[CQ-Contest] Sweepstakes Legends

Robert Neece al511 at freenet.uchsc.edu
Wed Jul 9 14:34:05 EDT 1997

As I recall, the first full-capability two-radio efforts
that gained wide-spread recognition in SS were done by WB6OLD in
the early-to-mid 1970's from the QTH of Ted Gillette, W6HX.

Ted's station was a mirror-image set up, that is, it
featured bilateral symmetry.  In the center were
side-by-side Signal-One transceivers.  To the right of
the right-hand transceiver was a Henry 3-K amp.  To the
left of the left-hand xcvr was another Henry 3-K.
A pair of Electro-Voice mics were mounted side by side
in front of the two xcvrs:  one mic connected to one
xcvr, the other mic to the companion xcvr.  

How did this get up work?  Check the top-ten box for 1974,
printed in QST, May 1975, p. 60.  

I was fortunate enough to make the PHONE box that year, for the 
first time, operating K0ZCM.  What is less fortunate, though, is 
that my score was at the opposite end of the top-ten list from W6HX.

73 de Bob, K0KR

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