AL-1200 Amp Opinions Pls

wstrahl at wstrahl at
Thu Jan 23 13:57:00 EST 1997

I am considering acquiring a contest-quality amp, and I have heard
pretty favorable comments on the Ameritron AL-82 (2 3-500Z's).
Are there any users/opinions regarding the AL-1200 and if that one
might be a better choice ?  What plate voltage is used ?  Is it
'instant-on' ?  What kind of drive pwr for what output ?  How's the
blower noise ?  Can it handle a RTTY contest without melt down ?
Is it usuable on 12 & 17M ?  Are input circuits tuned/easily re-tuneable ?
Have there been any magazine reviews by astute people ?

All info/comments appreciated.

Happy contesting/DX'ing from my part of the black hole,

Wayne - W9II      wstrahl at

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