
Has anyone come up with a solution? Has Yaesu been of any help?
By the way, they have gone to a Kenwood for regular use until they
find a solution to the amp failures.
de KL7HF

>From mkuehn at iquest.net (michael kuehn)  Sun Jan  5 22:04:00 1997
From: mkuehn at iquest.net (michael kuehn) (michael kuehn)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 97 17:04 EST
Subject: Cushcraft A3S
Message-ID: <m0vh0fr-003iSTC at iquest.net>

Not having any luck here in Indy so I'll ask if any
one would be interested in a New-in-the-Box Cushcraft
A3s Triband Yagi???  $250.00 plus shipping.

73 from Mike WD9AJY 

>From hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY)  Sun Jan  5 13:45:51 1997
From: hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY) (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 18:45:51 +0500
Subject: HK3SGP Rtty Roundup
Message-ID: <199701051345.SAA19428 at trauco.colomsat.net.co>

CALL         HRS        SCORES        QSOS       PTS      QTH      DX
HK3SGP                  21900          300       300      50       23 

E-MAILS: hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co
	 hk3sgp at impsat.net.co


>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P)  Mon Jan  6 01:15:48 1997
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher KM9P) (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 20:15:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Stew Perry Logs via Mail
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.970105201521.23375B-100000 at paris.akorn.net>

If you sent me your log in the mail and did not include a diskette it is a
check log.
8. Reporting: Your log can be sent via the internet to TBDC at contesting.com
or via diskette in MS-DOS/Windows format to N4VJ / K4AAA and must be
postmarked by January 29th, 1997.
Bill, N4VJ / K4AAA

>From km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA)  Mon Jan  6 01:38:59 1997
From: km9p at contesting.com (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA) (Bill Fisher, N4VJ / K4AAA)
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 20:38:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Tip: Submitting Logs Electronically
Message-ID: <199701060138.UAA24111 at paris.akorn.net>

1.  Attach your log to the email as a file attachment.  Pasting ASCII text
into the email message itself requires more work for the guys checking the logs.

2.  Name all your files for the callsign used in the contest (K4AAA.SUM, etc).

Now I know why the league went to the trouble of defining a format.  It
takes quite a bit of time to sort through all these electronically filed
logs that are all named similarly.  I'm sure it takes longer to figure out
what kind of format the log is in.

Electronic submission is a great thing.  Maybe every contest should adopt
the ARRL's submission guidelines and keep things same-same.



Bill Fisher, N4VJ & K4AAA (EX KM9P)

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay)  Mon Jan  6 01:27:46 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay) (Jan & Del Seay)
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 17:27:46 -0800
Subject: FT-1000MP SPikes
Message-ID: <32D05512.FF8 at alaska.net>

Re- My earlier request for information on the RF spikes from the 1000MP.
After talking to one of the guys who worked on the amps at Prudhoe Bay,
I have come to the conclusion that the amp failures may not have been
associated with, or caused by the FT-1000MP.
I'm not going to get into details, but I wish I had dug into the
problem before submitting the request to the reflector.
If I created any disparaging thoughts of the MP, it was not intended.
I think the coincidence of amp failure and purchase of the radio was
exactly that, a coincidence.
However, I would still like to know more about the slow rf attenuation
of the radio, and any possible solutions.  Thanks.  de KL7HF

>From k6bz at c-zone.net (Jerry Boyd)  Mon Jan  6 13:45:21 1997
From: k6bz at c-zone.net (Jerry Boyd) (Jerry Boyd)
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 05:45:21 -0800
Subject: Thanks
Message-ID: <32D101F1.2C52 at c-zone.net>

To the MANY who replied to my request for info on logging software for 
NAQP, thanks!  Several requested a summary of the suggestions I received. 
I'll provide that summary individually rather than take up bandwidth 

>From je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp (Takao KUMAGAI)  Mon Jan  6 07:36:41 1997
From: je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp (Takao KUMAGAI) (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 16:36:41 +0900
Subject: Reminder JIDX Low Bands CW contest This weekend!
Message-ID: <199701060736.QAA09209 at dumpty.nal.go.jp>

Please remind that we will have the JIDX LF CW contest in this weekend.

