February 97 CQ arrives
henrypol2 at juno.com
henrypol2 at juno.com
Wed Jan 22 02:55:15 EST 1997
Made another early morning stop at the PO box and found the latest issue
of CQ.
After a disappointing effort to work 10 meters during Saturday's NAQP
Phone Contest (only 4 QSOs, 3 sections), it was somewhat amusing to see
the first cover headline indicating "Sunspot Cycle: First Signs of
Front cover photo of N4WW in his shack. Noteworthy is the lack of a PC,
and in its place is an actual paper log book with entries!
K2EEK's editorial has some interesting thoughts on e-mailing versus
letter writing.
Contest related items: Full-Wave Loop Sky-Wire Antenna; Ergonomic
Improvement & Adjustment of the Vibroplex Iambic Paddle; Antenna
Efficiency - One More Time (more on the yagi versus quad); Antennas In,
Over & Around Treetops; Beverage Antenna - There's More to Them Than
Meets the Eye (a front end saver circuit); Reviews of Tennadyne T5 HF
Log-Periodic and S.E.M. QRM Eliminator; and Contest Calendar column -
Can An Old Dog Get Excited About Contesting? (does this have something
to do with last month's cover shot? :-)).
Other interesting items: Radio FUNdamentals column - switching power
supplies and a 2 tube receiver; Bill's Basics column - antenna tuners;
World of Ideas column - QRP; Doug's Desk column - Go QRP with Double
Sideband (Wow! I remember this from some CBers back in the 70s); and
Washington Readout column - "Time", What, Where, & How (all about GMT,
Zulu, UTC, NIST, WWV/B/H and the year 2000).
Ads: Alpha Delta Variable Response Console (model VRC) advanced audio
processing speaker system that offers studio level audio quality for the
communications enthusiast (being a former high-end audiophile, I'm
looking forward to the QST review of this!)
73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - WB4HFL
henrypol at aol.com
henrypol2 at juno.com
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