Operation "Grid Square" a success! VHFSS N4UK

ramirezk at emi.com ramirezk at emi.com
Tue Jan 21 22:59:13 EST 1997

      Hello to all!          
            The Grid Pirates VHF Group looked adversity in the 
face and smiled during this past weekend's ARRL VHF Contest. The 
coldest weather of the year here in EM84, South Carolina and 
several visits from Murphy didn't stop us from achieving all our 
         We went at this one knowing that the low VHF population 
in the area would never allow us to achieve high qso totals on 
the VHF bands so we decided to maximize our strengths and shoot 
for two of the all time January contest grid records,(6 meters 
and 432 Mhz). We used all of the methods available to do so 
including meteor scatter,minor tropo,EME,and even some rare 
January E skip. 
      We had a major problem before the contest that gave us our 
share of ulcers. During testing of a remote preamp, a relay on a 
sequencer failed to de-energize which kept the remote preamp and 
associated relays energized which proceeded to accept the 
damaging end of 1500 watts. Needless to say, the preamp was 
smoked. Fortunately we had a spare. Unfortunately it was already 
dark and very cold. Fortunately Terry,WD8ISK, didn't give a 
damn; he was up the tower in no time and had everything fixed in 
short time.
        We experienced several major problems during the contest 
which kept us off the air for a total of 5 hours during the 
event. The worst off time was a 3 hour period 3 hours into the 
contest basically ruining chances at some sunset tropo on the 
first evening. No matter how many times you test and pretest 
equipment you just never know when a failure will happen.
On the first day a dual transformer power supply, used for the 
432 amp, exploded; filling the 222/432 shack with the putrid 
stench of transformer gunk. Thank goodness our chief technician 
Terry,WD8ISK, can fix anything just about with his eyes closed. 
We had to swap out a 1200 watt 6m amp for a 600 watt amp so the 
1200 watt amp's power supply could be cannibalized to repair the 
432 amp power supply. A few minutes after the repaired amp was 
back on line the 222 station's computer started to reset itself 
continuously. Fortunately we had a spare computer. More down 
time. The rest of the night went smoothly but Murphy was only 
resting his ugly head.
         The next morning a filter capacitor failure in the 
replacement power supply caused even more down time. Again 
WD8ISK performed surgery; this time cannibalizing the original 
blown power supply for the filter caps. During this outage the 
rotor indicator box for the 222 antenna stopped working thanks 
to a failed meter movement. Another swap was made and we were 
back in business. I took the downtime opportunity to open up the 
6m driver brick. Terry,the 6m op, had been complaining about 
signals dropping out after unkeying the amps. It turned out to 
be the T/R relay on the TE Systems brick ( a new one at that!).
A little bend here and there got the thing working properly.
               At this point in the contest I was quite 
certain that someone up there didn't like us and was using us as 
a test of will and determination. Add to the failures a bad case 
of the flu for W4XP and myself and you can see that we are 
extremely lucky we survived till the end of the event. All in 
all, we still had a hell of a good time! WD8ISK's wife's chicken
BBQ and my XYL's Lasagna helped sweeten up things quite a bit!
     Here are the results of the N4UK Limited Multiop operation.
   Club-Grid Pirates VHF Group
   Category-Limited Multi
   ARRL Division- Roanoke
   Section- South Carolina (A hoot and a holler from Greenville)

 Band-    Qsos       Grids
    50     183         82*
   144     189         58
   222      50         30
   432      89         54*
   848     512        224 =   Score of 146,048

     Two January VHFSS all-time grid records were shattered!(*)
6m- Icom IC-740 with DEM transverter/600w/6el at 40 feet
2m- Icom IC-740 with DEM transverter/900w/ 13x2 at 35 feet
222-Yaesu FT736r/900w/23 el at 50 feet
432-Yaesu FT990 with DEM transverter/ 19x4 at 60 feet/1kw
Elevation- 747 ft asl em84xp
 Best DX per Band-
  6m-Many extreme Northern VE stations.
  2m-3 FN31 stations!
 222- an FN31 station on some sort of yet undetermined mode of 
propagation. He faded up and faded right out again. Possibly a 
meteor burn. Our first ever 222MHZ random meteor scatter 
 432- 3 JA stations! To the moon Alice!