You can get the complete rule or past result from our info-server.
Please send an email to 

jidx-info at dumpty.nal.go.jp

with the following command in the body of the message;

#get index
#get jidxrule.eng

then you'll be able to receive help(user guide), index(file name of 
the jidx rule/results) and the current rule.

Your participation will be really appreciated.
	JIDX contest committee chairman
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	Internet: je1cka at nal.go.jp
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	P O Box 22, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan

>From hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY)  Mon Jan  6 04:13:49 1997
From: hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY) (FRANCISCO HENNESSEY)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 09:13:49 +0500
Subject: RTTY Rdup Claimed Scores
Message-ID: <199701060413.JAA17550 at trauco.colomsat.net.co>

>Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 14:06:38
>From: FRANCISCO HENNESSEY <hk3sgp at trauco.colomsat.net.co>
>Subject: RTTY Rdup Claimed Scores
>ARRL RTTY Roundup 
>Call used: HK3SGP
>Location:  HK
>Many Many Thanks to all you made it back to the
>signal I was sendin out..
>Call  HK3SGP
>Entry Class: Single Op, All Band   
>Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX
>80         0    0     0     0
>40       101    101   34    6
>20       122    122   42   19
>15        77     77   28    4
>10         0     0     0    0
>Total    300    300   50*  23*
>* - Counted only once (not once per band)
>Score: 21900
>Claimed Score: 21900
>Power Output: 50
E-MAILS: hk3sgp at colomsat.net.co
	 hk3sgp at impsat.net.co


>From gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)  Mon Jan  6 16:44:00 1997
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 11:44:00 -0500
Subject: Information:
Message-ID: <m0vhI9j-0004ogC at mgate.arrl.org>

 Here's some information on International Radio...
 From the ARRL Lab's "Technical Information Service" (TIS) Department:

International Radio and Computers, Inc
3804 South US 1
Fort Pierce, FL 34982

Phone: 407-489-0956 (for orders, call between 1-5pm)
407-489-6302 (to inquire about repairs)
Fax: 407-464-6386


Notes: 8-Pole crystal filters for Kenwood, ICOM, Yaesu, Drake, Heath, and 
Collins gear.  The President of IRCI founded users nets for ICOM (Sun 1700Z 
14.317) and Kenwood (Sun 2000Z 14.317) radio users in 1979. IRCI Newsletter 
(back issues available) and FOX-Tango Back Issues available.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

73, Glenn, KB1GW
kb1gw at arrl.org

>From jdowning at intelenet.net (John Downing)  Mon Jan  6 18:52:11 1997
From: jdowning at intelenet.net (John Downing) (John Downing)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 10:52:11 -0800
Subject: Titanex Vertical antenna
Message-ID: <01BBFBBF.D4F6F3E0 at downing-3.intelenet.net>

The December 20 59(9)DX Report notes that the German FW2EH expedition to =
Walis & Fortuna Islands used a German manufactured Titanex lightweight =
vertical for 160,80,40 meters.  VK9CR, VK9XY, and J38-- have also used =
it with good results.  Notably, it is "DXpedtition shippable".  So I'm =
interested in perhaps taking one of the things to V31DX for the ARRL SSB =
test.  Anybody have any information - performance, specs, availability, =
price, etc. on the Titanex Vertical?  Please email me direct.  Thanks.


W2NA / V31DX / 8P9IX=20
The Cuba Libre Contest Club

note: Bill, WA9L, a veteran Cuba Libre member just visited our site at =
the Belize Yacht Club at Ambergris Caye.  Our tower and tribander are =
still there (!) so we booked the place for the first weekend in March =
for the ARRL.  Bill brought a TS-850 with him on his holiday visit but =
it got held up in customs for the lack of a (newly required) import =
permit - so he never got on the air.

