[DX] TN-activity by DJ6SI

danmec at inet.uni-c.dk danmec at inet.uni-c.dk
Sat Jan 25 10:02:02 EST 1997

Baldur showed up on 30 meters last night with a good signal on 10101, lsn up 
73  Rag  oz8ro
On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, "PETER BLEIER" <bleier at kalaha.pdb.sni.de> wrote:
>Baldur, DJ6SI stays from 24. Januar until 4. Februar 1997
>in Brazzaville. A licence is promised. The call
>will be issued after arrival.
>CW on the usual DX frequencies. 160m is provided.
>73 de Peter, DF6QN

>From wrt at eskimo.com (Bill Turner)  Sat Jan 25 13:23:14 1997
From: wrt at eskimo.com (Bill Turner) (Bill Turner)
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 13:23:14 GMT
Subject: A Great Call
References: <199701250424.TAA16666 at calvino.alaska.net>
Message-ID: <32ea0858.1152941 at mail.eskimo.com>

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997 19:24:51 -0900 (AKST), kl7y at Alaska.NET (Dan Robbins)
>Let's see, we have guys who make up phony radio clubs to get special =
>calls.  We have those who do tricks with addresses to get a special =
>call.  Now we have guys with CB handles assessing the situation. =20
>Dr. Buffoon-ick, go P1SS up a R0PE.  There's a couple calls you missed.
>Thank God there's a contest this weekend to purge this looniness from =
>                                Dan KL7Y
Dan for heaven's sake, lighten up!  Dr. Bafoofnik is perhaps the only =
voice of sanity on the Internet.  Without him this would be a poorer =
indeed. =20

40 years a ham and still going strong...

73, Bill W7TI
wrt at eskimo.com

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