Force 12 Web page?

K7LXC at K7LXC at
Sun Jan 19 18:59:35 EST 1997

In a message dated 97-01-19 18:37:55 EST, w0mu at (Mike Fatchett)

>Does Force 12 have a Web page?  If so what is the URL?

     It may still be under construction.

73,  Steve  K7LXC

     TOWER TECH -- professional tower supplies and services for amateurs

        and a Force 12 dealer

>From W8IK at (Joe Subich)  Mon Jan 20 01:49:49 1997
From: W8IK at (Joe Subich) (Joe Subich)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 97 20:49:49 -0500
Subject: Force 12 Web page?
Message-ID: <199701200151.BAA70154 at>

In <970119185933_1244456029 at>, on 01/19/97 
   at 06:59 PM, K7LXC at said:

>In a message dated 97-01-19 18:37:55 EST, w0mu at (Mike
>Fatchett) writes:

>>Does Force 12 have a Web page?  If so what is the URL?


>     It may still be under construction.

WWW.FORCE12.COM is the site of Force12 Solutions, Ltd. a company in 
Cambirdge, United Kingdom who write and sell business management 
software ... 


   ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I
       <W8IK at>
       <jsubich at>

>From k5zd at (Randy Thompson)  Mon Jan 20 01:27:11 1997
From: k5zd at (Randy Thompson) (Randy Thompson)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 20:27:11 -0500
Subject: VHF SS this weekend!
Message-ID: <01BC064A.E1E59F80 at>

I took Tyler's advice...

I had to drive a car from Louisville, KY to Boston this weekend.  I =
started in Louisville at the same time the contest started.  Didn't hear =
a single contester on FM for the first day.  On Sunday, I heard K3MQH =
CQing, but he couldn't hear me.  When I finally made it to Eastern PA, =
NY and New England, then the activity picked up.  Managed to work 15 =
stations between Scranton and home.

I think that comes out to 950 miles/15 QSOs =3D 63.333 miles/QSO or =
about one per hour!  Since all the QSOs were on 146.55, maybe I just =
didn't S&P well enough.

Actually, VHF contesting is a lot of fun ------- on SSB!

Randy, K5ZD

From: 	Tyler G Stewart [SMTP:k3mm at]
Sent: 	Friday, January 17, 1997 11:31 AM
To: 	cq-contest at TGV.COM
Subject: 	VHF SS this weekend!

When you guys get bored on Sunday after the NAQP is over, try firing up =
old FM box and work a few guys in the VHF contest!  FM freqs used are
typically 52.525, 146.55, 223.5, and 446.0, but any simplex freq can be =
except 146.52...NO repeater freqs.  Packet IS allowed for coordination.=20
Exchange is just your grid square.
Contest starts at 1900Z Saturday and ends at 0400Z Monday.  73 es CU =
Tyler K3MM (2m @ K3MQH FM19hx)

>From wilder at (K3DI)  Mon Jan 20 02:55:46 1997
From: wilder at (K3DI) (K3DI)
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:55:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: REF Feb 98 SSB date?
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.93.970119212920.22588A-100000 at>

I would like to determine, FOR SURE, the date of the REF contest at
the end of February 1998 (repeat 1998).  Do you have an Email address
for REF contest folks?  I need to know because I am now making 
hotel and air reservations to operate from a French Territory.

My problem is there are only three weekends in Feb 98.  The ARRL CW
is weekend number three.  The REF contest usually is the next
weekend but we ran out of weekends.  (I hope they will hold it 28 Feb and
1 Mar 1998!)

Please save bandwidth and reply to me directly.  I will merge the info
into one message and send it to cq-contest.

73, Dick Wilder, K3DI  
    I respond to QSL requests via packet, Internet, or K3-bureau.
    (I won't refuse a SASE direct; I'm easy.)
    7J1AOE (93)   C6AHL (94)   K3DI/VP9 (94)   DL/K3DI (95)   ZF2OP (96)
    Waiting for documentation for 6Y0A and F/K3DI (97)

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