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Jan  6 18:40:45 1997
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 14:40:45 -0400
Subject: ARRL RTTY ROUNDUP 96 Scores
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com>

Date Posted: 01/06/97

CALL         SECT   HRS    SCORES    QSO'S     PTS     QTH      DX


HK3SGP                     21,900      300     300      50      23
7K4QOK                      1,134       42      42      17      10

AA5AU          LA    24   113,568     1092    1092      56      48
N1RCT          ME          69,276              753      54      38
WA4ZXA         NC    24    65,856      672     672      54      44
K0SM           NE          59,220      660     658      53      37
W1TY           NY    24    58,844      626     626      53      41
WA6ILT/1       MA          46,228      509     508      48      43
KE1FO          MA          43,344      506     504      55      31
KC4HW          FL    11    32,625      379     375      53      34
WA4JQS         KY    13    26,967      303     303      52      37
W6/G0AZT       CA          26,465      398     395      49      18
KA2CYN                     24,101      317     313      50      27
W7RSJ          WY          23,460      391     391      48      12
VE7CFD         BC          23,424      389     384      53       8
N7EX           WA    15    18,837      300     299      49      14
K0RC           MN     6    15,114      229     229      46      20
AA0ZS          MO    24    14,796      274     274      48       6
W8HVX          MI          13,862      239     239      44      14
KA3TOV         PA          12,824      229     229      49       7
W2JGR/0        MN     9    12,324      237     237      45       7
KD4HXT/7       AZ    20    10,800      225     225      45       3
WA3ZKZ         DE          10,692      198     198      45       9
WU1F                  8     7,236      134     134      41      13
K5LK                 12     5,452      116     116      42       5
K7EX           OR           5,220      116     116      40       5
K1MV           ME           1,947       60      59      26       7


YL2KL                      54,450      605     605      32      58
OH2LU                20    36,321      459     459      32      47
JR5JAQ                     15,844      233     233      26      42

K4GMH                24    87,035      860     845      54      49
VE6JY                24    79,768      767     767      54      50
W7TI           WA          67,322      832     821      56      26
WB5B                 18    65,790      739     731      55      35
AF4Z           FL          54,284      679     662      53      29
N6HC           CA          47,663      619                  77
VE7SAY         BC          32,782      450     443      56      18
KD8FS          MI    19    26,220      437     437      50      10


W0SD           SD          90,528      984                  92  
KF4KL          NC          59,878      611     611      52      46
N1JEB                      53,070      611     610      53      34
N0ISE          CO          50,998      594     593      54      32
VE6RAJ         AB          39,468      599     598      53      13
N3IXR          PA          28,9111     421     419      52      17

Multi/Op Operator List

N1JEB        N1JEB,N1JIT


or the WB1B reflector for this contest.

73 Jim

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Mon Jan  6 18:40:49 1997
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 14:40:49 -0400
Subject: ARRL 10 Meter 96 Scores FINAL POSTING
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

ARRL 10 Meter Contest 1996
Raw Scores

Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com>

Date Posted: 01/06/97
********** FINAL POSTING **********

CALL              HRS        SCORE     QSO'S     PTS     SEC       DX


OA4CPI                       14,700      175     350      25       17
LW7EGO                        3,480       60     120      19       10

N7VY                          7,300       69     292      21        4 
K7MM              22          5,400       74     300      14        4
K5ED               7          5,256       73     292      16        2
W4ZW                          2,200       55     220       9        1

K4HQ              13         36,494      288     514      53       13
KA1CZF                        5,896       85     268      21        1


ZL1ANJ            29        109,076      737    1474      48       26
GW6J (GW0GEI)     34         10,880      170     340       0       32
GM0ECO            48          6,100      122     244       0       25
ZS9C               3          4,408       77     152       0       29

K5XI (KE5FI)      34        221,340     1302    2604      52       33
WA0ETC                       78,202      641    1282      41       20
KQ4HC                        75,126      659              41       16
K1AM              15         73,680      615    1228      46       14
W0SD                         62,336      487              45       19
KQ4GC             10         56,700      525    1050      41       13
W8KKF             16         35,934      339     678      42       11
VE6JY             16         10,560      160     320      20       13
N9ITX/7           22          5,808      121              11       13
N5KB               3          2,040       51     102           20