Random Comments- Loudest 6m guy- Without a doubt, K5CM!

Fastest tailgater- WZ1V who tailgated right behind WA2TEO on a 
2m Ms burn so fast that even I was caught off guard!

Loudest signals on all bands- Power line noise from all 
directions due to the extremely low humidity and cold temps.

Funniest question- " How do you finance all of this?" asked by 
the Laurens County Sheriff's deputy during his visit.
Some of the smart ass responses I wanted to say- "The Columbian 
Cartel I work for foots the bill" and "It's none of your *&@&* 
What I actually did say- "Oh, I've been collecting this stuff 
for the last 20 years. 

Biggest surprise- working an old retired friend from Maryland 
W3EKT/r from EL98 and EL99 as he enjoyed the winter warmth of 

Biggest disappointment- Missing many easy grids on all bands. 
 Where was em85,fm17,fm14,etc.??? Lack of activity 
from all around. The 5 hours of primetime downtime probably cost 
us a few grids on all bands.
Thanks to the Grid Pirate members who trekked down from Maryland 
and Virginia to make this a successful operation.
6m- WD8ISK
2m- N4UK
222/432- W3ZZ and W4XP
    A million thanks to all who worked us!
 73 Ken N4UK 
1.8-1296 MHZ 
Cabo Rojo Contest Club-WP4NMS
Grid Pirates VHF Group
Grid Square-EM84xp

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay)  Wed Jan 22 04:23:39 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Jan & Del Seay) (Jan & Del Seay)
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 20:23:39 -0800
Subject: A Great Call
Message-ID: <32E5964B.65D4 at alaska.net>

Here's an interesting call sign issued during the Vanity Call Program.


Of couse that's an Alaskan call. But - issued to the
"Coconut Island DX Association, ALOHA  (KH6B)

This guy has guts. He lives in Hilo, Hawaii, and the Anchorage address
that he used for the license doesn't exist!

You'd think the FCC would catch these things.
de KL7HF

>From andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas)  Wed Jan 22 13:30:04 1997
From: andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas) (Andrius Ignotas)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 13:30:04 GMT
Subject: LY2ZZ in 160M CW WW TEST
Message-ID: <199701221330.NAA10180 at pikuolis.omnitel.net>


This year during WW 160m CW Contest LY2ZZ station will be operate by LY2BTA
in SINGLE OPERATOR category.I'll be looking especially for USA WEST COAST
and rear countries!

73! cu in test ANDY LY2BTA.

>From dsarkozi at infocom.net (David Sarkozi)  Wed Jan 22 12:53:24 1997
From: dsarkozi at infocom.net (David Sarkozi) (David Sarkozi)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 06:53:24 -0600
Subject: A Great Call
Message-ID: < at infocom.net>

At 08:23 PM 1/21/97 -0800, you wrote:

>Of couse that's an Alaskan call. But - issued to the
>"Coconut Island DX Association, ALOHA  (KH6B)
>This guy has guts. He lives in Hilo, Hawaii, and the Anchorage address
>that he used for the license doesn't exist!

I'll bet thats at least a felony. In Texas it would be (Falsification of a
government document) I imagine the law in Hawaii is much the same. I
wouldn't be surprised if there was a federal law to cover it to.

David Sarkozi, WB5N
Houston, TX
dsarkozi at infocom.net
see my Web Page "Birds of the Upper Texas Coast"
(713) 520-5906

>From i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it (I4UFH  Fabio)  Wed Jan 22 13:36:42 1997
From: i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it (I4UFH  Fabio) (I4UFH  Fabio)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 14:36:42 +0100
Subject: CQ 160 CW   "FUNGO" Activity
Message-ID: <9701221338.AA14377 at maggiore.dsnet.it>

Hi Guys,

During the next weekend we will be active from the IR4T Contest Place
called "Fungo", with the I4JMY callsign  into the  CQ160 CW , in a MS

New  beverages receive antenna was installed in the direction not covered
from the TWO element Yagi at 200 feet above ground level.

