A Great Call

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Sat Jan 25 09:39:20 EST 1997

>>                                Dan KL7Y
>Dan for heaven's sake, lighten up!  Dr. Bafoofnik is perhaps the only real
>voice of sanity on the Internet.  Without him this would be a poorer place
>40 years a ham and still going strong...
>73, Bill W7TI
>wrt at eskimo.com

Not only did I find the good Doctor's posting hilarous, but I also did 
not note one bit of animosity in it (unlike many of the other postings). 
He was just having fun!

Now CONTEST ... you have the REF CW, UBA SSB and 160 Meter Contests this 
weekend ... take your pick!

73, Zack W9SZ


>From trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough)  Sat Jan 25 15:51:18 1997
From: trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough) (Trey Garlough)
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 97 7:51:18 PST
Subject: important message from N5KO
Message-ID: <CMM. at scv-cse-3.cisco.com>

In case you may have missed this message, I'm reposting it with a 
different subject.  Sorry for the inconvenience to those who already
saw this.

--Trey, N5KO

> Baldur showed up on 30 meters last night with a good signal on 
> 10101, lsn up 1-2.

A good place to post this type of information would be the DX mailing
list, dx at ve7tcp.ampr.org.  CQ-Contest is the wrong place to post
DXpedition updates and inquiries, as well as inquiries about the
status of other ham-radio mailing lists and other non-contest issues.

I would also like to place a moratorium on the discussion of the
vanity callsign program, effective immediately.  I'm sorry.  I just
can't take it any longer.  It seems like a zillion people have
requested this, and I keep saying "Don't worry.  It will blow over as
soon as everyone gets their new calls."  Obviously I was wrong.

If someone feels there is a need for further public discussion on the
topic of vanity calls, please create a vanity callsign mailing list
and rekindle the discussion there.  Thank you for your consideration.

--Trey, N5KO

>From MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin)  Sat Jan 25 18:21:40 1997
From: MARKV at SNC-LAVALIN.COM (Vitaly Markhasin) (Vitaly Markhasin)
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 13:21:40 -0500
Subject: [DX] TN-activity by DJ6SI -Reply
Message-ID: <s2ea0934.043 at SNC-LAVALIN.COM>

>>> Trey Garlough <trey at cisco.com>  1/25/97, 07:06am >>>

>If someone feels there is a need for further public discussion on
>topic of vanity calls, please create a vanity callsign mailing list
>and rekindle the discussion there.  Thank you for your

--Trey, N5KO

BRAVO, Trey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vitaly (VE6JO)

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