ZL1AXB            30        100,800      420    1680      41       19
KP3W                         36,960      210     840      34       10
7Z5OO                         3,040       40     160       0       19

AA8U              21        181,884      659              52       17
K4OJ                        174,344      703                   62  
N4BP              25        173,600      700    2800      54        8
K1VUT             29        115,140      503    2020      47       10
N1BB              18        111,492      489              45       11
W4UE                         91,400      457              40       10
K5NU              14         80,784      306    1224      47       19
K7FR                         46,000      250    1000      37        9
K9BG                         44,268      868              43        8
K3JT                         35,376      201              41        3

KH8/N5OLS         28         39,386      412              13       34
G0AEV                        35,112      215               2       55
YB1AQS             9          1,260       28      90       0       14

WC4E              25        374,880     1180              95       24
N4ZC (K4ZA)                 351,534      992              89       34
NU4Y                        347,700     1344                  109
N6MU (@N6NB)                316,008     1070              85       30
W4MYA             19        312,720      843              94       26
N0NI                        263,292      807                  111
K4ZW                        262,320      762              97       23
K3ZO              28        254,634      769    2294      89       22
W9XT              28        224,136      905    2264      77       22
K4AB              19        207,000      658              75       25
AA6WJ             30        130,356      588              55       16
VE3RM             20        118,180      464    1244      82       13
N4AF                        116,732      551    1516      68        9
KC7V              10        116,088      413    1382      61       23
K5AM                        104,746      545    1262      56       27
K5NZ                        104,082      457    1254      63       20
N6ED              11        103,182      453    1186      65       22
N7TR               6        101,640      560    1320      59       18
K6LA               6         76,538      363              56       15
AA3JU              7         63,232      375     988      55        9
WD0T              10         43,030      193     662      55       10
W0ZQ                         33,072      242     624           53
W8OS               4         25,704      227     504      43        8
K7BG                         24,930      178              34       11
K3AR               7         24,304      222              44        5
WB0O                         21,384      118                   54
W8PT              15         19,872      116     368      51        3
N4GN               3         12,816      109     356      28        8
K8SM               3         10,812       88              30        4


K4VUD                       125,880     1049    2098     48        12
N5OKR/3           24         81,180      615    1230     49        17
KC3PZ             28         65,880      549    1098     46        14
WB2BZR/T          28         56,472      543    1086     40        12
N5JHV             28         53,922      473     946     36        21
N9VVV             21         48,852      531             39         7
WA4ZXA            19         43,896      372     744     40        19
AY7D                          7,770      111     222     20        15
WB4HFL                        6,656      104             24         8
KB4OGM/T                      6,120       90     180     24        10
KS4XG              3          4,992       96     192     21         5
N9ISN                         4,592       82             25         3
KF6HIN/T          12          3,468      102     204      9         8
KB4NPI/T                      3,060       54     108     25         3
K8GT              11          2,822       48     166           17

ZF9EH             10            392       14      56      1         6
RN3QO                           280       10      40      0         7

KN4T (N4RN)                  77,724      381    1524     43         8
WD4AHZ            30         76,908      376    1508     44         7
KG4W              12         55,076      281             42         7
AE4MH             27         35,360      221     884     37         3
AA9BJ              4         19,552      188             23         3
WA7BNM                       16,368      132             28         3
K1EPJ                        10,560       88             26         4
N6RT               1          1,540       35     140      7         4

4L5A                          4,922       58     214      0        23
YB1AQS             9          1,260       28              0        14