Look for good USA  0 / 7  opening,  and northern  european  station ,  we 
had always a bad Northern EU reception, we  hope  to  have reduced this 

We will have a preferred frequency around 1822 / 1823 look for us !!

We will want to test our 3 weeks of hard work to install the antennas !!!! 

Operators will be I4JMY, I2VXJ, I4UFH, I4YSS, IK4IEE, IK2QEI .

73 de I4UFH one of IR4T , IG9R, KF6FBE.

i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it

>From sercom at bo.nettuno.it (Andy IK4WMG)  Wed Jan 22 14:07:42 1997
From: sercom at bo.nettuno.it (Andy IK4WMG) (Andy IK4WMG)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 15:07:42 +0100 (MET)
Subject: JA low band contest
Message-ID: <v02130502af092e9a2b33@[]>

Where I can found JA LOW Band contest rules!?
I worked about 40 JA station on 80 mts last weekend but dunno how to
compute my score nor where to send it.

Devoted to CW

IK4WMG - Andy

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Wed Jan 22 16:38:33 1997
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 06:38:33 -1000
Subject: A Great Call
Message-ID: < at aloha.net>

At 08:23 PM 1/21/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Here's an interesting call sign issued during the Vanity Call Program.
>    AL0HA
>Of couse that's an Alaskan call. But - issued to the
>"Coconut Island DX Association, ALOHA  (KH6B)
>This guy has guts. He lives in Hilo, Hawaii, and the Anchorage address
>that he used for the license doesn't exist!

But the address does exist.  It is a condominium owned by
KH6AFS who is a founding member of the Coconut Island
club.  The island is in Hilo Bay.  KH6B, Dean is ARRL Section
Mngr. for Hawaii.  Sam,  KH6AFS goes to his condo
regularly for holiday away from Hilo,  just as you
Alaskans come down here to Hawaii for holiday at
times.  It's a change from the regular.

73,  Jim, KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai

>From seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay)  Wed Jan 22 16:01:28 1997
From: seay at Alaska.NET (Del Seay) (Del Seay)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 08:01:28 -0800
Subject: A Great Call
References: < at aloha.net>
Message-ID: <32E639D8.58E9 at alaska.net>

Jim Reid wrote:

> >This guy has guts. He lives in Hilo, Hawaii, and the Anchorage address
> >that he used for the license doesn't exist!
> But the address does exist.  It is a condominium owned by
> KH6AFS who is a founding member of the Coconut Island
> club.  The island is in Hilo Bay.  KH6B, Dean is ARRL Section
> Mngr. for Hawaii.  Sam,  KH6AFS goes to his condo
> regularly for holiday away from Hilo,  just as you
> Alaskans come down here to Hawaii for holiday at
> times.  It's a change from the regular.
> 73,  Jim, KH7M
> On the Garden Island of Kauai

No, Jim - that is not correct. In the Municipality of Anchorage, 
there is NO ROSS STREET.
There is a Ross Court, but the address is for a local lady.
Regardless of how it was done, the entire intent of the Vanity
Call procedure was pre-empted in this case. No way can it be
argued that this call, assigned to a local Hawaiian club is
within that intent.   de KL7HF

>From force12e at lightlink.com (Natan Huffman)  Wed Jan 22 17:22:44 1997
From: force12e at lightlink.com (Natan Huffman) (Natan Huffman)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 12:22:44 -0500
Subject: Model RR & Contesting
Message-ID: <199701221723.MAA01137 at light.lightlink.com>

Was wondering if any contesters are also model railroaders.  If so, please
let me know.