W3EP                        138,932      488    1478     81        13
WO4O              20        124,700      498    1450           86
WA0X                        106,966      603    1354     60        19
AB5LX             20         98,912      359             62        26
WA0I                         91,798      319    1162     65        14
KN4QV              9         91,776      427             55         9
W9WI                         79,094      366    1114     55        16
WN6K                         77,672      360             56        20
K6RO              22         72,064      383    1126     52        12
NY3Y                         50,320      311                   68
WA8YRS            12         45,156      275     852           53
K9EY                         42,400      358                   50
K3PP              10         36,108      215             48        11
KG5U               7         34,100      192     550           62
K0EJ               5         33,536      186     524           64
K1HT               5         25,200      147     450     51         5
N4DL                         20,560      173     514     35         5
W3CP               7         20,480      141             34         6
N8YYS             17         11,616       99     264     42         2
K8SM               3         10,812       88             30         4
NZ5O               3         10,250       96     250      25       16
KK7A               4          4,040       60     202     14         6
K1EP                          4,032       65     224     18         0
KR4YL                         1,410       32             13         2


LU6ETB                      627,172     1199    3446    106        76
LU2DW             16        374,224      949    2462     93        59
ZX5J                        361,908      896    2234     89        73
ZL2DX                       279,910      804    2434     78        37
XE2/WA7UQV                  104,040      405                   85
I4YSS                        46,846      285     794      1        58
PI4COM                       36,300      222              0        55

K4AAA                       425,048     1103    3172          134
N5JA                        347,958     1134             83        34
K3WW              20        282,000      746             94        26
K8LEE                       276,860      795             83        26
K7UP              24        226,452      758    2004     77        36
K1TTT                       208,000      797    2080     80        20
K4MW              27        193,626      690    2082      93       19
N1MM              17        181,824      825    1902     76        20
WE9A                        151,560      600    1684           90
N6KI              20        118,342      521    1502     62        17
N0ZA                         93,878      488    1286     54        19
K3VOA             22         93,600      510    1300     61        11
K9WM                         89,428      394    1132     79         0
W1NVT                        87,576      412    1068           82
N1AR               8         74,700      349             67         8
KG5NE                        32,032      308             36        16
KB7UXP                       13,500      169     450     23         7
N9YXA              5            576       25      72            8

Multi Operator List

N1AR          N1AR,KM3T
N0ZA          N0ZA,K0CL,K0UK
N5JA          N5JA,KS5C,AC5FW
K4AAA         N9HZQ,K0DI,KM9P
N6KI          N6KI,KM6SN,KE6WEO
K4MW          K4MW,KJ4OP,KC4UCK
WE9A          WD9HTC,WI9X,WE9A


REMEMBER NO ATTACHED FILES!!!!!!!!! Attach files will not be posted !!!

If I get no class you are going to be put in HP/Mixed. Make sure you put
the complete class on there.

73 Jim

>From thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)  Mon Jan  6 21:15:08 1997
From: thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 16:15:08 -0500
Subject: Where are all the vanity calls?
Message-ID: <199701062100.QAA44396 at mule1.mindspring.com>

I want to load all the vanity calls (new-->old) in my computer so I will
have access to 'Who's Who"
during the CQ WW 160 Contests.  But K4MA seemed to stop his vanity page on
December 4 and there has been many issues since then.  WM7D has listed them
on a daily basis but does not keep a cumulative file.

Hooking up to a call book data base is an option but not too attractive.

Any ideas???

Dave K4JRB

>From k4ma at mindspring.com (Jim Stevens)  Tue Jan  7 05:02:24 1997
From: k4ma at mindspring.com (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 00:02:24 -0500
Subject: Where are all the vanity calls?
Message-ID: < at pop.mindspring.com>

>>I want to load all the vanity calls (new-->old) in my computer so I will
>>have access to 'Who's Who"
>>during the CQ WW 160 Contests.  But K4MA seemed to stop his vanity page on
>>December 4 and there has been many issues since then.  WM7D has listed them
>>on a daily basis but does not keep a cumulative file.
>>Hooking up to a call book data base is an option but not too attractive.
>>Any ideas???
>>Dave K4JRB
>I'm still updating my data, but I'm having a problem with my new
>ISP, Mindspring.  For some reason that I don't yet understand,
>Mindspring's Web Server doesn't serve up the latest web pages
>unless the browser does a hard reset to it.  I've called their
>helpdesk and tried to get them to acknowledge the problem, but
>thus far they are still saying that their Web Server is working
>Anyway, there is a work around.  If you're using Netscape do a
>Shift-Reload on each page to force a hard reset.  If you're using
>Microsoft Internet Explorer, do a View, Options, Advanced,
>Settings, change "Check for newer versions of stored pages"
>to "Every visit to page", and hit OK.
>Let me know if you still have problems getting the latest data,
>and sorry for the problems.

73, Jim Stevens, K4MA (ex KI4HN)

email -- k4ma at mindspring.com
WWW   -- http://www.mindspring.com/~k4ma  -> vanity call info

>From kn6dv at QNET.COM (Will, KN6DV)  Tue Jan  7 06:53:16 1997
From: kn6dv at QNET.COM (Will, KN6DV) (Will, KN6DV)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 06:53:16 -0000
Subject: SCCC NAQP teams
Message-ID: <199701070653.WAA14889 at ns2.qnet.com>

Please send me a note if you would like to be on a team for the SCCC.
CW this Saturday or Phone next Saturday
Thanks 73 Will,  KN6DV
Vice President SCCC

>From jfunk at adams.net (jim funk)  Tue Jan  7 15:15:04 1997
From: jfunk at adams.net (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 09:15:04 -0600
Subject: JF NAQP team
Message-ID: <9701071515.AA29885 at golden.adams.net>

Looking for a couple of "JF's" to fill out NAQP teams (either mode).  If you 
have a "JF" anywhere in your call and are interested....

73, Jim N9JF
"The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to 
appear."  Socrates

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Tue Jan  7 16:19:30 1997
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 12:19:30 -0400
Subject: ARRL RTTY ROUNDUP 96 Scores II
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>


Compiled by: WA4ZXA
<floydjr at interpath.com>

Date Posted: 01/07/96

CALL         SECT   HRS    SCORES    QSO'S     PTS     QTH      DX


V31JU                      53,508      653     637      56      28
HK3SGP                     21,900      300     300      50      23
JE2UFF                      6,517      133     133      14      35
7K4QOK                      1,134       42      42      17      10

AA5AU          LA    24   113,568     1092    1092      56      48
W4TI           FL    24    86,526      883     874      57      42
KA4RRU         VA    24    77,714      804     793      55      53
N1RCT          ME          69,276              753      54      38
WA4ZXA         NC    24    65,856      672     672      54      44
N9CK           WI    24    59,696      676     656      53      38
K0SM           NE          59,220      660     658      53      37
W1TY           NY    24    58,844      626     626      53      41
VE6WQ                      50,220      620              53      28
VE6KRR         AB          47,508      645     642      54      20
WA6ILT/1       MA          46,228      509     508      48      43
KE1FO          MA          43,344      506     504      55      31
K0DI           CA          34,840      520              53      14
KC4HW          FL    11    32,625      379     375      53      34
W6/G0AZT       CA    20    27,255      398     395      51      18
K0BX           MO    18    27,075      363     361      47      28
WA4JQS         KY    13    26,967      303     303      52      37
KF2OG          NY          25,840      345     340      52      24
KA2CYN         NY          24,101      317     313      50      27
W7RSJ          WY          23,460      391     391      48      12
VE7CFD         BC          23,424      389     384      53       8
AA9RR          WIN         20,460      310     310      49      17
N7EX           WA    15    18,837      300     299      49      14
W5DG           IA          18,360      307     206      49      11
KF9LI          IL          17,050      275     275      47      15
K0RC           MN     6    15,114      229     229      46      20
AA0ZS          MO    24    14,796      274     274      48       6
W8HVX          MI          13,862      239     239      44      14
AK0A           KS          13,144      248     248      40      13
KA3TOV         PA          12,824      229     229      49       7
W2JGR/0        MN     9    12,324      237     237      45       7
KC7MZ          AZ          11,880      216     216      46       9
KD4HXT/7       AZ    20    10,800      225     225      45       3
WA3ZKZ         DE          10,692      198     198      45       9
WU1F           MA     8     7,236      134     134      41      13
K9RRB          MD           6,016      128     128      40       7
K5LK                 12     5,452      116     116      42       5
K7EX           OR           5,220      116     116      40       5
K7MK           ID    10     3,762       99                  38 
N0UVR          CO     5     2,574       78      78      33       0
K1MV           ME           1,947       60      59      26       7