>From n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten)  Wed Jan 22 19:45:51 1997
From: n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 14:45:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FSFD (50 States) Update for Jan 22 (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970122144532.7679A-100000 at hyper>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 08:42:44 -0500
From: Jim Hydzik <congress at magpage.com>
To: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l at Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: FSFD (50 States) Update for Jan 22

Hello ALL,      (QRP activity info at  http://www.dancris.com/~ki7mn)

The 50 States In 50 Days (FSFD) activity started Jan 01 and runs through
Feb. 20.  Below is a the schedule of States for the next few days.  We will
attempt to provide digested schedules of states/times/bands/freqs. to help
reduce message traffic to the reflector.  Typically, only 1 message per day.
                                          ALL TIMES UTC
Jan. 22 Wed. MICHIGAN    WA8LCZ, Byron 2000-2200     UTC 14.060-062
                                       2200-0000          7.041-043
   NOTE: Byron will also do MI on      0000-0500 THUR-UTC 3.697-700
         Jan. 25 on 18.085 15-2000z

                         W8KC, Paul    0200-0230 THUR-UTC  7.035-040
                                       0230-0315 THUR-UTC  3.710-715
                                       0315-0400 THUR-UTC  1.810-815


Jan. 23 Thursday MINNESOTA  K0EVZ, Doc 2300-0130       UTC  7.040
                                       0130-0300   FRI-UTC  7.112
                                       0300-0500   FRI-UTC  7.040

                             N0UR, Jim 2000-           UTC 14.060
       Let's keep Jim Busy.            2100-           UTC 10.116
       He'll stay on as long           2200-           UTC  7.040
       as the calls keep coming.       0100-       FRI-UTC  3.580
 Jim will check 21.060 @ 15 minutes past the hour starting 2000 UTC

  WVa          WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  0100-0330   FRI-UTC  7.055
                              Tom      0345-0500   FRI-UTC  3.535
Jan. 24 Friday WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  1230-1300       UTC  3.565
          Tom will be active all day,  1330-1400            7.055
          signing K8IID/8/WVA and ck   1500-1530           10.110
          Novice segments of active    1530-1630           14.045
          band at 15 min past the hr.  1700-1730           21.065
           Sugg. 7.112 & 3.708 MHz.    1730-1800           28.065
       Tom will also be available on the 160M contest Friday night

 MS          MISSISSIPPI  K5XU, Mike   0100-0330  SAT-UTC   7.042

Jan. 25 Saturday  MISSOURI N0IT, Dave  1900-2100      UTC  14.058 or 
              check 15M first--------->               21.058 if open
                                       2100-2200      UTC 10.115
                                       0000-0200  SUN-UTC   7.038
                                       0300-0400  SUN-UTC   3.562

          MICHIGAN #2    WA8LCZ, Byron 1500-2000      UTC  18.085

                               Before Babylon V and StarTrek
Jan. 26 Sunday  MONTANA  KJ7UN, Laura  1600-1700      UTC   7.045
                                       1700-1800      UTC  10.110
                                       1800-1900      UTC  28.116
                                         If Dead Band then 14.058
                                       1900-2000      UTC 21.121
                                         If Dead Band then  7.045
                                       2000-2100      UTC  14.058
                    Go Packers

Jan. 27 Monday  NEBRASKA  NEBRASKA   WB0QQT, Steve        TBA

Most every sign-up came with a note saying they would go longer if busy.
Frequencies are +/- QRM & typ. may reach as far as 3-4 KHz from posted freq.

CALLING CQ:  A suggestion.  If we call CQ WAS  or  WAS QRP de K6....  etc,
we give those not on QRP-L an indication of what we're doing.  FSFD type
calling might be too cryptic for all but ourselves.  However 'FS' is fine
when busy.  Exchange RST, State/Province/Country, and Name.  Power level is
nice to know.

HAWAII:  KB0ROL is in HAWAII until Jan. 25 and will post his time/freq info
to the group when ready.  Best guess is Thursday 0200-0400 UTC on 20M or
40M.  Awaiting more info from Brad.

If you want to sign-up for an upcoming State, e-mail band/freq/time directly to:
                         congress at magpage.com
Thanks for all the responses/encouragement and suggestions.  Lets have a blast!