YL2KL                      54,450      605     605      32      58
OH2LU                20    36,321      459     459      32      47
JR5JAQ                     15,844      233     233      26      42
DL4RCK                      7,682      167     167      11      35

K4GMH                24    87,035      860     845      54      49
KN6DV          CA    24    86,260      929     908      56      39
N2DL                       81,984      732     732      54      58
VE6JY                24    79,768      767     767      54      50
K0KO           MN          78,027      842     839      54      39
K5OT           TX    20    75,330      810     810      54      39
W3BD           PA          71,040      751     740      55      41
W7TI           WA          67,322      832     821      56      26
WB5B           TX    18    65,790      739     731      55      35
NO2T           NJ    19    59,461      640     613      51      46
AF4Z           FL          54,284      679     662      53      29
N6HC           CA          47,663      619                  77 
KA3JFI         PA    19    40,392      466     459      52      36
K4DB           SC    14    39,750      531     530      51      24
ND5S           MS    17    36,800      400     400      52      40
VE7SAY         BC          32,782      450     443      56      18
KD8FS          MI    19    26,220      437     437      50      10
VA3WTM         ON          19,136      299     299      50      14


N1JEB                      53,070      611     610      53      34
W5VZF          MS    24    39,759      459     457      53      34


K5DJ           TX    24   141,191     1332              58      48
AA4NC          NC         104,858      972     962      56      53
W0SD           SD          90,528      984                  92  
KC7V           AZ    24    88,752     1045    1032      55      31
W3BD           PA          71,040      751     740      55      41
KF4KL          NC          59,878      611     611      52      46
N0ISE          CO          50,998      594     593      54      32
VE6RAJ         AB          39,468      599     598      53      13
N3IXR          PA          28,911      421     419      52      17

Multi/Op Operator List

N1JEB        N1JEB,N1JIT
W3BD         N3KVF,NE3H
KC7V         KC7V,N7MB,WA7LNW
K5DJ         K5DJ,W5KFT


or the WB1B reflector for this contest.

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From george at epix.net (George C. Cook)  Tue Jan  7 17:00:52 1997
From: george at epix.net (George C. Cook) (George C. Cook)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 12:00:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject: AA3JU SQuint
Message-ID: < at epix.net>


What a team
What ever happened to "Sugar and Spice and Everything nice and thats what
girls are made of"?

We had a small M/S here for the SQuint consisting of my daughter Danielle
age 12 and her friend Kelli age 11.
They took turns logging and talking.  At one point Danielle had a pile up
that I would have had some difficulty in
running!  I told them that they likely were spotted on a packet cluster down
in Texas if anyone can confirm that I would apprecieate it

Any way the biggest blast was Kelli who took to the radio like a polar bear
to snow.  She was yelling like a barbarian
kinda reminded me of my own self!

Here is the tale of the tape"

44 QSOs
11 States
2 Canadian Provences
1 DX (and lord I hope we have third party with it!)

The kids will be sending out QSL cards to all the children that we made
contact with.
Also really great GREAT to see all the support from the BIG kids (age like
21 and up)

Besides having lots of fun at least for these pre-teens there was a little
science and geography lesson tacked on to it
We learned about sky wave signals, grey line and how far California is from
Pensylvania!  Also where is British Colombia anyway? hehehe

OH special message to AA5BT we ruled your second Q with us as NOT A DUPE
since it was a different operator and nice signals into PA

*George Cook.....AA3JU.....AKA "The Ratman" *
*george at epix.net.....AA3JU@W3PYF            *
*http://www.epix.net/~george                *
*                                           *
*Proudly Frankford Radio Club.........      *
*.......Proficiency Through Competiton.     *
*"Not just words but a way of life"         *

>From kt4ld at juno.com (ANDREW H LEWIS)  Tue Jan  7 17:44:19 1997
From: kt4ld at juno.com (ANDREW H LEWIS) (ANDREW H LEWIS)
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 12:44:19 EST
Subject: SCCC NAQP teams
References: <199701070653.WAA14889 at ns2.qnet.com>
Message-ID: <19970107.134748.7719.3.KT4LD at juno.com>

I would like to be on a team for the SSB version of NAQP. But how do I

Andrew Lewis            16 YEARS OLD
Formerly: KE4LJM, KE4LJM/NA 067, KT4LD
Past operations: ZF2/KT4LD, ZF8ZP, ZF2ZX, 6Y5NR, 6Y5/KT4LD, XE/KT4LD,
QSL Manager for: TF/WF0E, HS0E, HZ1ZM, TF2YE

>From thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)  Tue Jan  7 18:15:44 1997
From: thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 13:15:44 -0500
Subject: Where are all the vanity calls?
Message-ID: <199701071801.NAA129348 at mule0.mindspring.com>

Jim K4MA has pointed out a problem within ISP mindspring regarding web
pages.  Pages that are outside mindspring refresh correctly.   Pages within
mindspring (attention other mindspring users!) do not.   I am using
mindspring supplied windows access software and the version of Netscape is
old but  I can select the page I want with Netscape 3, but before I load
this I want to make sure that everyone gets the latest page.  There are
thousands using the same windows software that have this same problem. 

No matter what I do I do not get K4MA's latest page...for me its forever
stuck on Dec 4, 1996.

I sent a message to mindspring support so hopefully this will get corrected.
Sorry for the bandwidth.

Dave K4JRB

>From neader at centuryinter.net (Scott Neader)  Tue Jan  7 19:25:15 1997
From: neader at centuryinter.net (Scott Neader) (Scott Neader)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 13:25:15 -0600
Subject: Vanity Call info web site
Message-ID: <v02140b02aef851f3ca26@[]>

>>>I want to load all the vanity calls (new-->old) in my computer so I will
>>>have access to 'Who's Who"
>>>during the CQ WW 160 Contests.
>>>Any ideas???
>>>Dave K4JRB

On the KA9FOX Contesting / DXing web site you'll find these vanity call

- Links to K4MA (ex KI4HN) Vanity Call information web site
- Vanity Call announcement page (you can add your own call to the list)
- Link to the latest WA4ZXA Vanity Call list (from cq-contest reflector)

See:  http://www.QTH.com/ka9fox

Click on "Contest/DX Library", then click "Vanity Call Information"

Hope this helps!

73 - Scott KA9FOX

INTERNET SOLUTIONS - Affordable web page design and storage
Scott Neader (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100 / neader at QTH.com
Internet Solutions web: http://QTH.com/is   Ham web: http://QTH.com

>From n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten)  Mon Jan  6 20:47:38 1997
From: n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 15:47:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Test Message - Delete
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970106154718.21258B-100000 at hyper>


Bob Patten, N4BP
Plantation, FL
n4bp at shadow.net

>From k6xx at juno.com (Bob Wolbert)  Wed Jan  8 00:10:21 1997
From: k6xx at juno.com (Bob Wolbert) (Bob Wolbert)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 16:10:21 PST
Subject: K6XX SquINT
References: < at epix.net>
Message-ID: <19970107.161036.11663.1.k6xx at juno.com>

Sarah (5) and Lisa (2) had lots of fun in SquINT. By the end, Sarah was
able to run the PTT and knew what to say (would've been sooner if daddy
hadn't been quite so intimidating!).

The numbers:

Sarah: 1.8 hrs, 47 Contacts

Lisa:  0.1 hr, 2 Contacts (During bathroom break of chief op, Sarah)

Lots more called than Sarah could hear/copy (that SSB is "kinda funny
sounding")-- apologies to those we didn't work. As a consolation, I
promise a K6XX QSO in the next (domestic?) contest (WOW).

Sarah wants to know if she won. "Of course" she did... 

73 & HNY all

de Bob, K6XX

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