Jim  K3QIO  Wilmington, Delaware  

>From k8yse at en.com (John Papay)  Wed Jan 22 20:43:05 1997
From: k8yse at en.com (John Papay) (John Papay)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 15:43:05 -0500
Subject: Macau (XX9) and Aland Is.(OH0)
Message-ID: < at en.com>

Martti Laine, OH2BH, has announced the following operations:


Macau, XX9TR

The Finnish Trio of OH2BH,OH2PM,OH2YY will team up at the famous New Century
Hotel site on Taipa Island, Macau. The operation will be for three days, 
beginning of Friday, January.24 and will be terminated on Monday, January.27.

The equipment will be Yaesu FT1000MP and a light solid-state amp.


Aland Islans, OH0NYP

Following the CQWW 160M weekend, Jan.31 thru Feb.02, another group of OH1NX, 
OH1NYP, OH1TX and OH2BH will activate OH0NYP on 160M. The variety of other
callsigns maybe heard on the higher bands. If you wish to have a specific 
schedule, you may communicate your suggestions directly to OH1EB.
The 160M station will transmit 1825KHz, specially focusing the JA and U.S. 

                                                 John Papay K8YSE
                                                 k8yse at en.com

>From n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten)  Wed Jan 22 21:26:36 1997
From: n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 16:26:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FSFD SECOND Update for Jan 22 add HI/AK (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970122162616.10883A-100000 at hyper>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 15:00:03 -0500
From: Jim Hydzik <congress at magpage.com>
To: Low Power Amateur Radio Discussion <qrp-l at Lehigh.EDU>
Subject: FSFD SECOND Update for Jan 22 add HI/AK

Hello ALL,      (QRP activity info at  http://www.dancris.com/~ki7mn)

 ******NOTE: ALASKA and HAWAII new posting today

The 50 States In 50 Days (FSFD) activity started Jan 01 and runs through
Feb. 20.  Below is a the schedule of States for the next few days.  We will
attempt to provide digested schedules of states/times/bands/freqs. to help
reduce message traffic to the reflector.  Typically, only 1 message per day.
                                          ALL TIMES UTC
Jan. 22 Wed. MICHIGAN    WA8LCZ, Byron 2000-2200     UTC 14.060-062
                                       2200-0000          7.041-043
   NOTE: Byron will also do MI on      0000-0500 THUR-UTC 3.697-700
         Jan. 25 on 18.085 15-2000z

                         W8KC, Paul    0200-0230 THUR-UTC  7.035-040
                                       0230-0315 THUR-UTC  3.710-715
                                       0315-0400 THUR-UTC  1.810-815

  HAWAII   HAWAII   KB0ROL/KH6, Brad   0200-0400 THUR-UTC  7.112

Jan. 23 Thursday MINNESOTA  K0EVZ, Doc 2300-0130       UTC  7.040
                                       0130-0300   FRI-UTC  7.112
                                       0300-0500   FRI-UTC  7.040

                             N0UR, Jim 2000-           UTC 14.060
       Let's keep Jim Busy.            2100-           UTC 10.116
       He'll stay on as long           2200-           UTC  7.040
       as the calls keep coming.       0100-       FRI-UTC  3.580
 Jim will check 21.060 @ 15 minutes past the hour starting 2000 UTC

  WVa          WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  0100-0330   FRI-UTC  7.055
                              Tom      0345-0500   FRI-UTC  3.535
Jan. 24 Friday WEST VIRGINIA  K5IID/8  1230-1300       UTC  3.565
          Tom will be active all day,  1330-1400            7.055
          signing K8IID/8/WVA and ck   1500-1530           10.110
          Novice segments of active    1530-1630           14.045
          band at 15 min past the hr.  1700-1730           21.065
           Sugg. 7.112 & 3.708 MHz.    1730-1800           28.065
       Tom will also be available on the 160M contest Friday night

 MS          MISSISSIPPI  K5XU, Mike   0100-0330  SAT-UTC   7.042

Jan. 25 Saturday  MISSOURI N0IT, Dave  1900-2100      UTC  14.058 or 
              check 15M first--------->               21.058 if open
                                       2100-2200      UTC 10.115
                                       0000-0200  SUN-UTC   7.038
                                       0300-0400  SUN-UTC   3.562

          MICHIGAN #2    WA8LCZ, Byron 1500-2000      UTC  18.085

  ALASKA           AL7FS, Jim   Will start between 1800-1900 UTC
                          on 21.064, 14.064, 10.126 (dn to 10.123)
       ALASKA               He'll be on the highest active band
                       Check all three frequencies through 2359 UTC
                           0000-0300 UTC  Mostly 7.044 then 3.564
    Jim will juggle the bands based upon condx to the States but
             will stay as close as possible to the freqs above.
             Look for the major band change at 0000 UTC to 40/80M
Jan. 26 Sunday  MONTANA  KJ7UN, Laura  1600-1700      UTC   7.045
                                       1700-1800      UTC  10.110
                                       1800-1900      UTC  28.116
                                         If Dead Band then 14.058
                                       1900-2000      UTC 21.121
                                         If Dead Band then  7.045
                                       2000-2100      UTC  14.058
                    Go Packers

Jan. 27 Monday  NEBRASKA  NEBRASKA   WB0QQT, Steve        TBA

Most every sign-up came with a note saying they would go longer if busy.
Frequencies are +/- QRM & typ. may reach as far as 3-4 KHz from posted freq.

CALLING CQ:  A suggestion.  If we call CQ WAS  or  WAS QRP de K6....  etc,
we give those not on QRP-L an indication of what we're doing.  FSFD type
calling might be too cryptic for all but ourselves.  However 'FS' is fine
when busy.  Exchange RST, State/Province/Country, and Name.  Power level is
nice to know.

If you want to sign-up for an upcoming State, e-mail band/freq/time directly to:
                         congress at magpage.com
Thanks for all the responses/encouragement and suggestions.  Lets have a blast!

Jim  K3QIO  Wilmington, Delaware  

>From jcarter at mailhost2.csusm.edu (Jerry A. Carter)  Wed Jan 22 22:26:54 1997
From: jcarter at mailhost2.csusm.edu (Jerry A. Carter) (Jerry A. Carter)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 22:26:54 +0000
Subject: CQP Results - Just Curious
Message-ID: < at mailhost2.csusm.edu>

We had the good fortune of hosting the All California Six Foxy Ladies
(AC6FL) team at our station during the 1996 California QSO Party.

Within a few days of the contest, the logs were sent in along with a Tee
shirt order, request for results reply, and a check for the Tee shirts and

To date, we have seen neither the results, Tee shirts, nor the a bank
statement indicating that the check has been cashed.

Can someone provide an answer via email -  We don't have a number to call.


Harry A. Hodges, WA6YOO
Jerry A. Carter, N6TCB
Hosts for the AC6FL Team

>From andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas)  Thu Jan 23 01:46:50 1997
From: andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net (Andrius Ignotas) (Andrius Ignotas)
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 01:46:50 GMT
Subject: LY5A-qsl info
Message-ID: <199701230146.BAA06930 at pikuolis.omnitel.net>

in 1996 LY5A was :

CQ WW WPX CW  operate by YL3CW  (single band-20 meters)         -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW 160m CW operate by LY2IJ                                  -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW WPX SSB                   (multi-multi)                   -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW 160m SSB operate by LY3MM                                 -via LY2ZZ
WAE DX C CW                     (multi-single)                  -via LY2ZZ
WAE DX C SSB   operate by LY2BTA(single op.-all bands)          -via LY2ZZ
ALL ASIAN SSB  operate by LY2BTA(single band-20 meters)         -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW DX SSB   operate by LY2BTA(single op.-all bands assisted) -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW DX CW                     (multi-multi)                   -via LY2ZZ
CQ WW DX RTTY  operate by LY3MM (single band-20 meters)         -via LY2ZZ
ALSO LY0HQ during  IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP (multi-multi)           -via LY2ZZ

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT:andriusi at siauliai.omnitel.net


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